Anonymous ID: 91e3b8 July 3, 2023, 7:59 a.m. No.19115774   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5801 >>5805 >>5866 >>5969


He's the same King John (Lackland) that all the POTUS of the US descend from?


Was the Roman Church takeover part of what sparked some of the "Protestant" movement; including those who were original colonizers of America (to be USA) ?

Was King John considered "Mad" i.e. Insane?


"Mad John's Escape"

Same name as crazy C-A "Donavan"


Verified History fails to prove the date, but Jews were Romans, in the Empire


That's why "Jewish nose" "Roman nose" are the same.

Anonymous ID: 91e3b8 July 3, 2023, 8:03 a.m. No.19115801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5811 >>5820


MY post on History of Vatican vis a vis English royalty

was deleted.

We got the bum BV again.


BO take note.

Guys still on the loose.

Can't tolerate the truth about the Pope and how the Roman Church supported the NAZI

And how the present POPE a Jesuit supported the military NAZI regime in South America ARGENTINA

So at least we know who is being paid to infiltrate here and support brown shirts / NAZI-s

the ANTIFA people also support Ukrainian NAZI

Anonymous ID: 91e3b8 July 3, 2023, 8:15 a.m. No.19115866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5915 >>5935 >>5945




any body have a screen shot of


will have to start saving whole breads before erasures.

No problem . I never spam. But when weird erasures - for single posts; I know that I' m on the right track.

Zelenski:is allied with Nazi

so stop lying.


The people who created ISRAEL are not Jews, they are NAZI / NWWO

They put it there with the intention of starting WW3

Jews are the victims.

Nazi OCCULTIST Vatican Y-Head, ancient Roman religion, hide behind "the Jews" ) as they do here.

Ordinary Jews are not Nazi. But the ones who sell-out are.

whatever I wrote pissed off the sleepers / plants who infiltrated here, enough to erase it


proved by erasure

whoevers doing this has been here for a couple weeks only?

either that or laid low.

Remember the one who laid low for months - until he got the order to erase the whole board.



Should be easy to spot

Anonymous ID: 91e3b8 July 3, 2023, 8:36 a.m. No.19115969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5976 >>6000


Godfather 3 material really pushes button?

Causing erasures of postings



Hitler's foster Dad Alois, was bastard of a Baron Rothschild.

But Adolf was a Royal and a nominal Catholic' though his real religion was occult (secret) and none of that info was allowed to be presented an Nurenburg trial.


Adolf was an -op

Q pointed us to look into it, asking the question as to who was controlling him.

Wasn't the Jews, very very true.


I'll try to construct my original post but it was basically how the royalty of England, King John, was forced into an unfortunate deal by the Pope.

And how all the USA POTUS are descendants (except Trump) of that King.

And how the present POPE covered for the NAZI Military JUNTA in South American; also supported by our own BUSHes , NEGROPONTE

who's brother founded MIT Media Lab -the ones who alleged killed Aaron Swartz for finding their cache of CP

That's point has been in the notables many times over the years; check

Whos ever eraseing me will try to twist my argument as ? Anti Jew; ? when no one has fought harder against the Jew Haters on this board than myself.

maybe DOGe" against Brown Shirt OSS did bette than me?

Have no idea what is the basis for the erasures.

Godfather 3 is a red button/

Yep MAXWELL" was the fallguy for the Vatican Bank scandal


no i don't MUHJEW. get the fuck out. Go back.

Aaron Swartz was founder of Reddit. Murdered and hidden as "suicide" Then Ghizlaine went to work for Reddit?

Anonymous ID: 91e3b8 July 3, 2023, 8:40 a.m. No.19115992   🗄️.is 🔗kun


How did the jew haters get the power to erase posts?


Mad John's Escape

mad King John signed the Magna Carta? giving power to the Vatican?

Roman Patricians "Farenese" connect with Roman Church erasure of Jews and Dissident Christians.

Anonymous ID: 91e3b8 July 3, 2023, 8:56 a.m. No.19116077   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Church in Vienna, with the two Free Masonic Colunms and the One Eye in the Apse (over the altar) [alter kek)

Which was drawn by Adolf in his tow (at least) unexplained years in Vienna) dedicated to this Roman who persecuted both Jews and Chistians. And who enforced the edicts of the "Council of Trent" TRIDENTium.

Remember Trident is a symbol used in Ukrainian flag. And used in occult ritual objects of both the East and West