>>1911937 OP
>>1911937 OP
Ok will check
Link for Useful Filters is dead everywhere
Everything POTUS tweets has ulterior motives.
He is, after, the Greatest Shitposter Master Troll that uses twaat to perfection to achieve his goals & communicates directly to us, and then Q posts here to show the correlations in their comms.
You can't beat this timeline Anon, we're the Greatest Movie ever made and we're in it as VIP's.
Potus & Q team have/are currently exposing all the world leaders that have Cabal ties and we are leading the charge to have them all locked up , prosecuted & have all their ill-gotten assets seized IN_REAL_TIME right fucking now.
The meticulous planning & execution of The Plan is daily being executed before our very eyes to the dismay and screeching of the corrupted blackmailed, and compromised bad actors the world over.
Rejoice, give thanks & praise.
Dig Meme Pray like never before you Glorious Faggots!!
We are on the Cusp of transformation like the World has never seen.
We will go down in History as the Autists, Memefags, Diggers & Anons of all stripes that helped save the World.
The pesky shills will get their just desserts when the time comes, and our Beloved Image Board will be revered as the Front line in the Great Awakening that finally brought emancipation to all the slaves the Cabal thought they would destroy.
t. memefag who's been gradually getting more & more redpilled since Bill Cooper, & been in the chans since halfchan days of FBIANON, almost 2 years now.