Anonymous ID: 86d5fe July 4, 2023, 10:52 a.m. No.19122400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2423 >>2560 >>2645 >>2913 >>3044 >>3117

Phoenix City Council Votes Unanimously to Donate Hundreds of Firearms Valued at Roughly $200,000 to Ukraine


The City of Phoenix’s far-left City Council quietly voted last Wednesday to unanimously approve a plan to send hundreds of firearms, valued at an estimated $200,000, to Ukraine.


The Council consists of eight members, elected by their district, and the Mayor representing the city at large. Radical left Mayor Katie Gallego and Council members approved nearly 150 agenda items, including the firearms transfer agreement, in one swift motion.


Firearms that were lost or forfeited following a court order and remain in the city’s possession for 30 days or more will be given away to Biden, the Democrats, and the Globalists’ favorite in the escalating war.


According to ARS 12-945, when a firearm is unclaimed, “the agency shall sell the firearm to any business that is authorized to receive and dispose of the firearm under federal and state law and that shall sell the firearm to the public according to federal and state law.” In accordance with the statute, the proceeds from the sale are paid to the city’s general fund.


However, the new plan states that Phoenix will “transfer” these guns through a private company. It is unclear whether donating firearms to a foreign country is legal.


KJZZ reports,


Phoenix leaders have unanimously approved a plan to send firearms to police in Ukraine. It’s the first time the City Council has approved donating unclaimed firearms outside the U.S.


Arizona law requires cities to sell forfeited firearms — that includes handguns, rifles and shotguns turned into police after courts ordered the owners to forfeit them. But there is no requirement for unclaimed firearms — essentially they end up in the police department’s lost and found. After 30 days, Phoenix can sell or donate them.


The city expects to ship between 500 and 600 firearms valued at about $200,000 to the National Police of Ukraine. It’s a law enforcement agency approved by the U.S. Department of Commerce to receive them. A Phoenix spokesperson said the National Police of Ukraine previously received unclaimed firearms from the Miami Police Department.


According to a Phoenix council report, “Only 9mm, 45mm, 39mm and 12 gauge firearms will be sent.”


As noted by Arizona Daily Independent, D.T. Gruelle, the company contracted to transfer the firearms, partneres with the Ukrainian Arsenal of Liberty, which “was formed by members of the Ukrainian Parliament to procure firearms in the U.S. to equip Ukrainian citizens to better defend themselves and increase the country’s defenses against hostility.”


Arizona Daily Independent reports,


“Armed civilians are the first line of defense,” the website notes, adding that training and arming the civilian Ukrainians “is the best form of protection” from foreign invasion.


“We aim to gear and train Ukrainian noncombatants to effectively protect themselves by soliciting American citizens to donate firearms, ammunition, and support equipment,” the UAL website adds.


The Phoenix City Council could require that any contract with D.T. Gruelle contain safeguards to ensure donated guns intended for Ukraine’s police professionals do not end up owned by Ukrainian citizens or used for other purposes.


Arizona Republicans quickly chimed in, calling it “Fast and Furious Part 2” and “absolutely absurd.” They further slammed the Council for wasting city resources and providing weapons “with no accountability re: who obtains them.”


As domestic abuse survivor and former Phoenix mayoral candidate Merissa Hamilton noted, the Democrats would be furious if the guns were given or sold to endangered, law-abiding Americans.

Anonymous ID: 86d5fe July 4, 2023, 10:57 a.m. No.19122421   🗄️.is 🔗kun

France Has Fallen: Patriots Raided, Internet Censored, Police Union Threatens “Tomorrow We Will Be in Resistance” Against “Savage Hordes”


Riots continue in France as the police station in Rouen was set on fire last night. Patriot militias have taken to the streets in France, battling with rioters for the first time. Right-wing politicians are calling to cut welfare for the parents of migrant hoodlums. French police unions warned the government “Today the police are in combat because we are at war, tomorrow we will be in resistance.”


NOTE: This article uses Twitter links to display videos often not available elsewhere. Twitter has been censoring accounts and videos from France. Please also search GETTR, Rumble and other free platforms for news from #FranceHasFallen


72 people were arrested Monday night and 159 vehicles set afire as riots continued. 202 fires were set on roads last night, and 24 buildings burned. Four police stations were attacked.


French President Emmanuel Macron was scheduled to meet with the mayors of 220 towns affected by the riots on Tuesday.


A police station in the Châtelet district of Rouen was set on fire as terrified neighbors filmed the rioters.


A GoFundme launched by right-wing pundit Jean Messiha for the officer Florian M. accused of “voluntary homicide” after almost being run over by 17-year-old gangster Nahel M. a week ago in Paris suburb Nanterre reached almost €1.5 M.


Instead of cracking down on protestors, however, the French government is cracking down on “right-wing militias”, citizens trying to protect their communities, and censoring the internet to keep images of the worst race riots in European history from coming out.


Street battles broke out between patriots and rioters in Angers on the Loire in western France.


In Angers, the Right-Wing Students’ Association (Rassemblement des Ètudiants de Droite – RED) gathered at their Alvarium café drove off about 50 masked hoodlums who came to attack them.

Anonymous ID: 86d5fe July 4, 2023, 10:58 a.m. No.19122427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2436 >>2457 >>2560 >>2645 >>2913 >>3044 >>3117

Musk and Zuckerberg lead wealth surge – Bloomberg


The billionaires have seen their best six months since late 2020, according to the news agency


Tesla chief Elon Musk and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg led a surge in fortunes among the world’s richest people in the first half of this year, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday.


The world’s 500 wealthiest people, all members of the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, added a total of $852 billion to their fortunes in the first six month of 2023, the financial news service said.


Tesla CEO Musk was the top gainer and added $96.6 billion to his net worth. Meta chief Zuckerberg gained $58.9 billion, according to data compiled by the outlet.


The two billionaires’ wealth was boosted amid a broad market rally, in particular among tech stocks. The Nasdaq 100 surged 39% in the first half of this year and the S&P 500 rose 16% on the back of what Bloomberg described as “investor mania over artificial intelligence,” benefitting both Musk and Zuckerberg.


It was the best six months for billionaires since the second half of 2020, when the economy rebounded from a Covid-induced slump, Bloomberg noted.


