Anonymous ID: ca7b01 July 2, 2023, 6:55 a.m. No.19110509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0687 >>0777 >>1045 >>1161 >>1245

Jumpin’ Ju-Ju Bones – South Carolina Police Chief Estimates More than 50,000 Attended Trump Rally, “No way it was less than 50,000”


July 1, 2023 | Sundance |

We tend to forget but prior to candidate Donald J. Trump, in 2015, it was very rare to see presidential rallies with more than a few thousand attendees.


Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders each had sporadic big venue rallies at mostly schools and universities where attendance would top 10,000; however, no one consistently has rallies anywhere near the scale of Trump rallies.


According to the Greenville News, citing the police chief in South Carolina today, over 50,000 people showed up to support President Donald Trump in Pickens. That is a massive crowd of people traveling to one town venue.


[Greenville News] – […] Pickens Police Chief Randall Beach estimated a crowd of 50,000 showed up on a day when afternoon temperatures soared into the mid-90s, causing dozens of people suffer from heat-related illness. … “No way it was less than 50,000,” Beach said. (link)


(Via Daily Mail) – If anyone thought Donald Trump’s legals woes would eat into his public support in red state America then no one thought to tell the people of Pickens, South Carolina.


Its population of 3,300was swollen by thousands more who crammed into its main street to see the former president hold his first rally since being being charged with mishandling classified documents. Supporters behind him waved ‘witch hunt’ signs as he described how he had been charged under the Espionage Act.


‘Me? the espionage act?’ he said, describing how it was a an ‘act for crimes so heinous’ that the death penalty was needed.


‘it’s one of the most vicious legal theories ever put in a court of law. there’s never been anything like this,’ he added.


Insiders said the words were not the most important thing. The size of the crowd was what mattered about the day, making it a huge show of support.


The tiny city of Pickens closed its streets for the former president, packing in supporters who had traveled from North Carolina and Georgia, as well as South Carolina.


They stood on Main Street, between the county courthouse and Biven’s hardware store.


They heard Trump describe how as president he had ‘absolute right’ to declassify documents. And he said he was changing up his language because of the way he had been forced to appear in court earlier this month.


‘Now the gloves are off from that standpoint, what they’ve done is so terrible,’ he said.


‘So I’ll speak differently than I would have three weeks ago, because you never heard me use this kind of language. I wouldn’t want to out respect for our country and for the office.


‘But we really have no choice. These people are sick. They’re sick people.’


And he called special counsel Jack Smith a ‘thug’ for the way he had been pursued. (read more)

Anonymous ID: ca7b01 July 2, 2023, 7:06 a.m. No.19110555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0560 >>0574 >>0687 >>0777 >>1045 >>1161 >>1245

New Trade Analysis Shows Longevity of President Trump’s Tariffs Diminishing Chinese Imports – China fell from 21.6% of U.S. imports in 2017 to 16.5% in 2022


July 1, 2023 | Sundance |

New analysis of the long-term impact from Section 301 tariffs triggered by President Trump against China, shows just how consequential economic nationalism can become.

Our own analysis of U.S. consumer prices in 2019 showed that prices of imported goods actually declined despite the tariffs. A recent report from CPA takes a look at the impact to Chinese exports to the U.S. [SEE DATA HERE] Bottom line, the tariffs worked to reduce Chinese imports.

CPA – […] Since the Section 301 tariffs were imposed, the share of imports from China has steadily declined from 21.6% in 2017 the year prior to the tariffs to 16.5%, a decline of 5.1%. No other country has lost as much share of total U.S. import penetration over the past five years.

In terms of total import value, Mexico gained the most from the tariffs, adding $110.8 billion. Vietnam gained the second most in import value by $78.4 billion and by far gained the most of total share of U.S. imports. In 2017, Vietnam accounted for about 2% of U.S. imports at $46.5 billion. In 2022, the U.S. imported $127.5 billion in goods from Vietnam, and the share of the total nearly doubled to 3.9%. Other countries in Southeast Asia such as Thailand, Cambodia, and Indonesia all saw significant increases in their value of imports by the U.S. (read more)

With the leading opponent to President Trump,Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, not supporting tariffs on behalf of the multinationals and Club for Growth donorswho stand behind him, it’s worth revisiting the actual outcome to American consumers to dispel the popular myths about tariffs raising prices here at home.

