Anonymous ID: 364f68 July 4, 2023, 11:18 a.m. No.19122513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2531



The Virginia Company was transformed

into the United States corporation in 1776 during the Revolutionary War by the Freemasonic

Founding Fathers like George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John Hancock, and

Benjamin Franklin who were working under the Grand Lodge of England and as double

agents for the English Crown. Freemasons hijacked the revolution. It was a Roman Catholic

British noble named Robert Petre the 9th Baron Petre who was the Grand Master of the

Grand Lodge of England in 1776. The Virginia Company was issued by the British royal

family from the City of London Corporation for North American settlements. Around 1213

King John surrendered the Kingdom of England to the Holy See under the Golden Bull or

Bulla Aurea. In 1215 under direct papal authority King John issued the Magna Carta (Latin

for Great Charter) and this officially established the one mile square block called the City of

London Corporation as a sovereign entity from England and London. The Holy See uses

Latin for official documents and the Vatican uses Latin as its official language. Novus Ordo

Seclorum is Latin and translates to New Order of the Ages and is on the United States Great

Seal and United States one dollar federal reserve note. Novus Ordo Seclorum was added to

the dollar in 1935 which is 6 years after the Vatican City was established as a sovereign

nation. Washington DC is located in both Virginia and Maryland. That is Virgin Mary Land.

The land today called Washington DC was originally owned by Roman Catholic families

involved with the church. Washington DC was established by the 1871 District of Columbia

Organic act as a municipal corporate state and headquarters of the United States and based its

formation on debts owed to foreign entities like the Hudson's Bay Company, Kingdom of

Belgium, and Irish Government. DC was originally called Rome in 1669 which is stated in

the Catholic Encyclopedia. DC is Roman architecture and Capitol Hill is named after

Capitoline Hill in Rome. The ancient Roman fasces symbol is all over federal buildings and

federal seals. This is all fraudulency.