According to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, as of Tuesday, Musk is the world’s richest person with a net worth of $247 billion. Zuckerberg is at number nine with $104 billion.

Anonymous ID: 86d5fe July 4, 2023, 11 a.m. No.19122437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2447 >>2560 >>2645 >>2913 >>3044 >>3117

Ukrainian Forces Are Using Outlawed Mines


Human Rights Watch found that Ukrainian troops have been using scatter mines. The anti-personnel weapons are internationally banned, including by Kiev, because of their devastating impact on civilians.


HRW reports uncovered several instances where Ukraine used anti-personnel scatter mines. The human rights monitoring group first made the allegation in a January report, but a press release issued on Friday says more evidence was found recently.


The evidence shows Ukrainian forces fired rockets carrying thousands of PFM-1 anti-personnel mines, also called “petal” or “butterfly” mines, according to the press release. The submunitions are pressure activated, meaning they linger on the ground until someone steps or drives upon them.


HRW “verified 11 civilian casualties from the mines, including one death and multiple amputations of lower legs, based on interviews with victims and their family members,” the press release said.


Russia has also used anti-personnel weapons. However, unlike Moscow, Kiev has ratified an international treaty outlawing their use. The Ukrainian government responded to the HRW report by saying it will “study” the claims but maintains Kiev has a right to defense.


Additionally, Washington is close to approving the transfer of cluster bombs to Kiev. Like scatter mines, the submunitions dropped by cluster bombs will remain on the ground well after the war ends, killing civilians for years to come.


There is an international treaty outlawing cluster bombs. However, the US, Russia and Ukraine are not parties to the agreement. Both Moscow and Kiev have used cluster bombs on the Ukrainian battlefield.

Anonymous ID: 86d5fe July 4, 2023, 11:03 a.m. No.19122454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2560 >>2645 >>2913 >>3044 >>3117

UK COVID Inquiry Reveals Just How Vast International Communist Conspiracy May Be



‘All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.’ – Sun Tzu, The Art of War


Earlier today, former UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock, who advocated and led the use of terror messaging to drive support for and compliance with lockdown measures throughout 2020, choked back tears as he told the Government’s official COVID Inquiry that he is ‘profoundly sorry’ for each and every COVID death and hopes lockdowns will be ‘much earlier’ and ‘more stringent’ during the next pandemic.


One need not have a background in law enforcement to recognize that these are the words of an entirely unrepentant sociopath. Hancock’s testimony seemed to confirm sceptics’ worst fears that the COVID Inquiry is being used as a pretext to institutionalise lockdowns, and it marked an astonishing new low for the COVID Inquiry, which so far has revealed little of value and assiduously avoided asking officials why they found the horrific decision to copy China’s lockdown policy remotely appropriate—though the officials have openly admitted lockdown wasn’t part of any Western country’s pandemic plan and have pondered whether any country would have done it had it not been for China.


Worst of all may be the fact that 17 members of the pro-lockdown pressure group ‘Independent SAGE’ have been asked to give evidence at the COVID Inquiry. For those who’ve been paying attention, this is a far cry from how optimists hoped the aftermath of the COVID response would eventually play out.


‘Independent SAGE’ is not a legitimate political body. ‘Independent SAGE’ is nothing but a questionably-funded group of extremists with no relevant credentials proselytizing the dubious goal of ‘Zero Covid,’ while hijacking the name of an official Government body to fool the public into believing they have some legitimacy.


In short, ‘Independent SAGE’ is nothing but a disinformation organisation that caused unfathomable harm by convincing citizens and officials to pursue an illusory goal using illiberal methods with very real and catastrophic costs. To have Independent SAGE give evidence at the COVID Inquiry means the potential criminals have, quite literally, been given a role in prosecuting the case. The members of Independent SAGE are the ones who should be facing an inquiry; given the scale of the harm, the UK could do worse than to have them all banged up in the Tower of London—at least until we know more.


For the UK Government to stack the official COVID Inquiry with the members of an obvious disinformation group is deeply insulting to the public’s intelligence, and an unsettling glimpse into the lengths the Government has gone to manipulate the perception of public opinion since the response to COVID began. The public did not ask them to put all these members of ‘Independent SAGE’ on the Inquiry, nor can this decision be written off as a mistake.


Rather, it reveals that many Members of Parliament are deliberately working to manipulate public perceptions to prevent the question of whether the UK should have imposed a lockdown from ever being asked—and it begs the troubling question of just how many of these MPs are not mere incompetents, but rather knowing accomplices to the crime. To be frank, it evidences just how vast the communist conspiracy which may have given birth to Western lockdowns may in fact be.


That so many MPs may be knowing accomplices to the crime of lockdown helps explain why such transparently-questionable characters as 40-year British Communist Party Member Susan Michie; China admirer Neil Ferguson; Lancet Editor-in-Chief Richard Horton, who wrote that ‘public health’ is the ‘midwife of Marxism;’ lead lockdown advisor Chris Whitty; and lead lockdown scientist Jeremy Farrar were all able to play leading roles in the response to COVID and significantly advance their careers in its catastrophic aftermath without scrutiny.


To see the leading instigators of lockdown getting away with all this, at least so far, is admittedly a bit deflating. But ultimately, there is an objective reality, and the reality is that these policies destroyed countless millions of lives and transferred trillions in wealth from workers to the very richest for virtually no human benefit.

Anonymous ID: 86d5fe July 4, 2023, 11:17 a.m. No.19122512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2521 >>2560 >>2645 >>2913 >>3044 >>3117

Hunter Biden Attorneys Threaten IRS Whistleblower with Prison Time for Testimony Against Their Client


Attorneys for Hunter Biden have suggested that a whistleblower with the Internal Revenue Service could be at risk for prison time after speaking out about the investigation he oversaw and claims was stymied by officials at the Biden Justice Department.


Abbe Lowell, an attorney for the son of President Joe Biden, on Friday sent a letter to Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO), chair of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, accusing the Republican congressman of allowing IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley to illegally disclose confidential source material.


“Mr. Shapley may be reaping the ‘reward’ from the cover you have given him, considering the penalties for agents illegally leaking this type of information,” Lowell wrote. He added that Shapley is a “disgruntled” employee attempting to “evade his own misconduct” — a reference to leaks to the media about the DOJ’s investigation into his client.


