Anonymous ID: a4311b July 3, 2023, 7:44 p.m. No.19118960   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8970 >>8973 >>8985 >>8988 >>9006 >>9015 >>9032 >>9053



I'm guessing a lot of us have seen the "Ghosts in the Machine" video put out that was VERY cool, and it reminded me of the journal article about a man who worked in a machine shop who felt the shop was… messing with him. It felt like he was seeing things, feeling weird presence, halucinating. This man, having a background in acoustics, found that there was a fan there that caused a 20 Hz frequency infrasound wave, and then went on to find that this specific frequency, 19 to 20 Hz, is the vibrational frequency of the eyeball. This frequency is commonly found in "liminal spaces" and can induce feelings of unease. Interestingly, these low frequency "sounds" that are just out of hearing range can effect people in all kinds of ways…


Here is where this gets more interesting. All things, such as light, sound, infrasound, ultrasound, microwaves… exist on the same spectrum. Microwaves simply send out sound vibration at the resonance frequency of water.


Now I'm not going to go down the "5G!!!!" rabbit hole, you can dig that on your own if you like, but I believe that if you can vibrate water, you could very easily vibrate any molocule by finding it's vibrational resonace frequency. This has applications for cancer… Does anyone remember the Q post about Above and Beyond? The ambient sounds video? Well… I'm starting to put the pieces together here and I think we all need to be learning a WHOLE LOT about ACOUSTICS, especially those OUTSIDE of typical hearing range.


You can even create audible sound by using microwaves because the microwaves will cause a kind of "wake" that then transmits the lower "audible" sound waves because of how the higher frequency waves disturb the air.


Now, imagine if you could find the vibrational resonance frequency of the brain, or parts of the brain. Imagine if our phones can cause this "wake" phenomenon. Could that cause downstream effects like autoimmune disorders? What else? There are studies that show certain wifi (exists on this same spectrum) can influence the growth or hinderance of specific bacterial strains.


Take this information as you will but I hope it will spur some research.


Source journal article:


I'll hang and answer any questions for a little bit if anyone is curious.



Anonymous ID: a4311b July 3, 2023, 8 p.m. No.19118996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9012



I don't want to come off mystical, but by vibrating the eye at it's resonance frequency, yes, it can make you see things, usually blurry and outlines of people. That's what the acoustic mechanic said in the journal article was that he kept thinking he saw someone in his peripheral vision.

Anonymous ID: a4311b July 3, 2023, 8:09 p.m. No.19119032   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Sometimes I stumble into some interesting things completely by happenstance. I hope my post can provide a framework of understanding for frequencies, and I will continue learning and posting here. I suggest anons all do their own research and start monitoring the frequencies around them. Especially INFRASOUND.