Here's some entertainment while we are waiting.
Spoiler: This is a Qresearch related Bible post, regarding how Christians might interpret some of the topics discussed here.
Time Travelers: It is widely believed that if Angels (and demons) aren't immortal, then they are close to it. A Bible verse also tells a story about an Angel asking for help, and being ignored, with the admonition that Angels are often among us, and not recognized as being Angels. Therefore, we should help strangers.
This leaves us thinking that Angels either always, or temporarily as the need presents itself, look exactly like an ordinary human. Since these Angelic beings are also more or less immortal, it stands to reason that they might be around, looking like a human, for many thousands of years.
If their human "look" is always the same (Biblically unclear), perhaps those old photos are not time travelers. What if an Angel was photographed listening to President Lincoln making a speech, then this same Angel was photographed listening to a President Clinton speech? I present to you the theory that yes, the same person was in both photos. But, that person did not travel across time. He was immortal, or nearly so, and had the same appearance across many hundreds of years.
Note that the Bible seems to be silent on whether an Angel would have the same appearance each time it is seen, and if Angels would show up in a photograph. It does state clearly that Angels are often mistaken for being human.