this really should have taken hold
>shills constantly trying to push the narrative of shutting the fuck up about worldwide jewish hegemony
they've been doing it since they migrated their fat asses off facebook in 2017 to the chans and it's not even that clever
because if fake news is crying about it and using it as a smear then it must be touching the right nerves
according to q, they don't have the gold
they actually believe what ukraine says at face value lmfao
the depths of stupidity knows no bounds
additional irony of wanting to mass leech content for free in a capitalist world
if something were good for you then they'd never offer it to you for free
the elite will be just fine behind their 10 foot tall steel gates and fully armed security detail
that's why they do this shit because they know they don't have to live in it or put up with it
all they want is warm bodies to spend money on their products and if mass immigration from savages ends up killing off the host population or breeding them out of existence then that's all the better because the retarded savages aren't the type to ask questions and are easier to lock down if the chimpouts get too bad
1,000 people could pretty easily be picked off with a capable squad and a few hundred meters of open ground that has to be covered before reaching the mansion
not to mention a helicopter ride to an airfield that'll carry them far away from any danger is only a phone call away for them
with the added fact that the real elites control entire armies or at the very least an entire battalion of pmc's
it's been done before with far less