Is this the poffee and cots room?
They blamed the maintenance men for almost all of the reactor failures
They actually had to 2 that I remember
Cause Govt inspector
Did not do job
Only had 1 job
X ray or Magna flux the welds
Kodachrome was same picture …same welds
I know a hand full of peeps think their paper gonna save them
Shipping and manufacturing of many things
Normies are just getting the shock waves
Only have 1 client that
Seen it with me 2 yrs ago
Now it's catchin up
Oooh. Oooh. Oooh
We are the gnus
Nobody listens is the problem
I was talking about the Chinese males in
Miami University in 2015
The smarter and or more valuable
The nicer the car
Dude with McLaren. Was pretty cool
Make sure to leave in crankcase till real pretty and glittery