Rep. Smith last week released transcripts of testimony from Shapley and another whistleblower alleging “preferential treatment” for Hunter Biden in a case that has seen the embattled first son plead guilty to two misdemeanor counts of tax fraud and one felony count of firearm possession by a person using a controlled substance.


Lowell cited Whatsapp messages released as part of the House’s investigation, calling them “complete fakes” though not disputing the veracity of statements made by Hunter Biden in the messages, which appear to implicate President Biden in some of the business transactions that were under investigation by the IRS.


Later in her letter, Lowell suggests that Shapley and his counterpart whistleblower were not adequately informed that providing materially false statements to federal investigators could result in prison time. Yet according to transcripts released by the House, both IRS agents were made aware of the gravity about giving false testimony under oath.


Opponents to Hunter Biden’s plea deal are calling on a judge to nix the arrangement due to evidence that U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland did not lift a finger to help with prosecuting the Biden son in New Jersey and Los Angeles, both districts where liberal U.S. attorneys refused to bring charges. By not granting Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss special counsel powers, Garland effectively interfered with Weiss’s ability to hold Hunter Biden accountable for tax crimes. Shapley, the IRS whistleblower, has claimed he heard Weiss declare he would not be the “deciding official” in whether to bring Hunter Biden to justice.

Anonymous ID: 86d5fe July 4, 2023, 11:20 a.m. No.19122526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2554 >>2560 >>2645 >>2913 >>3044 >>3117

CDC Altered Minnesota Death Certificates that List a Covid Vaccine as a Cause of Death


Someone (who needs to remain anonymous) was able to obtain the death certificates from Minnesota for all deaths that occurred from 2015 to the present, which presented the opportunity to see if the CDC is being entirely honest about the US death data. Unsurprisingly, the CDC is not.


As we shall document, the CDC is concealing references to a covid vaccine on Minnesota death certificates (that are exceedingly rare to begin with because of widespread medical establishment denialism of vaccine adverse side effects). In almost every death certificate that identifies a covid vaccine as a cause of death, the CDC committed data fraud by not assigning the ICD 10 code for vaccine side effects to the causes of death listed on the death certificate.



When someone dies, there is a death certificate that is filled out for official/legal purposes. Death certificates contain a lot of information (some states include more than others), including the causes of death (CoD).


Causes of death refer to the medical conditions that ultimately played some role in the demise of the decedent. To qualify as a CoD, a condition only needs to contribute to the medical decline of the decedent in some way, but doesn’t have to be directly responsible for whatever ultimately killed the person. If someone had high blood pressure, and subsequently suffered a heart attack that led to cardiac arrest which killed them, all three conditions qualify as CoD. On the other hand, this unfortunate fellow’s ingrown toenail is not a cause of death, because it in no way contributed to their demise.


This is from the CDC’s own guidance explaining how to properly fill out CoD’s on a death certificate (you don’t need to understand the difference between Cause A, B, etc for this article):


The critical thing to keep in mind is that the person filling out the death certificate writes a text description of the CoD’s, but doesn’t assign the ICD 10 codes for the CoD’s.


That’s the CDC’s job.

ICD 10 Coding System for CoD’s


There is a fancy coding system that is used to classify the many thousands of medical conditions that can play a role in death known as the International Classification of Diseases. Every few years, it is updated/revised to keep up with new medical (or bureaucratic) developments, as new conditions are discovered and old conditions are reorganized or reclassified.


The current iteration of the ICD that was used for the deaths we’re looking at is the ICD 10 (that’s the 10th version). It is basically a hierarchical classification system:


There are codes for practically every random weird thing you can think of:

Anonymous ID: 86d5fe July 4, 2023, 11:24 a.m. No.19122540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2560 >>2645 >>2913 >>3044 >>3117

Burns Calls Ukraine War Major ‘Opportunity’ for CIA Recruiting Spies


The CIA has been trying to recruit Russians via social media


CIA Director William Burns said in a speech on Saturday that the war in Ukraine provides his spy agency a “once-in-a-generation opportunity” to recruit Russians.


“Disaffection with the war will continue to gnaw away at the Russian leadership, beneath the steady diet of state propaganda and practiced repression. That disaffection creates a once-in-a-generation opportunity for us at CIA, at our core a human intelligence service,” Burns told the Ditchley Foundation in the UK, according to The Hill.


Burns mentioned how the CIA has been openly trying to recruit people inside Russia using social media. “We’re not letting it go to waste. We recently used social media — our first video post to Telegram, in fact — to let brave Russians know how to contact us safely on the dark web. We had 2.5 million views in the first week, and we’re very much open for business,” he said.


The CIA published a video on Telegram and YouTube in May asking Russians to contact the spy agency with links using Tor, a web browser that encrypts user activity. The idea is to use Tor to access a CIA site on the dark web that the agency uses to gather information from people around the world. The CIA has been posting similar instructions on social media throughout the war.


On the same day Burns delivered his speech, CNN reported that he had recently traveled to Kyiv and met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. A US official said that the trip took place before Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin’s short-lived uprising against the Russian military establishment.


Zelensky confirmed that he met with Burns in an interview with CNN recorded on Sunday but said his dealings with the American spy chief should be kept secret. “My communication with the CIA chief should always be behind the scenes,” he said. “We discuss important things — what Ukraine needs and how Ukraine is prepared.”

Anonymous ID: 86d5fe July 4, 2023, 11:24 a.m. No.19122544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2559 >>2560 >>2574 >>2645 >>2913 >>3044 >>3117

VERY URGENT: The fertility crisis in mRNA countries is deepening


Why will no one investigate the plunge in births since 2021?


The global baby bust is worsening - and the problem is deepest in countries that relied most heavily on mRNA Covid shots.


Most notably, several nations that had stable birth levels before the mRNAs were introduced in 2021 have seen sharp drops since. Sweden had about 115,000 births annually from 2012 to 2021. Last year, births plunged to 105,000. In 2023, they are tracking below 100,000. Germany has a similar trend.


Meanwhile, Eastern European nations like Bulgaria - which had much lower mRNA jab rates - have seen in some cases increases in births in the last year.


The trend is not universal, and how the jabs might damage fertility remains unclear. They cause serious menstrual changes in many women, but large studies show their use in pregnancy does not cause miscarriages. If they are doing harm, it probably comes earlier, by reducing the odds of conception or implantation of new embryos. Several studies show sperm declines in men who’ve received them.


