Anonymous ID: d9e84c July 1, 2023, 4:23 p.m. No.19107476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7486 >>7507 >>7513 >>7518 >>7708

All pb


You tell it to leave.

In Jesus name I demand you leave my house, my mind. I will not hear you any longer. Depart evil get out. Jesus is my Lord and I only lusten to truth.

Dark feelings depart, you are not welcome here.


In Jesus name. By His wounds I am healed.


Say this evertime you feel depression. If all you can say is

Jesus help me. Jesus is



Say that

Over and over until the evil keaves.


It is true and works.


May have to do it 100 times a day

As the enemy has an army to attack you.


Believe this.

Speak your words of truth, God says you are to do this.


Spiritual battle us upon you.


Enemy wants you dead as God has something for you enemy never wants you to see.


That i s depression.




All depressed

Go there listen to all free audio

Watch all

Read all


Spiritual battle



Put on your armor of God


Enemy is killing some of your hearts and minds


I am typing all this as The Lord prmpts me


Ears to hear

Eyes to see

Anonymous ID: d9e84c July 1, 2023, 4:28 p.m. No.19107486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7504 >>7537 >>7832



Like it or not, every one of us is in a spiritual war. God is for us, and the devil is against us. The one we cooperate with is the one who will control us. You can't be discharged from the service in this war, and ignorance of its extent only aids the enemy. The enemy loves to work covertly, using his only weapon, deception. In this teaching, Andrew exposes this war and the enemy for what he is.

Other lessons in this teaching

Select a lesson tile below to listen:


Select a lesson tile below to listen:

Lesson 1 - We're in a Spiritual War


Duration: 01:12:52


Current Lesson


Lesson 2 - Who Made Satan?


Duration: 01:18:28


Lesson 3 - With Authority Comes Responsibility - Part 1


Duration: 01:14:30


Lesson 4 - With Authority Comes Responsibility - Part 2


Duration: 01:12:14


Lesson 5 - Law Enforcement


Duration: 01:18:16

Anonymous ID: d9e84c July 1, 2023, 4:33 p.m. No.19107504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7507 >>7518 >>7537


Vet past bred suicidal





Spirit, Soul and Body

Published on: May 14, 2023


Do you really know your identity in Christ? Until you understand the three parts of your existence, you won’t experience who you are and what you have in Him. This is the key that unlocks the Christian life, and it’s actually the foundation for almost everything the Lord has shown Andrew. In this transformational message, you will discover the power behind seeing yourself as God sees and relates to you in your spirit. You will also discover how to: • Renew your mind • Harness your emotions • Walk in the Spirit • Access supernatural faith and power God made you as a three-part being, and you can change your life by receiving what He has already made available in your born-again spirit.

Other lessons in this teaching

Select a lesson tile below to listen:


elect a lesson tile below to listen:

Lesson 1 - The Basics of Spirit, Soul & Body


Duration: 01:18:08


Lesson 2 - Eternal Redemption


Duration: 01:16:50


Current Lesson


Lesson 3 - The Fruit of the Spirit/The Faith of God


Duration: 01:16:58


Lesson 4 - Two Types of Righteousness


Duration: 01:17:59

Anonymous ID: d9e84c July 1, 2023, 4:37 p.m. No.19107518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7537 >>7832





Don't Limit God

Published on: Apr 8, 2018


Current Lesson: "Wrong Beliefs"


If you want to learn to see yourself the way God sees you, and move from small thinking to seeing yourself successful, Don't Limit God is for you! This powerful teaching will give you the tools you need to walk in God's promises and plans for your life!

Other lessons in this teaching

Select a lesson tile below to listen:


alk in God's promises and plans for your life!

Other lessons in this teaching

Select a lesson tile below to listen:

Lesson 1 - Wrong Beliefs


Duration: 01:12:44


Lesson 2 - Cares of This World


Duration: 01:04:05


Lesson 3 - Fear of Risk


Duration: 01:05:33


Lesson 4 - Fear of Success


Duration: 00:44:18


Current Lesson


Lesson 5 - Imagination Part 1


Duration: 01:18:59


Lesson 6 - Imagination Part 2


Duration: 01:18:57

Anonymous ID: d9e84c July 1, 2023, 4:41 p.m. No.19107537   🗄️.is 🔗kun





The War Is Over

Published on: Apr 20, 2010


Current Lesson: "Peace and Goodwill"


There have been many wars throughout history, and more are yet to come. However, the most important one is over, and most Christians don't even know it. Which war could that be? Listen as Andrew explains; it will change the way you relate to God forever.

Other lessons in this teaching

Select a lesson tile below to listen:


Lesson 1 - Peace and Goodwill


Duration: 01:15:00


Lesson 2 - Is Jesus Enough?


Duration: 00:59:49


Current Lesson


Lesson 3 - Once, for All Eternity


Duration: 01:08:59


Lesson 4 - Old Versus New


Duration: 00:50:49


Lesson 5 - Seeing It Backwards


Duration: 01:02:30

Anonymous ID: d9e84c July 1, 2023, 5:11 p.m. No.19107678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7708 >>7832

All praise and glory to

The Most High God

Jesus Is Lord Of All.

I posted in obedience to His prompting.

He put it on my heart.

I, too had major depression. Felt like a pain above my stomach a blow chest, a deep hole of pain, woke up with it, deep gloom i could feel and was sickening grief. Felt pinned to bed or couch, like really pinned. Deep head heart mind body pian never felt before. Somoene told me about Satan and his hatred of me and how to fight. Then saw it in scripture and never take Satans/ devil shit any longer. he tries tactics to slip back in, then i see it and figbt some moar. God already won. You need to remind that devil and tell him to btfo in Jesus name i say it with AUTHORITY TO TELL himTO LEAVE.

