About : Protests in Iran
The press just started to attack us concerning the plausibility of a regime change in Iran (remember ? "if you want regime change in Iran you are a fool")
There are a few things to know about the Iranian regime, and why the following MSM narrative "those who want a regime change in Iran are stupid" is a hypocritical lie of epic proportion.
It takes litterally 10 minutes to understand who sponsored the actual Iranian regime and why.
The deep state organized the most recent regime change in Iran and you don't need to be a genius regarding the ties between the Obama admin and Hezbollah (plus the imfamous Iran Nuclear Deal aka JCPOA) to deduce WHO and WHY.
The topkek detail that makes the MSM narrative utterly wrong is that the Iranian people actually DO suffer from their own government because all promises made by their regime weren't kept neither acheived at all.
Anons need to understand that the internal situation of the country is bad. Unemployment is really, really high. Poverty is gaining grounds.
People are not protesting for the fun as a pastime nor showing "Q" signs to allow "making-fun-of-the-conspiracy" mass article writing by the MSM in the western world.
They are protesting because Iran is in a more advanced decomposition stage than our failed democracies.
Iran, it is litteraly any country of EU or any state of the USA in which people wouldn't have anything to loose anymore. A delicate balance : a still civilized state tainted by mass unemployment and poverty.
Famous geopolitical analysts and Arab World experts already have reported on the Iran case for years, including the regime change, all the protests, the JCPOA and the promises unkept to the people of Iran.
At this point that's not info from my magic hat : it is well documented and easily understandable knowing a bit of History.
The last example to date confirming the Trump Admin is trying to repair the huge mess in the Middle East :
http:// www.voltairenet.org/article201676.html
http:// www.voltairenet.org/article201689.html
https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-06-26/clashes-continue-iran-third-day-after-grand-bazaar-merchant-protest
Shills narrative "muh jews" is failing. Because Israel is no more a colonial power for the occidentals for 2 decades. Because both CIA and MI6 have chosen to weaponize the Muslim Brotherhood.
Every person pushing this failing narrative is either a shill or do not want things to calm down in the middle east.
Also, Jared is /ourguy/, a nice guy and a winner like his father in law.
Now remember how many time we may have read bullshit about Jared being a vile jew etc. And how important his role truly is.
Time to learn some History about the Middle East.