Yet governments, scientists, and the media have shied from examining possible mRNA links to infertility. Instead they mock or ignore anyone who mentions it.

Anonymous ID: 86d5fe July 4, 2023, 11:32 a.m. No.19122587   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden’s refusal to demand accountability for Israeli army killings is an open farce


The State Department shrugged after the Israeli government said there would be no consequences for the barbaric killings of 80-year-old Omar Asaad and three-year-old Mohammed al-Tamimi.


The Biden administration’s refusal to demand any accountability from Israel for army killings is now an open farce among media who cover these atrocities.


Last week the Israeli army stated that there would be no consequences for two grievous killings of Palestinians in the West Bank, though both killings were supposed mistakes.


“Poor decision-making on the part of the soldiers,” the Israeli army said of the killing of 80-year-old Omar Asaad, an American left beaten and handcuffed out in the cold at a checkpoint in January 2022.


And in the case of three-year-old Mohammed al-Tamimi, who was shot on June 2, the army said that an Israeli soldier violated orders in firing warning shots into the air, causing another soldier to fire on Mohammed’s father’s car, that soldier believing the two people in the car were “terrorists.”


There will be no prosecutions in either case, the army said.


Mohammed’s father Haitham al-Tamimi said that the Israeli investigation was a “coverup” and “this report feels to us like a crime on top of the original crime.”


“The two acts are in competition with one another in their degree of barbarity,” Gideon Levy wrote yesterday. “One after the other, the Israeli army legitimized two despicable acts by its soldiers… The IDF totally cleared those who had thrown a bound, elderly Palestinian man to his death as well as those who shot a Palestinian toddler in the head, killing him….In the view of IDF commanders, both are proper, normal and acceptable.”


Yumna Patel points out that the outcome is no surprise. “Less than 1% of Israeli army probes result in the prosecution of soldiers. And if you’re waiting for America to step in and take action, keep holding your breath.”


That, of course, is the scandal for Americans. Israel commits these atrocities with more than $4 billion a year in unconditional U.S. aid. And the Biden administration bends over backward to afford Israel cover for these and other killings. Even as some in Congress question the use of our money for human rights violations.


Both barbaric killings came up in State Department briefings last week, and reporters all but mocked spokesperson Matthew Miller’s rationalizations for the Israeli whitewashes.


On June 14, Said Arikat of Al Quds brought up impunity in the killings, Asaad’s first.


Matthew Miller said State was deeply concerned and seeking accountability and information.


As we’ve previously stated about this case… we expected a thorough criminal investigation and full accountability… Since Mr. Assad’s tragic death, we have continued to discuss this troubling incident with the Israeli Government. We’re aware of the conclusion of the investigation and we are at this time seeking more information from the Israeli Government about it.


“But they just closed the file,” Arikat said.


Miller said he was aware of that, but the U.S. government was going to “talk to them [the Israeli government] directly about it.”


Matt Lee of the Associated Press then battened on to the point that there is no accountability. “Do you believe that there has been full accountability? Did you expect it?… You said you expected full accountability. Have you seen it so far?”

Anonymous ID: 86d5fe July 4, 2023, 11:35 a.m. No.19122606   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rabbinical court delays ruling on Berlin rabbi accused of sexual misconduct


Orthodox groups in Germany put off hearing with Rabbi Reuven Yaacobov after doctor says he needs rest due to stress caused by allegations against him


A Jewish religious court has convened to hear testimony against a Berlin rabbi who was fired following allegations that he preyed on young women, using religious arguments to lure them into sexual relationships.


The beit din, or religious court, of Germany’s Orthodox rabbinical association, the ORD, announced on Monday night that it had “heard several affected persons in the case of allegations of sexual assault by a rabbi.”


But the group, working together with the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and the Conference of European Rabbis, said it was not prepared to make a ruling because the rabbi had presented a letter from his doctor saying he could not testify, two hours before he was scheduled to do so. He will be given another chance, on July 13, according to the beit din’s statement.


8, 2023. (YouTube screenshot/used in accordance with Clause 27a of the Copyright Law)


BERLIN, Germany (JTA) — A Jewish religious court has convened to hear testimony against a Berlin rabbi who was fired following allegations that he preyed on young women, using religious arguments to lure them into sexual relationships.


The beit din, or religious court, of Germany’s Orthodox rabbinical association, the ORD, announced on Monday night that it had “heard several affected persons in the case of allegations of sexual assault by a rabbi.”


But the group, working together with the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and the Conference of European Rabbis, said it was not prepared to make a ruling because the rabbi had presented a letter from his doctor saying he could not testify, two hours before he was scheduled to do so. He will be given another chance, on July 13, according to the beit din’s statement.

🎉 Celebrating 75 years of excellence in healthcare!


The rabbi, Reuven Yaacobov, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency on Tuesday that his doctors have told him to rest completely for a month because of the shock he had endured. “If we don’t end the situation, then the post-traumatic situation will follow,” he said via WhatsApp.


The ORD would not offer more specificity about the number of women who testified. But a source outside the ORD with knowledge of the proceedings said that at least 10 women took part, in-person or remotely, in the hearings held before an international panel of rabbis convened specially to deal with this case.

Anonymous ID: 86d5fe July 4, 2023, 11:37 a.m. No.19122620   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2634 >>2636 >>2652

Former Trump press secretary says he showed classified documents to people on Mar-a-Lago dining patio


Former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said Saturday that she saw former President Trump show classified documents to people at his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida.


“I watched him show documents to people at Mar-a-Lago on the dining room patio,” Grisham, who served as Trump’s chief spokesperson from July 2019 to April 2020, said in an interview on MSNBC. “So, he has no respect for classified information, never did.”


Trump pleaded not guilty last month to 37 counts related to his alleged mishandling of classified documents and his efforts to block the federal government from recovering them.


The federal indictment against the former president featured a partial transcript of a recording of a July 2021 meeting at his Bedminster, N.J., golf club in which Trump appeared to show off a classified Pentagon document that he had taken with him from the White House.


Since the recording was obtained and aired by CNN last week, Trump has claimed that he was not actually holding the classified document referred to in the audio and suggested the recording exonerates him.