It was the Fourth Quarter of 2019…..

Right before the pandemic would hit a few months later, despite two years of doomsayer predictions from Wall Street’s professional punditry, all of them said Trump’s 2017 steel and aluminum tariffs on China, Canada and the EU would create massive inflation – it just wasn’t happening!

Overall, year-over-year inflation was hovering around 1.7 percent [Table-A BLS]; yup, that was our inflation rate. The rate in the latter half of 2019 was firmed up with less month-over-month fluctuation, and the rate basically remained consistent. [See Below] The U.S. economy was on a smooth glide path, strong, stable, and Main Street was growing with MAGAnomics at work.

A couple of important points. First, unleashing the energy sector to drive down overall costs to consumers, and industry outputs was a key part of President Trump’s America First MAGAnomic initiative. Lower energy prices help the worker economy, middle class and average American more than any other sector.

Which brings us to the second important point. Notice how food prices had very low year-over-year inflation – 0.5 percent. That is a combination of two key issues: low energy costs, and the fracturing of Big Ag’s hold on the farm production and the export dynamic:

(BLS) […] The index for food at home declined for the third month in a row, falling 0.2 percent. The index for meats, poultry, fish, and eggs decreased 0.7 percent in August as the index for eggs fell 2.6 percent. The index for fruits and vegetables, which rose in July, fell 0.5 percent in August; the index for fresh fruits declined 1.4 percent, but the index for fresh vegetables rose 0.4 percent. The index for cereals and bakery products fell 0.3 percent in August after rising 0.3 percent in July. (link)

For the previous twenty years, food prices had been increasingly controlled by Big Ag, and not by normal supply and demand. The commodity market became a ‘controlled market’. U.S. food outputs (farm production) was controlled and exported to keep the U.S. consumer paying optimal prices.

President Trump’s trade reset was disrupting this process. As farm products were less exported, the cost of the food in our supermarket became reconnected to a ‘more normal’ supply and demand cycle. Food prices dropped, and our pantry costs were lowered.

The Commerce Dept. then announced that retail sales climbed by 0.4 percent in August 2019, twice as high as the 0.2 percent analysts had predicted. The result highlighted retail sales strength of more than 4 percent year-over-year. These excellent results came on the heels of blowout data in July, when households boosted purchases of cars and clothing….


That’s just the reality of the situation.They hate him for it…

Anonymous ID: ca7b01 July 2, 2023, 7:19 a.m. No.19110617   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Everyone says its awful for the Bidans to disown the grandchild. I personally thinks she’s blessed for not knowing or having their criminal name, or any contact with them.

Anonymous ID: ca7b01 July 2, 2023, 7:36 a.m. No.19110714   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Maybe a portion of the revolt in France is because they refused to listen to peaceful yellow vests, and they needed an all in horrible revolt! Except they let terrorists in!


I still think its a color revolution designed by the US against Macron because he made direct negotiations with China. Vassal states should not subvert their master!

Anonymous ID: ca7b01 July 2, 2023, 7:48 a.m. No.19110796   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2 Jul, 2023 12:56

Ex-Zelensky aide (whines &) blames West for counteroffensive failures

Kiev’s backers have been too slow with arms deliveries, Aleksey Arestovich has said


The West has failed to supply Ukraine with the weaponry required to achieve significant progress in its counteroffensive, a former adviser to President Vladimir Zelensky said on Saturday.


Speaking to Russian activist Mark Feygin, Aleksey Arestovich issued a stark rebuke of Kiev’s Western backers, warning that delays in arms shipments allow Russia to win time to enhance its military capabilities. He added that he has “a lot of questions for our beloved allies.”


“Why did you [Americans] prepare the counteroffensive in such a way and given such amount of weapons?… Maybe you were shepherding us towards negotiations from the very beginning?” he asked.


Another grievance is delayed shipments of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, Arestovich said. “If F-16s are basically approved, with pilot training already underway, why will they arrive in October or November, or even… in 2024, and why were they not provided in May before the decisive counteroffensive?” (Ukraine breaks or destroys every piece of equipment they get, maybe that’s the reason ingrate!)


