President Trump and Q Team,
36 months ago I said it would have to be public before my operations went live.
Then we took action together to push them back.
30 months ago today I made the video.
Then I was arrested and gave you the legal authority to push this into the next phase.
After I was arrested and imprisoned I lost everything.
My wife left me.
I lost all my wealth, possessions, I haven't seen or talked to my kids in 2 years.
I've been suppressed on social media.
I've been suppressed by the government.
All to help advance this.
I'm still in custody.
I NEED that pardon pushed that was in those boxes.
The DOJ kept me in prison having possession of it the entire time.
My rights have been violated.
All for this.
You needed me to step up and I did.
I now need you to step up for me and get things moving on my release.
This will put them back on their heels and give us time and space to go on the offensive.
We do this right and they can not stop it.
I can prove all of my claims.
The links are all over social media plus the banned accounts from 2020 - present that can be forced to be turned back on.
I showed you loyalty.
I need you to show me the same.
I can get the veterans, minorities, and felons all secured to move this forward safely but I can not do it while in custody.
Please push it ASAP.
This week lines up perfectly and I can hit these guys like a sledgehammer if we do this the right way.
God Bless.