“I would say it was bravado; if you want to know the truth, it was bravado,” Trump said in an interview with Semafor and ABC News. “I was talking and just holding up papers and talking about them, but I had no documents. I didn’t have any documents.”


On the recording, the former president can be heard discussing the “highly confidential” and “secret information” with an author and book publisher working on a memoir of former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows.


Trump also acknowledges in the recording that he could have declassified the materials when he was president but no longer could, undercutting his previous arguments that he had declassified the documents that remained in his possession after leaving the White House.


But she waited until now to speak out

Anonymous ID: 86d5fe July 4, 2023, 11:39 a.m. No.19122629   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Netanyahu says IDF ‘completing mission’ in Jenin; Palestinian death toll rises to 11


Premier says operation in West Bank city isn’t a one-off; army spokesperson says it will make future raids easier; renewed clashes reported


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hinted Tuesday that Israel’s major military operation in the West Bank city of Jenin was coming to a close, while vowing that it would not be the last raid.


“At this moment we are completing the mission, and I can say our widescale action in Jenin is not a one-time thing,” Netanyahu said during a visit to the Salem checkpoint, some 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) from Jenin.


“We will continue [to operate] as necessary to root out terrorism. We will not allow Jenin to go back to being a hotbed of terror,” he added.

Anonymous ID: 86d5fe July 4, 2023, 11:43 a.m. No.19122650   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ADL Chief Rips Congresswoman Over Israel ‘Slander’


Jonathan Greenblatt, the CEO of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), chastised Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) for her critique about Israel launching a military operation in the West Bank city of Jenin.


Their clash took place Monday on Twitter after Tlaib, a Palestinian American and member of the leftist “Squad” in the House, reacted to video footage posted by Al Jazeera English that seemed to show an Israeli bulldozer destroying a street in a Jenin refugee camp.


The post from Al Jazeera English also noted that Palestinian officials say road destruction has hindered the ability of ambulances to reach injured people.


Video footage shows an Israeli bulldozer destroying a street in Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank as Israel's forces carried out a deadly raid.


The destruction of the roads has prevented ambulances from getting to injured people, say Palestinian officials ⤵️


— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) July 3, 2023


“Israeli forces are now blocking ambulances from reaching the dozens of wounded Palestinians after at least eight people were killed in Jenin,” Tlaib said in a tweet. “Congress must stop funding this violent Israeli apartheid regime.”


Israeli forces are now blocking ambulances from reaching the dozens of wounded Palestinians after at least eight people were killed in Jenin.


Congress must stop funding this violent Israeli apartheid regime.


— Rashida Tlaib (@RashidaTlaib) July 3, 2023


Greenblatt reacted by accusing Tlaib of spreading falsehoods and echoing what the Israeli Defense Force has said about the operation — that the IDF is striking “terrorist infrastructure” while conducting a counterterrorism operation in the area.


“Even for [Tlaib], the level of dishonesty here is truly staggering,” Greenblatt said.


Even for @RashidaTlaib, the level of dishonesty here is truly staggering.


For starters, it’s a complete fiction. But equally important, this was a targeted action against armed terrorists who brutally murdered innocents, recklessly hid weapons under a mosque and intentionally…


— Jonathan Greenblatt (@JGreenblattADL) July 3, 2023


“For starters, it’s a complete fiction. But equally important, this was a targeted action against armed terrorists who brutally murdered innocents, recklessly hid weapons under a mosque and intentionally located their ops center next to a school,” he added.


“But when members of congress knowingly slander the Jewish state in a time of rising anti-Jewish hate, they should be held accountable for fanning the flames and endangering Jewish people everywhere,” Greenblatt concluded.


In her Twitter thread, Tlaib shared as a “Source” a link to a February article from Haaretz, an Israeli news outlet, about the perils faced by rescue teams working in Jenin.




— Rashida Tlaib (@RashidaTlaib) July 3, 2023


Greenblatt, who served in former President Barack Obama’s White House, has criticized Tlaib before for her anti-Israel rhetoric: Last year, joined with Jewish pro-Israel Democrats in condemning Tlaib after she declared that “you cannot claim to hold progressive values yet back Israel’s apartheid government” at an American Muslims for Palestine event.


“In one sentence, [Tlaib] simultaneously tells American Jews that they need to pass an anti-Zionist litmus test to participate in progressive spaces even as she doubles down on her #antisemitism by slandering Israel as an apartheid state,” Greenblatt said in a pair of tweets reacting to Tlaib’s assertion.


“It’s absolutely reprehensible and does nothing to advance the cause of peace. We call on people of good will and leaders across the political spectrum to make clear that such #antisemitism will not be tolerated,” he added.

Anonymous ID: 86d5fe July 4, 2023, 11:46 a.m. No.19122663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2676 >>2913 >>3044 >>3117 >>3125

Dirty Bomb Attack Articles Have Already Been Written by British Press Blaming Russia



The killing fields of Ukraine are the setting of an even greater war, one of propaganda, Martin Jay writes.


John Pilger was right. The killing fields of Ukraine are the setting of an even greater war, one of propaganda. It is quite extraordinary how so much of what we read in the UK press originates from a U.S.-funded propaganda bureau in Kiev so much so that it has become the norm for an event to be ‘reported’ based on what President Zelensky just merely says.


The contrast and hypocrisy are stunning. Consider the moronic ramblings of CNN reporters from all over the world asked to take us through the events of the so-called “attempted coup d’état.” They were based in the U.S., London and — of course — Ukraine, in the case of the dim-witted Ben Wedeman. All of them in chorus talking of Putin “on the edge” or staring “the abyss in the eye” but not one of them able to say “according to my sources” or “from people I’m speaking to in Russia”. No. That would be too close to a bygone era of reporting which left us long ago. All we have now is overweight buffoons like our Ben — who, despite being an Arabic speaker was so poor in Lebanon that he managed to falsely report the country’s debt as “mostly foreign” — who only “report” Russia though a Ukrainian prism which was probably written for him. This is how bad western media is. To be a journalist these days, you need two poignant skills. One, to have a great memory for the narrative that you have to replicate. And two, to have an almost morbid fear of nuance or detail. These CNN reporters were basically clueless and just made it up as they went along. They were, like most of us, nothing more than spectators, drowning in their own bigotry and blinded dogma.


