🅆𝔢 🄷𝘢𝖛🄴 𝔐𝘳. 𝕻🅘𝘨. 𝕀𝒇 𝘆ℴ𝖚 𝑒🅅𝓮🅡 🆆𝒂🅽𝓉 ⓣ𝔬 𝑠𝘦𝖊 ℎⓘ𝒎 𝒂𝖌𝘢🅸🅽 𝒑𝕠𝕤𝓽 𝕟𝑢🅳𝚎𝑠 𝘄𝚒ⓣ𝘩 🄿𝔯𝐨𝑜𝒇.
One word. Catnip.
Musk is trying to remove CCP tik-tok like capabilities to influence on twitter by curtailing site scraping. Anon supports because it should impede the CCP trying to burrow into user's minds. Suggesting stupid or possibly destructive stuff. Think Milk Crate Challenge. Wouldn't be surprised at all to learn they had something to do with the promotion of the Tide Pod challenge also.