kys gary, you pathetic self-loathing boomer
kys too, shitbreath assfucking faggot
>Aluminum (Al) is abundantly distributed in our environment,
>Al has adverse effects on human memories and causes dementia when it enters the brain.
FFS… pls STOP conflating random factoids that have NOTHING to do with one another.
you CANNOT just say "aluminum bad" and lump every aluminum COMPOUND together.
CLAY is contains a shit ton of aluminum, and clay was used to make pots for storing and cooking food from time immemorial, with NO ILL EFFECTS.
yet a trace of aluminum hydroxide in a vax is enough to cause permanent brain damage (frequently CONFUSED with autism).
learn some basic chemistry, or stay out of the debate.
>dont forget about the 13 states that were airdropped 'rabies vaccine pellets' this year and last.
it's actually a GOOD thing, and i am thankful that they do it in my state.
not everything is a conspiracy.