Will it be these same morally bankrupt cretins, who will not even miss a heartbeat when a nuclear attack is made on a power station in Ukraine and they attribute it entirely to Russia? Of course, it will. Logically, they must follow through with their treacherous dark trade. They have been preparing their readers for this, as long back as the Novaya Kakhovka attack just weeks ago, where they weaved into the call-centre journalism copy warnings that there would soon be an attack on a nuclear power plant by the Russians!


Did those journalists who wrote this garbage do it out of sense of loyalty or patriotism to a western ideal? Or because they needed to chalk up some points to whoever fed them the line in the first place? These journalists will be the ones who will have blood on their hands though, if Zelensky goes ahead with the false flag attack as the Ukrainian president would only do so with the confidence that most, if not all, of western media will report it — falsely — to make it look like Russia was culpable.


To think that you don’t have to look too hard to see this new generation of idiocy which has taken over all newsrooms when it comes to reporting on Ukraine. There is no reporting actually. It is entirely one editorialization littered with twisted facts, half-truths and plain lies which do not follow the normal rules. Ukraine rules are difference. Ukraine rules state that all journalistic rules are abandoned in preference for a narrative which paints a poor image of the Russians and a romanticised fatalistic picture of the Ukrainians. And this is done meticulously even with a backdrop of more and more stories creeping into the fringe online press of Zelensky’s cabal buying even more villas in Switzerland and blanket denials of all archived reports, before February 2022, of the country being the “most corrupt country in Europe” with more recently even a British minister admitting that some of the heavy weapons sent to Ukraine don’t actually make it there.


Just recently an epic piece of this shoddy farcical journalism was presented by the Independent which took up vast amounts of column inches attempting to present someone’s idea — just an idea — that Putin was using a double in public events. Halfway through this tome, even the journalist had to admit that it “seemed” possible — surprise! surprise! — to the so-called expert in Kiev that “Putin is using body doubles”. Seemed possible.


This laughable newspaper screams the headline “The Putin body double and health rumours that won’t go away” without a trace of irony that the reason why the churlish rumour won’t go away is that we keep repeating it in our excuse of a newspaper.

Anonymous ID: 86d5fe July 4, 2023, 11:47 a.m. No.19122675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2913 >>3044 >>3117

Detransitioner: Genital Surgery ‘Destroyed My Life’ — ‘You Need to Be Insane’ to Think This Helps Patients


Daniel Black says he started making plans with his doctor to surgically remove his penis just 30 minutes into a consultation concerning his struggles with gender identity when he was 17.


Black left the appointment with a prescription for hormonal replacement therapy. At 19, the Czech Republic citizen had his penis surgically removed and received breast implants. Now 23, he is detransitoning, the Daily Mail reported.


In a Twitter post, Black said one would have to be “insane to believe bottom surgeries are good for patients.”


The surgeons removed Black’s testicles and created a “neovagina.”


“The whole experience was horrible and exhausting,” Black said in the post. “I was not able to finish school and my mental state went from bad to worse. I don’t recommend undergoing this surgery to anyone.”


Black said he has lost the ability to orgasm and will not be able to have children. He now has to have testosterone injected into his body, and is looking forward to an experimental penis transplant surgery. This January Black had his breast implants removed.


“The surgery destroyed my life,” he told MailOnline.


He credits his fiancée Tereza for being able to be who he truly is.


“At the beginning of our relationship I didn’t know what my role was supposed to be. She is a biological woman and I was playing the role of a fake one,” Black told the Daily Mail. “But it’s hard – for the first time in forever I am not acting or hiding behind a mask, I am honest about who I am and it’s utterly terrifying. Terrifying and liberating.”


In May, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a law banning “gender affirming” care for minors, Reuters reported.


There are 19 states with laws on the books restricting “gender affirming” care, CNN reported.


“It’s crazy that doctors and specialists provide children with this experimental treatment instead of offering them extensive psychotherapy,” Black told the Daily Mail. “These people then have to live with drastic lifelong consequences.”

Anonymous ID: 86d5fe July 4, 2023, 11:49 a.m. No.19122686   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Declaring Independence from the Parasite Caste


Doubling down on idiocy seems just as politically profitable as exposing it, so perhaps the talking heads have no interest in solutions. Their acolytes, who’d rather be coddled than be free, likewise have no interest in solutions beyond believing whatever makes them feel comfortable.


How many more decades or centuries must pass before the following thoughts are understood:


“The average man does not want to be free. He simply wants to be safe.” —H.L. Mencken (1880–1956)


“Humanity does not care for freedom. The mass of the people realize that they are not up to it: what they want is being fed, led, amused, and above everything, drilled.” —Joseph Schumpeter (1883–1950)


“Persons who are afraid to take on independent responsibility that necessarily goes with liberty . . . want to be told what to do and when to do it; they seek order rather than uncertainty, and order comes at an opportunity cost they seem willing to bear.” —James M. Buchanan (1919–2013)


“Most people quite like being afraid of something, and many dislike freedom and the responsibility that comes with it.” —Peter Hitchens


What began in 1776 as a manifesto for preserving voluntary exchange—capitalism—has been mutilated beyond recognition. The Declaration of Independence said: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Today, however, it’s painfully obvious that our government, which was intended to “secure these rights” and is allegedly “from the consent of the governed,” truly acts as if some are created “more equally.” The Declaration of Independence goes on to say that “whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.” However, the majority don’t wish to “alter or to abolish” the government; they wish to augment it.


Unfortunately, for the reader and me, the “long train of abuses and usurpations” over the past three years weren’t abusive enough for the majority. Sure, I could contact my elected representatives, but it seems that the past three years are no different from the past two and a half centuries: “Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury.”


Experts in injustice—lawyers—will say that the Declaration of Independence isn’t legally binding, but what about the oath of office that politicians, bureaucrats, and members of the military swore to uphold? “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Protecting Americans from foreign enemies is to be congratulated, but killing domestic enemies is now seen as treasonous? I fail to see the consistency. No, I’m not advocating violence; I’m simply pointing out the hypocrisy. In the “land of the free,” only the experts in injustice are allowed to interpret the Constitution.

Anonymous ID: 86d5fe July 4, 2023, 11:53 a.m. No.19122701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2714 >>2913 >>3044 >>3117

Gun sales top 1 million for 47 straight months, pro-gun group says


The Biden administration has advocated for tightening access to firearms and has secured the passage of some legislation to strengthen background checks.


