Anonymous ID: 02a66f July 2, 2023, 7 a.m. No.19110527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0541 >>0687 >>0777 >>0801 >>1045 >>1161 >>1245

"At this moment, France is being destroyed by what the French police are calling "vermin". As usual, these vermin are advertised as "minority" "teens" and "children" when in reality, no one knows what the hell they are, given that they're all undocumented illegal invaders who generally turn out to be military-age males. In any case, they are wantonly burning and wrecking one of the greatest and most beautiful countries in the world, and certainly in the West. Though invited in and pampered with unlimited sops and freebies, they simply aren't satisfied! Or translated into ebonics, dey wants mo!


I daresay the French police are well within their rights to use such terminiology. In fact, their choice of words may be far too kind. But it's still infuriating to hear them appeal to "their government" (it actually has nothing to do with the will of the native French) and "their leaders" (actually their sworn enemies) to save "their nation" (they no longer have a nation of their own, as they would have, for example, if they turned Black and moved to Somalia or Ethiopia - moving there while White would be very bad for their health). Infuriating and lugubrious, in fact.


London Guardian: "[Despicable bankster buttboy and so-called French President] Emmanuel Macron has postponed a state visit to Germany because of the ongoing unrest in France, German authorities have said."


Hmm…Germany. If there's any EU nation even more put upon than France, it might be Germany. A thought springs to mind.


If one objects to the illegal 100% nonwhite mass migration pimped to and forced down the throats of Whites throughout the Western world, a modern "liberal", brimming with badly faked compassion, is likely to ask this question: "But faced with millions of impoverished refugees seeking a better life, what would Jesus have done?"


Obviously, Jesus would have had compassion on the Christian people of France and the White race in general, and said "Rid yourselves of the demons that your evil scribes, pharisees, and moneychangers, evildoers and blasphemers every one, have invited into the Temple wherein you dwell, and never again test the Mercy of God!"


It's only a matter of time before the French, and their fellow victims the Germans, learn to ask the opposite question: "Faced with wanton destruction by the evil, malevolent, demonic offspring of the revening dregs of Africa, what would Hitler have done?"


Yes, yes, I know. "Did he just write 'Hitler'?!!!" As a matter of fact, yes I did. He's a prominent historical personage whose name has been kept burningly alive by those who insist that he will always be the ultimate personification of evil even though he doesn't compare to, say, Joseph Stalin or Mao for sheer body count. In fact, some would argue that he was much better than the current run of German "leaders" for the German economy and German infrastructure.


Anyway, the answer is again obvious. Hitler would probably have said much the same thing as Jesus, but in slightly softer language. And for saying it, a rapidly increasing number of White people would reward him with a hearty round of applause.


If that puts anyone's nose out of joint, then get off your hypocritical lead ass and help get rid of the Godforsaken scribes, pharisees, and moneychangers responsible for destroying our nations."

Anonymous ID: 02a66f July 2, 2023, 7:10 a.m. No.19110572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0589 >>0623 >>0631 >>0635

Prayer is a weapon of war. Our main enemy is Satan, the angel that rebelled against God out of pride, and his servants the demons are the angels that followed it in his rebellion. Their main servants in this fallen world are the Jews, also known as the synagogue of Satan (there are no real Jews left anymore since Christ appeared, they either became Christians or they became the synagogue of Satan, which means anyone identifying as a Jew is of the synagogue of Satan, and anyone that supports Jews is serving the synagogue of Satan and its master, Satan itself).


>For the non-Christian frens:

Non-Christians can and should pray too, give it a try if you want, God can answer your prayers too, so join forces with us against Satan and his horde of loyal servants (the demons, the Jews, and those that serve the Jews/synagogue of Satan).


>Suggested prayer of war against Satan and his horde of demonic and Jewish servants:

"Our Father who art in Heaven, I humbly ask You that if it is your will, that You quickly and completely destroy all who serve Satan and his synagogue, that You quickly and completely destroy all of those who support the Rothschild founded pedophile haven known as Israel that they built with the fruits of their usury in occupied Palestine, and that You quickly and completely destroy all of those that support the Christ hating religion of Judaism that promotes pedophilia and the enslavement of all non-Jews as well as the death of all who refuse to submit to the Jews and their father the Devil."


>More praying, more good:

Repeat your prayers as much as you want, some Christians repeat the Jesus prayer up to hundreds of times per day.


>Related resources:

Proof that Israel is anti-Christian:


Proof that the Jewish sacred Talmud promotes pedophilia here:


Proof that Israel is a pedophile haven here:


Orthodox Christian talks by Priest-Monk Kosmas from Sydney:

Anonymous ID: 02a66f July 2, 2023, 7:13 a.m. No.19110591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0595 >>0813 >>0872


Read the 1790 Nationality Act that the Founding Fathers fully approved of.

"This was the first law to define eligibility for citizenship by naturalization and establish standards and procedures by which immigrants became US citizens. In this early version, Congress limited this important right to “free white persons.”"


