Anonymous ID: a8424b July 4, 2023, 6:18 a.m. No.19120992   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PN>>19119596 “VP… VP… VP…” – Crowd Chants Kari for Vice President at Kari Lake’s Book Signing Event


I disagree with this for a specific reason, she has never been in government. She needs to be gov of AZ first. This idolizing and lionizing patriots is getting old. She needs experience and when Trump

Is back he needs a VP that knows how to fight the cabal inside.

Anonymous ID: a8424b July 4, 2023, 6:25 a.m. No.19121021   🗄️.is 🔗kun

4 Jul, 2023 07:52

Moscow accuses Kiev of ‘another terrorist act’

Ukrainian drone attacks in Russia are being financed with foreign money, the Foreign Ministry says


The US and its allies are sponsoring a “terrorist regime” in Ukraine, Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has said following anattempted drone attack on Moscow early on Tuesday.


UAVs launched by the “Kiev regime” tried totarget areas with civilian infrastructure, including Vnukovo airport, which “by the way, accepts foreign flights,” Zakharova wrote on Telegram. The drone incursion was “another act of terrorism” by Ukraine, she said.


“Given that [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky is committing those terrorist attacks with weapons supplied by the West or paid for with Western funds,this is international terrorism.”


It’s high time for the international community to realize that the US, UK and France, which are all members of theUN Security Council, are “sponsoring a terrorist regime” in Ukraine, Zakharova continued.


Russia’s Defense Ministry said earlier that five Ukrainian drones had been involved in the attempted attack on Moscow.


Four were shot down by air defenses over the Novaya Moskva (New Moscow) part of the capital, while another UAV crashed in the Odintsovo district of Moscow Region after being disabled by electronic warfare, according to the ministry.


There were no casualties or damage on the ground as a result of the incursion, it added.


In late May, the Defense Ministry said Kiev had launched a major attack on Moscow involving eight drones, which led to several residential buildings being damaged and two people suffering minor injuries.


Earlier in the same month, two UAVs were disabled by air defenses while trying to strike the Kremlin in central Moscow. Ukrainian officials denied being involved, but Moscow labeled the incident “a pre-planned terrorist act” and an attempt on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s life by Kiev.

Anonymous ID: a8424b July 4, 2023, 6:35 a.m. No.19121063   🗄️.is 🔗kun

4 Jul, 2023 12:10

Human rights activists brutally attacked in Russia's Chechnya

Russian journalists and officials have condemned the assault as “unacceptable”


A Russian journalist and a lawyer were brutally attackedby unidentified assailants in the country’s southern Chechen Republic, causing outrage from the press and officials. The pair were planning to attend a high-profile criminal trial in Grozny.

The assault on Elena Milashina, a veteran correspondent covering human rights issues in Chechnya, and her associate, defense attorney Aleksandr Nemov, took place on Tuesday morning. Their taxi was reportedly forced to stop as they were traveling to the regional capital from an airport.


The assailants attacked Milashina, shaved her head, and doused her with green antiseptic dye, according to images of the journalist circulating online. It has been reported that they broke some of the woman’s fingers. Nemov was also seriously injured.


Chechen human rights ombudsman Mansur Soltaev said he accompanied the ambulance that took the victims to the city of Beslan in North Ossetia. Tatyana Moskalkova, Soltaev’s Russian federal counterpart, said Milashina had asked to be moved to the neighboring region due to concerns for her safety in Chechnya. The official has asked several law enforcement bodies to investigate the attack.


The Union of the Journalists of Russia, a professional association, has called for a swift response to the incident. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov described the situation as “very serious” and said it requires the “most vigorous measures.” Many media professionals and senior officials have condemned the assault.


“Attacking people, journalists, activists is an outlandish and unacceptable act, regardless of what political views the victims hold,” said MP Evgeny Popov, who serves on the information policy committee in the State Duma, the lower chamber of the Russian parliament.


He was alluding to the fact that Milashina had been a long-time employee of the now-defunct, liberal-leaning newspaper Novaya Gazeta. She was visiting Chechnya to attend the final hearing of the controversial trial of Zarema Musaeva – the wife of retired federal judge Saidi Yangulbayev. Several members of the family are vocal critics of the region’s head Ramzan Kadyrov.


On Tuesday, a district court in Grozny found Musaeva guilty of attacking a police officer and fraud, sentencing her to five years and six months in prison. The violent offense she was charged with happened in January 2022, when Chechen officers executed an arrest warrant at her apartment in Nizhny Novgorod, hundreds of kilometers from their home region. Supporters of the Yangulbayevs branded the episode an abduction.


Last year, Kadyrov denounced some members of the media as “abettors of terrorism.” These included those working for Novaya Gazeta, and Milashina specifically. She temporarily fled Russia, citing fears for her safety following the Chechen leader’s remarks.


The newspaper was designated a foreign agent in January of the same year, and lost its printing license months later, but currently operates as a news website, for which Milashina works.

Anonymous ID: a8424b July 4, 2023, 6:48 a.m. No.19121116   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1343 >>1522 >>1553

4 Jul, 2023 09:03

World’s coldest village sets new summer temperature record

It was 32 degrees Celsius (89.6F) on Monday in Oymyakon in Russia’s Far East, local media reported


A new high temperature record has been set in the village of Oymyakon in Russia’s Far East, known internationally as theworld’s coldestpermanently inhabited settlement.Wildfireshave occurred in the region as a result of a recent heatwave.


Temperatures in the village, which is located in the remote Yakutia region or Sakha Republic, reached 32 degrees Celsius (89.6F) on Monday, according to local media, surpassing the previous record of 30.5 degrees Celsius set on the same day in 1949.