Gun sales topped 1 million in June, marking the 47th straight month of record gun sales.


The National Shooting Sports Foundation said that 1,110,696 background checks were for gun purchases of the 2,152,187 conducted in June, according to the Washington Examiner. The rest were for the right to carry in public places and other security permits.


"Americans have another million reasons to celebrate this Independence Day. More than 1.1 million times in June, Americans exercised their Second Amendment rights to lawfully purchase a firearm," NSSF spokesman Mark Oliva said. "That extends the streak to 47 continuous months that background checks for firearm purchases have exceeded a million."


"This is notable because these figures buck the demands by gun control politicians to surrender rights. Americans choose differently," he added. "They choose, by the millions, to keep and bear arms. They are keeping alive the vision of our Founding Fathers that this would be a nation that celebrates the ethos of a responsibly armed citizenry."


"Happy Independence Day," he added.


The Biden administration has advocated for tightening access to firearms and has secured the passage of some legislation to strengthen background checks.


Gun rights, however, have also advanced during his tenure, with many states passing constitutional carry legislation to eliminate permit requirements for citizens who wish to carry a firearm for self-defense.

Anonymous ID: 86d5fe July 4, 2023, 11:59 a.m. No.19122721   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2913 >>3044 >>3117

WEF-partnered wind company with ties to governor sees huge tax breaks in New Jersey


Funds were originally being returned to utility customers if the project failed. Not anymore.


Orsted, a wind energy company that is partnered with the World Economic Forum (WEF), is getting huge tax breaks from New Jersey legislators to install offshore wind turbines. Tax credits being offered to the company were originally going to be returned to utility customers. One of Orsted's lobbyists notably has direct ties to the New Jersey Governor’s office.


Prior to the tax breaks that passed last Friday, there was legislation in New Jersey that directed costs associated with a failed project back to any off-shore company if it could not perform. It said that “ratepayers and the State shall be held harmless for any cost overruns associated with the [offshore] project."


However, according to the law that was passed last Friday as a result of more tax credits from the Inflation Reduction Act, if securities given to a company, such as Orsted, are “forfeited, the board may elect to return the funds to ratepayers or may utilize the forfeited funds to support infrastructure necessary to advance the offshore wind industry.”


Orsted, the off-shore wind company getting funding in New Jersey, first appeared as a partner of the WEF in September of 2021 according to internet archives.


At the 2021 WEF summit for using green hydrogen energy (using solar and/or wind in order to create enough energy to make an energy system for hydrogen atoms) the CEO of Orsted, Mads Nipper, said that offshore wind is a “cornerstone of the renewable energy transformation” and that they want to become world leaders in green hydrogen energy.


“We need to scale dramatically… [and] ensure that the incentives and policy frames are there."


“We don’t get it to scale unless we get it off the ground. And that is where production based incentives are really vital for an interim period of time,” Nipper stated. He emphasized that Orsted needed the freeing up of regulatory incentives, taxes, and fees.


During the first quarter of 2023, according to Senate filings, Orsted’s lobbying group, Orsted North America, had Kathleen Frangione lobby Congress for the “implementation of H.R. 5376 Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.” Total lobbying expenses for the quarter reported in the filing were $200,000.


Prior to being employed by Orsted, Frangione worked for the NJ governor as acting Chief of Staff in 2019 as well as the office’s Chief Policy Advisor. She had previously worked in John Kerry’s Senate office as well.


In a request for public comment to the Securities and Exchange Commission on a rule to standardize ESG reports for investors in 2022, Frangione made recommendations to the US Congress to enforce rules for “Scope 3” ESG reporting for companies. Scope 3 rules would force companies to report any direct or indirect emissions connected to the company.


This would include the reporting of any emissions released by supply chain partners to investors.


Those who would invest into Orsted are also buying into a company heavily influenced by the Denmark government.


Over 50 percent of Orsted shares are owned by the Danish Government, making it the effective owner of the company. The chair of the Board of Directors for Orsted is Thomas Thune Andersen, who is also a member of the Danish Committee on Corporate Governance.


This committee sets the recommendations that Orsted is supposed to follow for “best practice[s].” Anderson helped with writing them in 2020 after joining the Committee in 2018 when he had already been on the board for years at Orsted.


Andersen is also a member of the “Community of Chairpersons” at the WEF and has a history in New Jersey. He was the CEO of Maersk Oil from 2004-2009 which is based out of the state.

Anonymous ID: 86d5fe July 4, 2023, 12:05 p.m. No.19122746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2757 >>2771 >>2905 >>2913 >>3044 >>3117

The U.N. Is Planning To Seize Global ‘Emergency’ Powers With Biden’s Support


In September 2024, less than two months before the next U.S. presidential election, the United Nations will host a landmark “Summit of the Future,” where member nations will adopt a Pact for the Future. The agreement will solidify numerous policy reforms offered by the U.N. over the past two years as part of its sweeping Our Common Agenda platform.


Although there are numerous radical proposals included in the agenda, perhaps none are more important than the U.N. plan for a new “emergency platform,” a stunning proposal to give the U.N. significant powers in the event of future “global shocks,” such as another worldwide pandemic.


Many of the details of the U.N. emergency platform were laid out in a March 2023 policy paper titled “Strengthening the International Response to Complex Global Shocks — An Emergency Platform.” In the paper, the U.N. secretary-general writes, “I propose that the General Assembly provide the Secretary-General and the United Nations system with a standing authority to convene and operationalize automatically an Emergency Platform in the event of a future complex global shock of sufficient scale, severity and reach.”


Once triggered, the emergency platform would give the U.N. the ability to “actively promote and drive an international response that places the principles of equity and solidarity at the centre of its work.” The U.N. would bring together the “stakeholders” of the world, including academics, governments, private sector actors, and “international financial institutions” to ensure there is a unified, global response to the crisis.


The emergency platform would also give the United Nations the power to “Ensure that all participating actors make commitments that can contribute meaningfully to the response and that they are held to account for delivery on those commitments.”


In other words, the United Nations would be given unprecedented authority over the public and private sectors of huge swaths of the world, all in the name of battling a yet unknown crisis.

