All pb
You tell it to leave.
In Jesus name I demand you leave my house, my mind. I will not hear you any longer. Depart evil get out. Jesus is my Lord and I only lusten to truth.
Dark feelings depart, you are not welcome here.
In Jesus name. By His wounds I am healed.
Say this evertime you feel depression. If all you can say is
Jesus help me. Jesus is
Say that
Over and over until the evil keaves.
It is true and works.
May have to do it 100 times a day
As the enemy has an army to attack you.
Believe this.
Speak your words of truth, God says you are to do this.
Spiritual battle us upon you.
Enemy wants you dead as God has something for you enemy never wants you to see.
That i s depression.
All depressed
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Spiritual battle
Put on your armor of God
Enemy is killing some of your hearts and minds
I am typing all this as The Lord prmpts me
Ears to hear
Eyes to see