Arestovich also commented on recent remarks by US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, who said that Kiev’s offensive would be “very bloody,” adding that he was “not surprised” that it was proceeding slower than expected.


“The deep understanding by the US commander has rattled me to the core,”Arestovich said. “The only question left to ask is:Where is the military assistance, required for accomplishing the tasks we had put forward?”


Ukraine started its much-hyped counteroffensive in early June, but all of its attacks have been repelled with heavy losses, according to the Russian Defense Ministry. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said that the offensive is developing “slower than desired” due to “tough resistance” from the Russians.


In late June, Mikhail Podoliak, a senior aide to Zelensky, also accused the West of being too slow with weapons deliveries, claiming that this allowed Moscow to set up formidable defenses.


Last month, the Financial Times reported that Western officials believe the Ukrainian counteroffensive has so far been unsuccessful, noting that further military assistance hinges on its eventual outcome.



(I just love this propaganda influence from Ukraine because it will lead to further delay! Ukraine is making a big mistake blaming their failures on the US and EU)This is the fifth leader (or ex-leader) in Ukraine in a week, blaming their allies, that are actually hurting their citizens to help Ukraine. The West should cut off Ukraine now, and eliminate the ingrates. But they won’t!)

Anonymous ID: ca7b01 July 2, 2023, 7:53 a.m. No.19110824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1045 >>1161 >>1245

2 Jul, 2023 11:35

Rioters rampage through Swiss city

Saturday’s unrest, apparently inspired by the disturbances in neighboring France, saw seven people arrested in Lausanne


Swiss police have apprehended seven people after rioting broke out on Saturday evening in downtown Lausanne. This incident came amid ongoing mass unrest in neighboring France.


More than a hundred youths gathered in the city center, vandalizing shop windows, a door and a sign, Lausanne police stated in a press release.


About fifty officers were deployed to quell the unrest, with rioters responding by throwing stones and at least one Molotov cocktail.


There have been no reports of injuries.


Authorities in neighboring France have claimed that the wave of violenceappeared to be decliningon the fifth night of rioting. The interior ministry reported Sunday morning that 719 people had been detained overnight.


In L’Hay-les-Roses commune to the south of Paris, rioters torched the car of the local mayor and rammed their own vehicle into his house. He was not at home at the time of the attack; however, his wife and two children had to flee the property. The woman sustained unspecified injuries in the process, and is being treated at a hospital.


According to the local public prosecutor’s office, an investigation into attempted murder has been launched in connection with the assault. Unverified footage has also begun circulating on social media,depicting rioters with what appears to be military-grade firearms.


French President Emmanuel Macron has postponed a planned visit to Germany due to the continuing unrest. Meanwhile, several European countries, including the UK, have issued travel advisories, recommending that their citizens avoid traveling to areas gripped by the violence.


The riots began on Tuesday night in the Paris suburb of Nanterre, after a police officer fatally shot 17-year-old pizza delivery driver Nahel M. during a traffic stop. While local prosecutors quickly arrested and charged the officer who fired the shot, that has not stopped the protests from spreading across the country and becoming increasingly violent.


(Are all Swiss men armed with guns?)

Anonymous ID: ca7b01 July 2, 2023, 8:13 a.m. No.19110927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0942 >>1045 >>1161 >>1245

Jay Valentine: How To Out-Compute The Left In 2024 Election

3:40 minutesUsing fractal technology, a 1,000 to a million times faster then current technology. Crimes series data of elections!

1st of 4 shorts clips


This video doesn’t get to the point because Bannon did his morning rant! Kek

Anonymous ID: ca7b01 July 2, 2023, 8:24 a.m. No.19110994   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Undeliverable data base, banks, empty lots, homeless shelters 7/11s etc. This is shit! NGOS are signing up to 400,000 non voters, with the full acquiesce of the Republican Party

Anonymous ID: ca7b01 July 2, 2023, 8:42 a.m. No.19111114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1161 >>1245

July 2, 2023

Mugged By The State?

