Don't worry.
The power of the state is increasingly in the grasp of GEOTUS. Q team is doing the hard work.
We are in good hands.
Don't worry.
The power of the state is increasingly in the grasp of GEOTUS. Q team is doing the hard work.
We are in good hands.
They should be raffling off tickets to be a member of John Brennan's firing squad in Utah.
Proceeds can go toward buying houses for American veterans.
Remember: If Kennedy does announce his retirement from SCOTUS, the most important thing to do is gloat like a motherfucker in order to drive liberals even more batshit crazy than they are.
Point out that Donald Trump will have more lasting impact on the judiciary than any president in modern history, and that the Supreme Court will serve as a sledgehammer to left wing legislation for the next 30 years.
Kennedy's retirement will destroy the liberal agenda and make all of their work and money spent for the past decade completely irrelevant.
And so on.
Make the snowflakes melt. Now is the time to meme them off the cliff and into the waiting arms of law enforcement professionals.
The wheels of justice turn slowly but grind exceedingly fine.
It is worth it to get them into the criminal justice system, even though it seems like the long way around.
By way of illustration:
There used to be a Latin American strongman named Manuel Noriega. From his base in Panama, he ran a dictatorship but more importantly created a hub for drug trafficking to the United States.
Noriega was a badass, and appeared on his way to becoming what Pablo Escobar tried to become in Colombia: A drug lord with an official title, a seat at the international table, and a fucking military machine.
Then, the U.S. sent troops down to Panama, grabbed Noriega, brought him to Miami, and tried him in criminal court for drugs and such.
He was found guilty and thrown into an American prison.
Manuel Noriega was basically never heard from again. Boom.
Getting oneself caught up in the American criminal justice system is a world of fucking hurt. It is like quicksand, and Trump is very smart for funneling these clowns into that system rather than conducting asymmetric warfare by trying them in the court of public opinion.
Yes we hear about people using legal maneuvers to get off, and that is precisely the option that Sessions and company are eliminating by getting enough good actors into the right seats to ensure that our bad guys go down.
Down into a deep, dark, hole, never to poke their heads up again, just like what happened to Noriega.
Not true, anon. Kennedy is the center ideologically, of this court. He has had critical swing votes in 5-4 decisions both to the left and to the right.
The votes to the left have been big ones.
Of course, if RBG were to be replaced, that would be a bigger deal.
But the prospect of Kennedy being replaced with a solid conservative will be a nuclear explosion for the liberals, just watch.