The head of the Sakha Republic, Aisen Nikolaev, declared a state of emergency in the region on Monday asmassive wildfires spreadover the weekend. On his Telegram channel, Nikolaev noted that the Oymyakon district was among the worst affected.


Oymyakon is among the coldest places in the Northern Hemisphere, having recorded a low temperature of -67.7 degrees Celsius (-89.9F) in 1933. However, an unverified record was set seven years earlier, when a low of -71.2 degrees Celsius was reported.


Despite the extreme weather conditions, Oymyakon has apermanent population of around 500 people.


Climate change poses a particularly acute threat to Yakutia, as much of its infrastructure is built on permafrost. Experts warn that thawing could lead to major social and economic ramifications in the region.

Anonymous ID: a8424b July 4, 2023, 7 a.m. No.19121181   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Breaking Story

4 Jul, 2023 13:51

Russian MiG-31 fighter jet crashes – military


The plane was lost at sea during a training flight off Kamchatka, Russia’s Pacific Fleet has said

Russian MiG-31 fighter jet crashes – military



Anonymous ID: a8424b July 4, 2023, 7:09 a.m. No.19121235   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Prosecutor Who Signed Hunter Biden Plea Deal Worked for Hunter Biden Business Partner


July 3, 2023 | Sundance | 147


By now everyone is aware how the corruption in Washington DC is fraught with internecine relationships; however, this one takes the proverbial cake. The prosecutor who organized and signed the plea deal for Hunter Biden worked for Hunter Biden’s business partner.


Senator Ron Johnson is calling attention to Title 28, Section 45.2 of the Code of Federal Regulations, which says: ‘no employee shall participate in a criminal investigation if he has a personal or political relationship with […] any person or organization substantially involved in the conduct that is the subject of the investigation‘.


As if this entire episode wasn’t sketchy enough,Assistant United States Attorney Derek Hines(top left) was one of the prosecutors to sign off on Hunter Biden’s charges and plea deal. Hines previously worked under ex-FBI directorLouis Freeh (bottom left), who was a business partner of Hunter Biden. Hines worked for Freeh Group International Solutions which was specifically involved in the foreign company influence issue at the heart of the Hunter Biden case, and Freeh is a close friend of the entire Biden family.


This is nuts.


(Via Daily Mail) – A prosecutor who signed off on the documents charging Hunter Biden with tax and gun crimes previously worked with one of the First Son’s business partners, can reveal.


Delaware US Attorney David Weiss officially filed charges against the president’s son last Tuesday after a near five-year probe into his alleged tax crimes and foreign financial dealings.


Weiss’s deputy, Assistant United States Attorney Derek Hines, signed off on the charging documents alongside his boss and two other assistant US attorneys – indicating he has a central role in Hunter’s criminal prosecution.


Freeh worked with Hunter on a $3million job consulting for a Romanian criminal, a deal that is allegedly now part of his federal criminal investigation and is being investigated by Congress.


Republican Senator Ron Johnson told the link between the prosecutor and Hunter’s business associate ‘calls into question the integrity of their entire investigation’ – after GOP lawmakers slammed the relatively minor charges filed by the Delaware prosecutor this week as a mere ‘slap on the wrist’. has previously revealedthat Freeh and his firm worked closely with Hunter Biden trying to get the US State Department to help limit the prosecution of Romanian real estate tycoon Gabriel Popoviciu, who was on the brink of a bribery conviction in 2015. (read more)


The same DOJ who cut this Hunter Biden deal, are going after Donald Trump in partsimply because of letters exchanged with Kim Jong-Un.


This entire corrupt DC system is beyond repair.

Anonymous ID: a8424b July 4, 2023, 7:41 a.m. No.19121404   🗄️.is 🔗kun

4 Jul, 2023 13:06

Ukraine accuses (and whines about) Western backers of failing to uphold F-16 pledge


The training of Ukrainian pilots in F-16 fighters did not start in June, contrary to an earlier promise, FM Dmitry Kuleba has said


Ukraine was told that its pilots would start training in F-16 fighter jets in June, but the program has not yet been launched, the Ukrainian foreign minister has claimed.


“One of the countries,” which is part of the so-called “fighter jet coalition,” promised that the scheme would start last month, Dmitry Kuleba said during a TV appearance on Monday.


“The training did not start in June. This means that the schedule is starting to shift… We’re now working with all the parties involved… to speed this process up as much as possible,”he said.


According to the minister, the unnamed country “miscalculated” when it made its pledge to Kiev, but is continuing to make preparations for Ukrainian airmen to be trained with the American aircraft.


Kuleba said he was previously expecting to get the F-16s in the first few months of 2024, but the delay in training now means the wait will be longer. (They will not get F16s, they destroy all the equipment they get!)


Last month, Igor Zhovkva, an aide to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, saidnine countries– the US, UK, the Netherlands, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, Portugal and France – hadformed a coalitionto help Ukraine obtain the warplanes.


The chairman of NATO’s military committee, Admiral Rob Bauer, told the British radio station LBC on Monday that the issue ofproviding F-16s to Ukraine “will not be solved in the short term for this counteroffensive.”


Kiev has intensified its attacks along the frontline with the use Western-supplied tanks and armored vehicles since early June, but according to Moscow, the much-hyped counteroffensive has failed to achieve significant gains so far.


Zelensky has been pressing his Western backers for fourth-generation F-16 warplanes for months, arguing that they are crucial in providing air cover for Ukraine’s troops and defending its airspace, amid a massive Russian missile campaign targeting military facilities and energy infrastructure.


In late May, US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley warned that “the F-16 will not act as a magic weapon” in Ukraine, but will “cost a dollar” to Kiev’s backers. (What does that mean, “cost a dollar”? The General in Ukraine said he only needs 20 F16s which cost up to $80+ million.)