Salon, hmmm
Libs need to know their heroes
May want to make breaks to eat, use bathroom etc
I dont think Q team was involved, just a very talented anon going by the name of Joe
Cuz you come here to dig and exchange ideas, not for entertaiment or serve your own curiosity, thats why
I mean everything said is consistent with what was/is done. Hard to believe but style kinda matches. I am puzzled in a good way. Who was the Steve mentioned? Also, any anon here experienced that live?
Which is in violation of any transplant list policy unless those hearts are donated, sarc
We just need to make them keep their pre election promises
No you can change the scree, i think there are like 3 choices by default
How did he vote on ban?
At that point he didnt have security briefings a now. It could look like this for him before. Not sayn i am convinced its Trump, just a thought
Cuz its aloeed even for SCOTUS to be politically motivated
I hope he later comes out how he was threatened, or well maybe not