>be an "alien" from the future, a future that has not yet happened, but exists by me thinking about it.
>know that somehow you need to make sure you actually become a thing
>have time skills
>not only be aware of earth and humanity, sort of back then, but have it accessible time wise.
>feel the need to make sure humanity develops and behaves the way that suits your future aim
>not understand anthing at all about reality, pray with pants dropped and do ridiculous things
>ask anybody if he is "truthfull" while creating homeless people and much worse
>consider yourself the best ever, bc the future is behind the past
>think that even when you have time skills yourself and should know better.
>carefully stage events that alter history, sort of doing random things and learning what alters future in the way you like.
>consider humanity nothing else but objects who need to be driven into the future.
>become aware that God actually exists
>see how many failures you made
>realize your guilt
>try a new approach
>try to attack God himself
be gone, eternally.
Future happens, noone needs you cunts.
My actual hells angels will wipe you out with turtle power, which you try to steal, or just undoing your future, which infact is only a possibility.