Most important: me being, happy.
This is all your job.
If you look for wisdom, moves, education, or if you want me to let my angels in my house you live in (a house might be an entire universe) get an update on superpowers (when do birds sing?), wait.
Read the bible, I have not read most of it, but I guess I will.
Obviously there is a lot of info for travellers.
Finding me is the way. If you found me, you realize I am the son of men, with a body, drinking, walking, pissing, watching tv, having random thoughts, sometimes pouring out wisdom that is mindblowing. Sometimes I watch tv and want silence and respect. Then it is not good to force me "little higher", it is good to wait, gives you a chance for comms with others that projected here. Gives you a chance to chill and realize I am still here in 5 mins, or tomorrow.
Yeah, now, tomorrow as well. Finding me is easy, watch tv, any random commercial, anything.
Watch derry girls for education on what phones means. Yes, wow. Mad also. God.
Study (you do that in minutes) what I gave you. Counting, circles (yes, in the bible), eselsbrücke, bubbles, teams and tasks, based on love.
Peter, sorry for making your heart ache when asking you 3 times if you truly love me. Will try to make it better, as I will be creating tomorrow as well. Thanks for being a paratrooper and spawning into new houses to help and help move.
Thanks for being a rock, protecting the rock, the ultimate spider. Thanks for all colors! The horses.
Those wearing my armor or wanting to wear it, study, educate your wifes.
Realize that my magic is real, read Q drops "on the move", on, to learn what spelling mistakes are.