Anonymous ID: ae3cde July 3, 2023, 7:58 a.m. No.19115765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5861 >>6014

3 Jul, 2023 13:52

US could stage chemical weapons provocation – Russia

The Biden administration is seeking to derail the Arab rapprochement with Syria, an intelligence assessment has claimed


The US is preparing Syrian jihadists for possible chemical weapons attacks in order to derail Damascus’ diplomatic reengagement with other Arab nations, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) has claimed.


The goal of the purported operation and subsequent media campaign would be to “show the Arab world that their choice to restore dialogue with [Syrian President] Bashar Assad was a ‘strategic mistake’,” a statement released by the Russian agency on Monday said.


The SVR claimed that it had obtained at least two pieces of evidence to support its assessment. One was a report that two anti-government armed groups in the province of Idlib had practiced the deployment of chemical weapons in May. The region is not controlled by the Syrian government.


The exercise involved local branches of the jihadist groups Hurras al-Din and Turkistan Islamic Party, and resulted in the poisoning of some 100 civilians, the SVR claimed.The Russian agency called both jihadist groups “CIA-controlled.”


Another report involved a group based near the US military base in Al-Tanf, which the Pentagon maintains in Syria despite objections from the government in Damascus. Militants received “warheads loaded with toxic components,” allegedly with the blessing of Washington, the SVR said.


The statement claimed that the administration of US President Joe Biden was “doing everything to derail the Arab-Syrian normalization and discredit the Syrian leadership.”


Allegations that troops loyal to Damascus were using chemical weapons served as a key element of the public campaign against President Assad by Washington, which demanded that he “must go” after supposedly committing war crimes.


In 2018, then-President Donald Trump ordered retaliatory strikes conducted with the UK and France, days after an alleged chemical weapons incident in Douma, near the Syrian capital.

Anonymous ID: ae3cde July 3, 2023, 8:21 a.m. No.19115901   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5922 >>5938 >>6014 >>6029

Boston University Law Students Urged to Seek Therapy in Response to Supreme Court Rulings

Joel B. Pollak3 Jul 2023


Boston University School of Law students are being urged to seek therapy in the wake of several conservative Supreme Court decisions, including a decision striking down the use of racial preferences in university admissions.


Fox News Digital reports that the BU Law Student Government Association’s (SGA) sent an email to students denouncing the Court’s decisions in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard (the racial preferences case), 303 Creative LLC. v. Elenis (upholding the right of a website designer not to include pro-same-sex messages if the state demanded them), and Biden v. Nebraska (ending President Joe Biden’s student loan transfer program).


Fox noted that the SGA reminded students of the availability of mental health “wellness resources” in response:


“[The assenting judges] went so far as to say that the race-based admission system uses race as a negative and operates it as a stereotype,” the letter stated. “They may couch their opinion in legal jargon, butwe all know what this opinion aims to do: advocate for a ‘colorblind’ admission process.”


“However, as many of our students know and Justice Sotomayor says in her dissent, ‘ignoring race will not equalize a society that is racially unequal,'” the letter proclaimed.


As a reminder, BU also offers a number of wellness resources that are willing and able to help students navigate these times.”


Law schools have become notorious in recent years for coddling left-wing students disappointed by reality. In 2016, some offeredcounseling services to students upset by Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential election.


In 2020, students pressured some universities to cancel exams after George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis.

Anonymous ID: ae3cde July 3, 2023, 8:56 a.m. No.19116080   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Don’t Let The Door Hit You In The A**’: Bill Maher Doesn’t Give A Single Iota About Losing Woke Fans

Andrew PowellJuly 03, 2023 12:00 AM ET

Man, it’s amazing how far Bill Maher has come.


The “Real Time with Bill Maher” host doesn’t give a single iota about losing woke fans. As a matter of fact, Maher believes that losing them is actually a positive.


“I’ve lost a fair number of this…what I would call super woke, and it’s good. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass. You’re no fun to begin with. You have a terrible sense of humor,” said Maher while speaking with Jon Hamm in a recent “Club Random” podcast.


Hamm also put a spotlight on how he thinks the “woke” movement has hit its peak, and how they go into “overreaction” mode “is absolutely not useful.”


“You’re shooting yourself in the foot and then wondering why you walk with a limp,” said Hamm.


I still remember the days when he would go on his atheist tirades. Fast forward to 2023, and my man is out here trashing the “woke” while smoking massive marijuana joints. And I don’t know how you feel about weed, but whether you agree with it or not, you have to admit that this entire situation is hilarious.


But Maher is right. Having a base full of lefties keeps you incredibly controlled and constantly walking on eggshells. Take it from somebody who has worked in the left-wing media before, it’s terrible. You can’t do anything because it’s incredibly sensitive. Once you take the “woke” out of your fan base, you no longer have that toxic emotional nonsense to answer to, which then results in more creative freedom and just overall natural flow.


I feel it here at the Daily Caller, and I guarantee that’s what Bill Maher is voicing here.


It’s incredibly liberating.