By Mark Adams

Did you know that a doctrine known as “qualified immunity” shields local and state police from accountability? Federal cops enjoy an even broader, absolute immunity based on recent Supreme Court rulings that have eroded an earlier 1971 Supreme Court decision that allowed some lawsuits. Each of the federal circuit courts interprets prior high court rulings in its own way. In several cases, judges have shown common sense, allowing citizens to find a remedy when a federal cop violates their rights. Still, the weight of the law favors the feds.

Bizarre rulings in the Fifth and Eighth Circuits establish that, unless a federal incident exactly mirrors the 1971 case of Webster Bivens—a man who was handcuffed, arrested, and later strip-searched by federal agents after a warrantless search of his home—people whose rights are trampled by a federal officer have no remedy available to them.

As a result, the Constitution does not protect from abuse by federal police the millions of citizens residing in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska—all of whom fall in the districts covered by the Fifth and Eighth Circuits. This split among the courts means that Americans’ rights now depend on where they happen to

How bad is it?

Consider this headline from a June 21, 2022, press release from the Institute for Justice: “Supreme Court Ignores Constitutional Violations by Federal Police, Green Lights Absolute Immunity Even in Cases Dealing with Attempted Murder and Well-Documented Lies by Officers”

One petition to the Supreme Court sought to overturn a ruling from the Eighth Circuit appellate court granting immunity to a federally deputized St. Paul, Minnesota police officer whose well-documented lies cost Hamdi Mohamud, a teenage Somali refugee, two years of her life. When a rogue federal law enforcement officer lied about and manipulated facts, she was condemned to two years in federal prison: “My life was never the same since the time I got arrested. They took my life away.”

Kevin Byrd is another person who was entangled with a rogue federal law enforcement officer. He petitioned the Supreme Court, asking it to reverse a Fifth Circuit decision that granted immunity to Ray Lamb, a Department of Homeland Security agent, who tried to shoot and kill Byrd to prevent the latter from asking questions about Lamb’s son, who was involved in a drunken car crash the night before. Of his experience with Lamb, Byrd said, “I thought I was going to lose my life.”

This is sobering stuff, especially when juxtaposed with the weaponization of federal agencies. A 2020 report from Open The Books, describes “The Militarization of the U.S. Executive Agencies.” It explains,

According to the Heritage Foundation, you can “[a]dd the U.S. Department of Education to the list of federal agencies that can invade your home at gunpoint and hold you and your family in custody for hours.”

The reason for this warning was because of a bizarre 2011 incident in California. Federal “education” agents busted down the front door of his Stockton, California, home for a paramilitary-style raid because his estranged wife, who didn’t live with him, allegedly misused federal aid for students. Wright’s three children—3, 9, and 11—were at home and sequestered in a patrol car for two hours, while Wright was in custody for six hours.

Said a neighbor, “They all had guns. They dragged him out in his boxer shorts, threw him to the ground and handcuffed him.”

Qualified immunity also makes it difficult to win civil damages against local and state police for misconduct, a right Americans first gained in 1871.

It is certainly true that police officers must make difficult, on‐the‐spot decisions under conditions of danger and uncertainty. But the fact is that, under a 1989 Supreme Court decision, existing legal standards already exist for determining whether a constitutional violation occurred in the first place already take into account on‐the‐spot police decision‐making. In Graham v. Connor, the Court held that lower courts cannot second guess instantaneous on‐the‐spot policing decisions.Too often, though, the qualified immunity doctrine lets police brutality go unchecked, denying victims their constitutional rights….

Anonymous ID: ca7b01 July 2, 2023, 8:45 a.m. No.19111140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1161 >>1178 >>1198 >>1245


2nd of 3rd video (last video)

23 hours ago

“ERIC Sucks”: Jay Valentine Exposes Blindspots In National Election System, ERIC

11:14 minutes

Kari Lakes team use Jay Valentine and his fractal computer analysis to find out a lot more

Anonymous ID: ca7b01 July 2, 2023, 8:55 a.m. No.19111198   🗄️.is 🔗kun


All Voter rolls are messed up in every states, with and by elected election commissions intentionally mess with voter rolls, 2nd way the mailing of ballots that they know won't vote or they don’t exist


The company takes the voter rolls before or after. Massive changes


This is fucking shocking