Spent a few hours digging the "Payseur" theory, out of curiosity.
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but the theory seems to be that the crown prince, or "Dauphin" the son of the King of France who lost his head in the French Revolution, born as Louis-Charles de France, ‘Louis XVII’, came to America to marry at 29 years old, and through that marriage came to have an interest in a North Carolina gold mine, "The Reed Gold Mine."
The story goes that through his life to 1860, he used his gold fortune, fraud, and business wrangling skiils -to purchase virtually every business in the United States, to include the Railroads and all of their holdings. The sons of "Daniel Payseur" as the crown prince came to be known, continued their father's empire building throughout their own lives, and as was the family custom the eldest son's eldest son would become heir to the empire.
Alas the eldest son, Lewis Cass Payseur, had no eldest son, so the empire was put in control of the husband of his eldest daughter's, daughter's husband.
As tends to happen when you own most of the wealth of the new world, and leave it in the hands of a grandson-in-law because women just don't understand these sorts of things, as the checks kept coming -business was ignored until the very late date of 1971, when the family decided to sell the old home -but first, realized that they should prbably open that old safe that nobody ever has taken a look inside of.
Turns out they found all that stock, and "Since about 1972, the family has been trying to regain control of the leased corporations to clear up the mess
that has happened with everything and the frauds that have been committed."
Picture is from a twitter feed that discusses this subject.
Source material: https://ia601601.us.archive.org/9/items/pdfy-cvNMguo_dgwUReM2/FRAUD%20THEFT%20UNITED%20STATES%20PAYSEUR%20pandorabox_payseur.pdf
HOWEVER -Chateau de Versaille informs us that Louis-Charles de France, ‘Louis XVII’ …persihed in his cell at the tender age of 10 years.
Source: https://en.chateauversailles.fr/discover/history/great-characters/louis-xvii#:~:text=Louis%2DCharles%20de%20France%2C%20',outbreak%20of%20the%20French%20Revolution.