Anonymous ID: d53be8 July 3, 2023, 4:31 p.m. No.19118135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8274

Some questions hoping anons can help me out on:


Should homeless veterans be housed and taken care of prior to illegal immigrants?


Should African Americans receive reparation payments in the millions from taxpayers that had absolutely nothing to do with slavery?


Should we have forced an experimental gene therapy injection on the nations youth when they did not need it?


Should we be sending hundreds of billions of our tax dollars to an endless war in Ukraine, when we can’t prevent a million gallons of sewerage overflow into the Merrimack river every year?


Should we have bombed the nordstream pipeline?


Should a corrupt DOJ that was involved in paying for a fake document in collusion with opposition political party be now investigating the political opposition for a blatant overreach classified document case?


Should we be pushing so aggressively towards an EV dominance when we don’t have the electrical infrastructure to support a fraction of the EVs?


According to a prominent climate study from just 5 years ago much of the coasts were supposed to be under water. Why hasn’t this happened? Why haven’t the last 150 alarmist climate studies been even remotely true? Should we trust a “science” that has a 0% track record for accuracy over the past 30 years? So if the anthropogenic climate change fear is fake, why would they push this narrative?


Should we circumvent the Supreme Court decision to implement debt forgiveness for college students? Should we allow for such reckless spending when we are moving towards a 33 trillion dollar national debt?


Should we listen to anti gun and anti 2nd amendment rhetoric saying civilians should not have weapons of war, when that was the exact intent of the 2nd amendment to begin with, that citizens had a right to protect themselves from their government?


Joe Biden is exploring measures to block out the sun in collaboration with Bill gates (the friend of the worst child sex trafficker in the world). Do you think this is a good idea? What might be the real reason they want to block out the sun?


If covid didn’t come from a lab then why is the current administration working tirelessly to ensure all of the covid origin information remains classified?


When in our history have we ever seen over 100 disasters at food processing and farms in just 1 year? Is that normal? Is it normal for all these fires in Canada to have just suddenly started all at the same time, with no natural cause cited?


Why do transgenders desire an audience with children?


Why isn’t the 34 billion dollar child trafficking industry getting any media attention? If we know a lot of the children from the border are being trafficked for consumption to the elite in our country, why wouldn’t we secure the southern border and stop it? Why have Twitter Instagram Facebook allowed to be a meeting place for pedophiles? Is everyone too distracted with the latest sportsball game to even care?


Why is autism increasing at an astronomical rate at now 1/36 kids? Why can’t we figure out what is causing it and stop it? 1/6 children have a development disorder now? Is this not a big deal? If this got a fraction of the attention that covid got, it would have been figured out by now?


Why is it now criminal in many parts of this country to say there are only two genders? Why are we now catering to mental disorder, for kids who think they are cats, who think they are more than one person? Why is western society being forced to accept these mental disorders? And more importantly, what is really causing this incredible epidemic of mental disorder?