1 minute video about this subject (the American man is Jared Taylor, who runs the American Renaissance organization):

Anonymous ID: 02a66f July 2, 2023, 7:14 a.m. No.19110593   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"If Jesus was still Jewish, Jews wouldn't have had Him crucified and then hunted down and murdered His followers.

Calling Jesus a Jew is just as dumb as calling Martin Luther a Catholic or George Washington a subject of the British Crown." - anonymous


"Did Jesus read the Talmud?" - anonymous


When Jewish shills try to claim Christ was a Jew in order to attack Christianity, show them this post:


All the time people claim that Jesus was a Jew. This statement is however either meaningless or a falsehood depending on how you define a "jew" as the definitions provided are opposing another.

So: What is a "Jew"?


The first definition that is used is:

>Those of the ethnic group the modern kikes are

Modern kikes are however Edomites >>378585332 >>378585384 were forcefully converted and created the oral law (which became the Talmud) in an effort to pilpul their way around the law. By this definition Jesus is not a "Jew"


The next one is

>Descendent of Judah

In this case Jesus would be a Jew, but modern kikes would be not.


>Those of the faith of Judaism

Judaism is Talmudism which is based on the Oral Law of the Pharisee, those that were rebuked by Jesus constantly because of their heretical practices so obviously Jesus didnt follow that faith and thus wouldnt be a "Jew".


>The whole of Israel

Sometimes people conflate "Jew" with the other 11 Tribes. In that case Jesus would be one but modern Kikes not


>Citizen of the state Judeah

This is the only case in which both, Kikes and Jesus can be considered a "Jew". This is also the definition of the word "Ioudaios" which the Bible has translated as "Jew" in the NT, as in Jesus time not only the descendents of Judah lived there but also the aforementioned Edomites which after the Babylonian Captivity essentially took over the country.

Anonymous ID: 02a66f July 2, 2023, 7:18 a.m. No.19110615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0621 >>0625 >>0627


It's verifiably not the Jews, it's the Presbyterians.


See with your own eyes all US politicians on both parties voicing their never ending loyalty to Israel:'s-power-over-Congress_-Both-parties-obey:a


Texas Officials Forcing Hurricane Victims to Pledge Loyalty to Israel to Receive Funding


Texas Elementary School Speech Pathologist Lost Her Job for Refusing to Sign Pro-Israel Oath


In Arizona, all 4 Republicans whose candidacies unsettled Jews have lost


"More than 95% of AIPAC-backed candidates won their election last night!"


AIPAC gets everyone:


The US budget is Israel-centric and Jew-centric:


"Cynthia McKinney: US Lawmakers Forced to Sign Pledge to Support Israel"


The Israel lobby is seeking loyalty oaths in America


"The Lobby: USA", where an undercover journalist infiltrates AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) and proves how zionist Jews commit crimes WITH FULL IMPUNITY against American citizens on American soil (following direct orders from Israeli officials) for the political benefit of Israel:


Consolidated Appropriations Bill Includes Nearly $5 Billion for Israel - June 2022


"Jim Traficant: Israel has used America as a Whore"–Israel-has-used-America-as-a-Whore:9


Senator Joe Lieberman brags about Chabad building a worldwide network bigger than the CIA:


The NSA sends all its raw data to Israel, including information pertaining to Americans worldwide including those living in America:


Jewish Orthodox woman is the head of the NSA cyber security section:


Proof that Israel uses the US Military to fight its wars and that US Armed Forces are nothing but cannon fodder for Israel:


How and why zionists (Jew and Gentile zionists alike) are always traitors/enemy combatants:

Anonymous ID: 02a66f July 2, 2023, 7:24 a.m. No.19110647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0655 >>0658 >>0661


The ones that followed Him became Christians, the others became the synagogue of Satan (because there are no real Jews left anymore after Christ is sent by God). Jews/Synagogue of Satan killed Him and now constantly shit on Him.

Anonymous ID: 02a66f July 2, 2023, 8:31 a.m. No.19111025   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1057 >>1081

"Want to know the reason Twitter is gutted and there is a total media blackout on France?


Because ZOGbots are getting bodied left and right. Globohomo absolutely CANNOT let the NPCs see the enforcer golems getting their shit pushed in like this. Pigs are getting shot, maimed with grenades (see webm) and run over with stolen cars.


The final straw the prompted the Twitter shutdown was when an "elite squad" of riot control pigs was blown apart by an IED last night."



"Pretty much all the shitskins who left to the middle east for ISIS to rape&kill&steal have now returned to europe.

Europe is now full of muslim extremists, but with the big difference from before, that these extremists have militairy training.

And that is what we are seeyign right now in these cities, trained muslim extrimists using militiary training to go after roit cops.

And the MSM is losing it's shit because they cant let the average euro realize that we now have a muslim paramilitairy spread out all over europe who hates everything europe stands for.

So the jew has ordered the MSM to SHUT IT DOWN!!!"