It Gets Worse


As difficult as it might be to believe, the story gets even worse from here. Although the duration of the emergency platform would initially be set for a “finite period,” at “the end of that period, the Secretary-General could extend the work of an Emergency Platform if required,” according to the United Nations’ own policy proposal.


That means the secretary-general would have the authority to keep the emergency platform in place indefinitely, all without reauthorization from member nations.


What kind of “global shock” would trigger the emergency platform? The U.N. provides several possible examples in its formal proposal, including a “major climatic event,” “future pandemic risks,” a “global digital connectivity disruption,” “major event in outer space,” and, my personal favorite, “unforeseen risks, (‘black swan’ events).”


This isn’t to say that these incredibly broad categories would be the only potential justifications allowed to trigger the emergency platform. The proposal makes clear that it “would allow the convening role of the United Nations to be maximized in the face of crises with global reach and should be ‘agnostic as to the type of crisis,’ as we do not know what type of global shock we may face in the future.”


Further, “The Secretary-General would decide when to convene an Emergency Platform in response to a complex global shock.”


Or, put in simpler terms, a “global shock” is whatever the U.N.’s leadership says it is, triggered whenever the U.N. desires.

Anonymous ID: 86d5fe July 4, 2023, 12:06 p.m. No.19122747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2754 >>2763 >>2913 >>3044 >>3117 >>3154

Marine Le Pen: "I Will Save France From the New World Order - Macron Will Be Arrested–


AN IMPASSIONED PLEA FROM MARINE LE PEN (videos at the end with subtitles)


Marine Le Pen gave an impassioned plea to the nation to quell the "endemic state of disorder, violence, and destruction in the country, whose images and echoes are freezing with brutality in a nation that respects itself."


"No reason, even dramatic, even emotional, can legitimize an anarchy that wants to settle scores. Attacks on people and goods, attacks on police and firefighters, massacres in town halls, school fires, or store robberies"…


The hardcore, ideological left has been very much part of these riots. They have encouraged and incited this rebellion. Marine Le Pen addresses that issue.


"Politicians or politicized unions who have taken the responsibility to morally exonerate these criminal acts even when they are overwhelmed by the insensitive movement of violence they have encouraged or even initiated, are themselves out of the republican field. They will take an indelible responsibility before the nation and history. I call on all citizens to challenge these anti-republican and extremist forces who, by their indirect calls to secession and their connivance and violence, lead the country on a terrible path of disorder.

Anonymous ID: 86d5fe July 4, 2023, 12:12 p.m. No.19122777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2837 >>2865

Gunman Behind Philly Massacre is BLM Supporter…. and Transgender?


Kimbrady Carriker, 40, was arrested late Monday evening for fatally shooting 5 people and injuring two children in the Kingsessing neighborhood of Philadelphia.


Carriker, described as a 40-year-old male, was wearing a bulletproof vest and carrying an AR-style rifle, a handgun, and a police scanner.


It appears Kimbrady Carriker is a transgender or a crossdresser based on photos posted to his Facebook page.


According to Carriker’s former roommate, the gunman had “an aggressive approach to some things in life.”


The Philadelphia Inquirer reported:


Sources identified the suspect in Monday’s mass shooting in Southwest Philadelphia as Kimbrady Carriker.


Carriker, 40, of Philadelphia, was arrested after being accused of killing five people and injuring two children in a shooting spree in the Kingsessing section of the city, sources said.


Shortly before 8:30 p.m., police responded to gunfire in the area of South 56th Street and Chester Avenue, said Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw. About 10 minutes later, with police following the suspect as he continued to fire a gun, he was cornered several blocks away in an alleyway on the 1600 block of South Frazier Street, she said.


The suspect was taken into custody without incident, police said.


Tina Rosette, 49, said she lived with Carriker for about a year on the 5600 block of Belmar Terrace in 2021. She said he was “really smart, intelligent, creative,” and loved working on computer programs.


She was shocked to hear he could’ve been involved in such a brutal act of gun violence, saying she’d never seen him with a gun before.


”I didn’t even know he had a gun,” she said.


Still, she said Carriker did have “an aggressive approach to some things in life.” One example: She said he sometimes taught young people how to fight, purportedly in self-defense, but didn’t give them much direction about how or when to stop.”


Facebook posts published by the Post Millennial show Kimbrady Carriker supported Black Lives Matter.

Anonymous ID: 86d5fe July 4, 2023, 12:12 p.m. No.19122784   🗄️.is 🔗kun

SICK: Florida Lawyer Deported Back to US After Allegedly Paying to Rape 4 Children in Cambodia


A Florida attorney who has spent the last several years in a Cambodian prison for sexually abusing minors has now been deported back to the U.S. where he will face six federal charges.


The DOJ have charged Rugh James Cline, 40, with six Federal charges which include “Five counts of engaging in illicit sexual conduct in a foreign place and one count of possessing child sex abuse materials.”


Each count of illicit sexual conduct carries a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison and the maximum penalty for possession of child sex abuse materials is 20 years.


Cline is currently out on a $100,000 signature bond and is not allowed to have access to the internet or have contact with children.


Per The DOJ:


United States Attorney Roger B. Handberg announces the return from Cambodia of Rugh James Cline (40, Tampa) for his first appearance after being charged in a federal indictment with five counts of engaging in illicit sexual conduct in a foreign place and one count of possessing child sex abuse materials. If convicted, Cline faces a maximum penalty of 30 years in federal prison for each count of engaging in illicit sexual conduct in a foreign place, and up to 20 years’ imprisonment for possessing child sex abuse materials. Cline made his initial appearance in federal court on June 7, 2023, in Tampa.


On June 26, 2023, a bond hearing was held, and Cline was released on GPS monitoring, home detention, and a $100,000 signature bond. Cline is also not allowed to have access to the internet or to minors while on home detention.


According to the indictment, in February and May 2019, Cline, a U.S. citizen and Florida-licensed attorney living in Tampa, traveled to Cambodia. While in Cambodia, he paid to engage in sexual conduct on multiple occasions with four minors. The indictment also charges Cline with having traveled from the Middle District of Florida to Cambodia while knowingly possessing materials depicting the sexual abuse of young children.


The charges go on to read that the disgraced lawyer flew to Cambodia in February and May of 2019 and allegedly paid to sexually abuse four children who were all under the age of 15.