Greta the Red Nose
Mike & Bruce are on the Tour of Juice 2023
NantSA - Doctor Patrick Soon-Shiong, unveiled the vaccine manufacturing campus in Cape Town on 19 January 2022.
Aneyrysms can be from same inflamaiton as CHD/ hear tattak.. stob it
step 1. eat like shit
step 2. have heart attack
step 3. they put a thing up your leg to put a stent in
step 4, oops something gunk along the leg or other artery breaks loose,
4a it goes along to another place in heart or area.
4b it causes anurysm and shit off flow blood to brian.
Anon knos.
which came first the micro inflamation clot or the anurysms.
Motherfuckers are lucky I Never took biology or doctoring..
please look up micro inflamation. (anon suspects nano inflamation exists as well)
I am not doctor but it I was I would buy an OPTICA DK510B and be on my way without all the woke college.