Anonymous ID: e21499 July 4, 2023, 4:11 a.m. No.19120674   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Prayer is a weapon of war. Our main enemy is Satan, the angel that rebelled against God out of pride, and his servants the demons are the angels that followed it in his rebellion. Their main servants in this fallen world are the Jews, also known as the synagogue of Satan (there are no real Jews left anymore since Christ appeared, they either became Christians or they became the synagogue of Satan, which means anyone identifying as a Jew is of the synagogue of Satan, and anyone that supports Jews is serving the synagogue of Satan and its master, Satan itself).




>For the non-Christian frens:

Non-Christians can and should pray too, give it a try if you want, God can answer your prayers too, so join forces with us against Satan and his horde of loyal servants (the demons, the Jews, and those that serve the Jews/synagogue of Satan).


>Suggested prayer of war against Satan and his horde of demonic and Jewish servants:

"Our Father who art in Heaven, I humbly ask You that if it is your will, that You quickly and completely destroy all who serve Satan and his synagogue, that You quickly and completely destroy all of those who support the Rothschild founded pedophile haven known as Israel that they built with the fruits of their usury in occupied Palestine, and that You quickly and completely destroy all of those that support the Christ hating religion of Judaism that promotes pedophilia and the enslavement of all non-Jews as well as the death of all who refuse to submit to the Jews and their father the Devil."


>More praying, more good:

Repeat your prayers as much as you want, some Christians repeat the Jesus prayer up to hundreds of times per day.


>Related resources:

Proof that Israel is anti-Christian:


Proof that the Jewish sacred Talmud promotes pedophilia here:


Proof that Israel is a pedophile haven here:


Orthodox Christian talks by Priest-Monk Kosmas from Sydney:

Anonymous ID: e21499 July 4, 2023, 4:13 a.m. No.19120680   🗄️.is 🔗kun



That is a misleading term.

Conservativism itself is a fraud.

There is no distinction between liberalism and conservativism. All conservatism is just liberalism that's 5 years behind. Conservatives will just complain about any issue then do nothing whatsoever to stop it. The two are the same party, one half bitches more, they both match in the same direction.


Conservatives are just libshits with a 5 year delay.