Because we want to win the war.
Remember Iraq war 1.0 when we LOST badly?
On a PC you just click the back button two times and you are back here.
And on a mobile device, you tap-and-hold the link so it displays in a popup.
What's the big deal?
A priory is run by a prior.
Is it possible thatโฆ
P is the Prior of the Priory of Sion?
Or just plain
Prior of Sion?
Wouldn't he be the scion of the pharaohs?
Isn't that odd
Scion of Pharaoh
Prior of Sion
What do you mean, outa luck???
If you are phonefagging you DON'T CARE if the link goes to another bread.
Because you tap-and-hold to open up every link the exact same way, in a popup, so when you tap outside the popup, you are already back in the same place in the same bread without reloading anything.
Maybe somebody needs to make a video to teach numnuts how to use 8chan.
I wonder if there is a way to make postings pop up and hold on a desktop, because sometimes you want to scroll through a longer post which doesn't work so well with hover.
Hey, I have an idea!
Let's talk about this and share tips instead of ATTACKING FELLOW ANONS all the time?
Listen you fucking dickwad
Your message is OBNOXIOUS
You are saying:
I'm right and you're wrong, I'm big and you'r small
But another very courteous Anon started his post saying
Fuck U
And then proceeded to explain the issue
And sharing facts.
I like the Anon who said Fuck You,
enforcers of politically correct CHAN BEHAVIOR
Go suck your own dicks you morons!!!
This is the FUNNIEST post I have seen in weeks.
I laughed so hard that I cried
The universe is aligned, Anons
Things MUST be habbening