>>19118333 pb
>what? me worry?
everybody just sit the fuck down and refuse to do anything…
well, not everybody… just the people who do the ACTUAL WORK that keeps the lights on and the pumps running.
the rest of you worthless sorry-ass useless bitches can continue to run in circles, reeeeing your stupid little heads off.
no one cares. and it will make no difference. it might actually help, because it will serve to underscore just how irrelevant you are.
but those of us that do the ACTUAL WORK… we need to sit the fuck down, and not get up until "they" all neck themselves.
that's the deal. non-negotiable. no work until "they" are all dead. when the useless fucks figure out we really mean it,
they will rip the politicians and bankers apart with their bare hands. 'cause the only alternative would be to actually DO SOME WORK.