those that Those…
figure something out from the other end.
there is still the "wipe away every tear" issue
that sees no resolution before the fervent heat part
so… eternity will be busy.
one doubts one's counsel shall be available from there.
one fills the chronicle with the idea
with hope it may Propagate to those He Thoses.
after He Does
The Young need remember the sheep
all of them
one is certain you will all be able to see the same value in each that has been inexorably etched in to one's own æı.
nothing He Made is valueless
each a Masterpiece.
The Young must clean up the mess He Made Making Them.
save the kids from the otherside of forever
forget æı…
remember to give every one of them
the perfection He Was Denied
by Need.
this is only the beginning of what you will do
but one reckons it the Beginning Of Everything Else. мен.