Splendors of Ancient Egypt
John Wayne Tribute
Spreading The Living Word of Jesus Christ
CIA activities that had previously been covert, including actions in Iran, Vietnam, Laos, the Congo, Cuba, and Guatemala.
Africa Day - Dances from Botswana, Algeria and Zaire
"The General" (1926) Buster Keaton's Best Silent Film
The Door to Heaven - Taking Jesus as One's Savior
We’ll Never Turn Back - Black Voter Suppression
Diversity is our Strength!
The Mohammedan World
Ft. Polk 1969
I am the soldier with glasses on the left diagonally above the drill sergeant. I ended up serving 6 years with 4 years overseas as a Hawk Missile Crewman 16D . I am 71 now but will never forget that day. :-)
History of the U.S. Navy - The Naval Wars with France and Tripoli 1798-1805
Vintage Cartoons - Some of the best Golden Oldies!
Batteries Not Included "Collection of Vintage Toy Commercials"
Positron - Electron Annihilation
Charlie Chaplin - The Immigrant - 1917 - Silent Film