Devil knows yhe outcome, he is hoping you don't. When you don't know, you panic and believe lies.

Devil attacks you because you are blind to the truth God already accomplished. Once you realize God is for you and WON already, shit gets so much better.


Don't fall for the lie of depression.


All the gay and trans stuff by tbe way, wrong body, born tjis way, all lies told to sad people.


Jesus is truly the answer.

All the crap in world is due to ignorance of Gods word and not beliving HE is true.

Deciever Satan /Devil

Has everyones ear.


Sheesh, most fell for Covid lies, that is just small example.


Satan is a master schemer, " cut of your dick, you are really a girl".


Fuck a doods ass, born this way.


All lies.


Blind people.

Depression is no different.

Believing lies from tne pits of hell for the father of lies.


Tell depression it must leave as Jesus is healer and by Jesus stripes on the cross, He already took away all sickness.


Claim it as true because it is.


Anonymous ID: d9e84c July 1, 2023, 5:16 p.m. No.19107708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7724 >>7742 >>7779 >>7832




Many people find it difficult to believe that God wants them well. When they experience something that seems contrary to the Word, they become discouraged and believe their prayers are not being answered. In his God Wants You Well teaching, Andrew shares the truth of what God’s unconditional love and grace have already provided—such as healing. From this teaching, you will: - Learn how to walk confidently in the health and healing that God desires for you, - See your way of thinking about pain and sickness radically transformed, - Understand what God’s unconditional love and grace have already provided, and - Be empowered to share the truth of God’s Word with those who need healing. This teaching is packed with biblical truths that will revolutionize your understanding about healing. Order this life-changing product today!

Other lessons in this teaching

Select a lesson tile below to listen:


Lesson 1 - Jesus Proved God's Will


Duration: 01:05:52


Current Lesson


Lesson 2 - Healing Is in Christ's Atonement


Duration: 01:09:30


Lesson 3 - The Laws of Faith


Duration: 01:10:15


Lesson 4 - Voice Activated Healing


Duration: 01:06:27


Lesson 5 - Why Isn't Everyone Healed?


Duration: 01:05:49


Lesson 6 - What About Paul's Thorn in The Flesh?


Duration: 01:00:09

Anonymous ID: d9e84c July 1, 2023, 5:21 p.m. No.19107742   🗄️.is 🔗kun



10 Reasons It's Better to Have the Holy Spirit

Published on: Jul 8, 2022


Current Lesson: "The Holy Spirit in Us / Born of the Spirit


Have you ever felt like it would be easier if Jesus were right there next to you? Well, Jesus Himself said we have something better—the Holy Spirit. And having the Holy Spirit is better than having Jesus here in His physical body (John 16:7). In this teaching, 10 Reasons It's Better to Have the Holy Spirit, Andrew guides you step by step into a better understanding of the ministry of the Holy Spirit, enabling you to place a value on that ministry in agreement with what the Bible teaches and to see significant growth in your walk with the Lord. From this teaching, you'll discover these four life lessons: 1) Jesus lives in all born-again believers by the Holy Spirit. 2) When you were born again, mankind’s sinful nature was taken out of you and replaced with God's nature. 3) The indwelling Spirit should be like a river flowing out of us. 4) The Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth.

Other lessons in this teaching

Select a lesson tile below to listen:


eplaced with God's nature. 3) The indwelling Spirit should be like a river flowing out of us. 4) The Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth.

Other lessons in this teaching

Select a lesson tile below to listen:


Lesson 1 - The Holy Spirit in Us / Born of the Spirit


Duration: 00:55:35


Current Lesson


Lesson 2 - Revelation Knowledge / Power


Duration: 01:05:22


Lesson 3 - Remembering All / Things to Come


Duration: 00:45:34


Lesson 4 - Holy Spirit Gifts


Duration: 01:11:53


Lesson 5 - Fruitfulness / Comforted to Comfort / Sin, Righteousness, Judgment


Duration: 01:01:55

Anonymous ID: d9e84c July 1, 2023, 5:29 p.m. No.19107779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7782




Jamie and I are so thankful that our paths have crossed with yours. In fact, we believe it was a divine appointment. Over fifty years ago, an encounter with God changed our lives forever, and we believe that He’ll do the same for you. We consider it a privilege to have the opportunity to share the truth of His life-changing power and grace with you.


God called us to teach the truth of the gospel to the body of Christ with special emphasis on His unconditional love and the balance between grace and faith. We are doing our best to fulfill that call by teaching at conferences, in churches, on television, through podcasts, by training others at Charis Bible College, and by developing ministry materials to help you in your relationship with the Lord. We were once on the radio, but we have moved on to further-reaching mediums such as podcasts.


If you need prayer, would like to order materials, or have any questions, please call our Prayer Line: 719-635-1111. We are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and are staffed with mature, loving people who want to help you.


We welcome you to this ministry and pray that this is just the beginning of a relationship that will help you know and understand our loving heavenly Father in a deeper way.


God Bless You,



Anonymous ID: d9e84c July 1, 2023, 5:37 p.m. No.19107814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7822 >>7832



Feed on the milk then HE will later feed you meat.


Start now with God no matter your age.

Still a babe.

Start feeding on what you do not know…milk, just read.

Meat will come, hard teachings, once God sees you feeding on milk daily and growing, then lter solids, harder truths, then more and more feeding and growing….meat. Things that never made sense come alive.

Anonymous ID: d9e84c July 1, 2023, 6:43 p.m. No.19108149   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Come as you are.

The child thing is just to remind you that you have a Father who loves and cares about you and He just habbens to have created all things.


Anonymous ID: d9e84c July 1, 2023, 6:49 p.m. No.19108177   🗄️.is 🔗kun



