step 1: slaughter ukrainians
step 2: import the 3rd world
globohomo marches on
911 block checking in
The "Total Rickall" theory is that parasites have fucked with our mind to make us think that certain parasites have always been here.
Pretty plausible theory
SNL murder hornets 1976
They were in a skit about a hospital that was vaxxing ppl for the fake VP rockefeller flu of that year
Even 60 minutes admitted it hurt a lot of people.
Wonder what else it did
let's see what chug is saying
< So bros, Ukraine plans on hitting the Nuclear power plant with missiles.
<As long as Ukraine doesn't use some glowie/kike missile to turn the nuclear reactor into a dirty bomb and irradiate half of Europe, I think this conflict is pretty much in the bag for Russia.
<Obviously since Ukraine was meant to be a new Israel and since Jews are insane psychotic assholes, that dirty bomb reality might still come to pass.
<I just hope Russia will use nukes if it happens instead of cucking.
>So first Russia blew its own pipeline what the just could have turned of.
>Then they blew up their dam, while they could have just opened the flood gates since the control station is on the Russian side
>And now they want to blow up their biggest nuclear power plant with 6 reactors?
Yes exactly. Because this is clownworld were Russia and Trump are evils destroy because our democracy
boo ya!
>could not find vid online. imagine that.
Yeah It was season 2, dvd is available, I have a copy
You found the hospital pic though.
It's a sly reference to vax death IMO. Liberals used to be liberal. Not so much now
>Let’s see how the French deal with this
mass deportation is the only answer that will save france
they look smart. faces exude intelligence.
now people just look like retards. something has been done to them. sure race is part of it but there's more
>one of the wealthiest families in Georgia,
communism is all for the wealthy. this shouldn't surprise anyone any more
communism is the controlled opposition of capitalism
>Why would you want to 'gather' anti-MAGA at all?
>when you wake up in the night, and want to pee, watch the fucking lego sheit
thank you for the warning mr future man
It looks like a giant solar asshole
>Eric Idle hosting
Oh yeah that's right. Because he looks kinda like George Harrison who also hosted in that era
>someone tell me how AOC is going to impeach Thomas when the Rs control the House
It doesn't matter it's just made for TV garbage
>1,000 people could pretty easily be picked off with a capable squad
your timeline sounds fun
this is a relic from the old days when the racists used to allow white people on money