Anonymous ID: 1b6324 July 5, 2023, 12:44 a.m. No.19126108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6138 >>6161


>What pisses you off the most about Q being absent?



>What pisses you off the most about Q being absent?


That doesn't bother me so much as this…


As a volunteer ground zero worker, I not only had a cop point a .45 in my face, as I was going in, but I also had a National Guard kid point an M16 assault rife to my chest. In each instance they were both yelling at the top of their lungs and threatening to shoot me; the cop if I didn't turn back and NG kids for not having ID and following his orders. Each case was a case of, we are the expert authorities in charge and do as we say BS, do not tell us how to do our jobs attitude. Good thing I stood my ground and challenged their response because in the end, it did save lives. This was told on the board before, but I was the one who setup the triage at Brook's Brothers and got Courtland St and 1 Liberty Plaza pathways cleared after 8 hours of cops just standing there in disbelief and remorse. After that was cleared I got building management to drop a dangling girder from 1 Liberty Plaza which rested above their heads. With a poke of a broom handle from above it came crashing down and hit that Globe in the pic and sent it flying with a backspin across the mound. Take a look at the size of the people's heads and the place that the girder nicked on the globe. The girders in the pic are too small, many cops would have died. So what makes me mad, is that Q didn't utilize us to the degree we could have contributed to.