Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 10:42 a.m. No.19128063   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8238

CNN Legal Expert on MO v Biden Decision: Free Speech Is Conservative Ideology – This Is an Activist Judicial Opinion


On Independence Day Judge Terry Alvin Doughty from Louisiana issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting DHS, FBI, DOJ, and other Biden administration agencies from continuing its government-wide, fascist conspiracy with Big Tech to censor speech and manipulate the public.


On Tuesday, July 4th, 2023 – Judge Doughty issued his Order DENYING the Government’s MOTION TO DISMISS.




The past year’s legal battle has solely been over Missouri, Louisiana, and Gateway Pundit, et al’s ability or right to prosecute this lawsuit. The Government’s efforts heretofore have been focused on obfuscating and stonewalling evidence on the one hand, and engaging in numerous tactics to extricate itself from the lawsuit, including through the filing of multiple motions to dismiss and to change venue (that is, to change courts in order to draw a communist judge who favors authoritarian government and widespread governmental censorship.)


Now that the Government lost its main effort to crush us, the real war begins. Having lost this crucial battle, the Government will be compelled to engage in full, “general” discovery. This means that Missouri, Louisiana, The Gateway Pundit, and the rest of the plaintiffs will be empowered to conduct a wide-ranging investigation into the Government’s fascist conspiracy with Big Tech to shut down speech, censor thought, and engage in population manipulation through information control, in contravention of our First Amendment (Find a Copy of Judge Doughty’s Order Denying the Motion to Dismiss, here.)


On this day, July 4, 2023, a landmark decision emerges in Missouri v. Biden. The federal judge has partially granted an injunction that now prohibits DHS, FBI, DOJ, and numerous other federal agencies from colluding with Big Tech to censor posts on social media.


“IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that Plaintiffs’ Motion for Preliminary Injunction is GRANTED in part and DENIED in part,” said Judge Terry Doughty, United States District Judge.


On Monday CNN fired off on Judge Doughty.


CNN legal analyst Elie Honig argued that “free speech” is a conservative ideology and Honig accused Doughty of being an activist judge – for FOLLOWING THE US CONSTITUTION.


This tells you everything you want to know about the modern day left. They have no regard for the US Constitution or individual rights. That is very clear.

Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 10:45 a.m. No.19128073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8078 >>8094 >>8245 >>8338 >>8602

UK Police Reopens ‘Partygate’ Investigation After Video Surfaces of Government Officials Drinking, Dancing and Mocking COVID Restrictions


Covid lockdowns were one of the most misguided public health policies of all times, and the idea of fining people for disrespecting what amounts to mere lunacy is certainly abhorrent.


However, UK’s ‘Partygate’ scandal is targeting the political class, a privileged caste who imposed the lockdown only to ignore their very own rules, so certain to evade accountability for their actions.


The original Partygate investigation touched 83 people, including former prime minister Boris Johnson and current PM Rishi Sunak. These people were handed a total of 126 fines.


Now, a previous episode that had not been included in the inquest has once again arisen. Police detectives had originally had not issued fines in relation to the CCHQ party on 14 December, until a video emerged showing staff drinking, dancing and joking about Covid rules.


“British police on Tuesday reopened an investigation into lockdown-breaching government parties after viewing video of Conservative Party staffers dancing and drinking at a 2020 Christmas soiree.


The ‘jingle and mingle’ party at Conservative headquarters was held when indoor social mixing was barred under rules imposed to curb the spread of the coronavirus.


The Metropolitan Police force said it also was looking into a gathering in Parliament on Dec. 8, 2020 reportedly attended by members of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.”


The announcement reopens the can of worms “partygate” that the Tory government so hoped was over.


“The revelation that political staffers held birthday gatherings, garden parties and “wine time Fridays” in the prime minister’s office and other government buildings during the pandemic sparked anger among Britons who had followed the rules, unable to visit friends and family or even say goodbye to dying relatives in hospitals.”


‘Partygate’ first ended Johnson premiership, and then his position as an MP. Forced out of office by his own party in July 2022, Johnson faced hard questions over his judgment and ethics that lasted through an investigation by the House of Commons standards watchdog.


The report demonstrated that Johnson had repeatedly lied to Parliament about the parties. Johnson attacked the committee and called it a ‘kangaroo court’.

Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 10:47 a.m. No.19128082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8121 >>8334

Joe Rogan Discusses How Corporate Media, Big Tech and the FBI Rigged the Election Against Donald Trump


In a recent episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience,” Joe Rogan delved into the subject of election interference and how media manipulation and Big Tech influence during the 2020 presidential election.


He spoke at length about how narratives from major news outlets and social media platforms skewed public opinion, even implying that these actions might have affected the final outcome.


Rogan opened the discussion by challenging the audience’s perception of the 2020 election: “Was the election rigged? But even if it wasn’t rigged, let’s say it wasn’t rigged… it was rigged by the media for sure.”


Rogan cited two prominent instances that, in his view, demonstrate media bias: the handling of the Hunter Biden laptop case and the narrative around Russia collusion.


“Just those two narratives that they knew were not true, that they pushed out in front of everybody, and that we know had to do with trying to get rid of Trump,” said Rogan during his podcast with American stand-up comedian Tom Segura on July 4th.


Segura responded, “One over-reporting, and one under-reporting.”


Rogan further elaborated, “That is in many ways, it’s manipulation of a public narrative. It’s manipulation of what the people think is real and not real.”


According to Rogan, this manipulation led to a widespread belief that then-President Donald Trump was in collusion with Russia. He argued this was part of a larger effort to sway public opinion and ultimately influence the outcome of the election.


“Everybody thought [Trump] was in collusion with Russia. It’s what everybody thought. All these mainstream, except Fox News they were the only ones that weren’t pushing it, everybody else was pushing it,” Rogan added.


“It was sold hard,” Segura responded.


Rogan also scrutinized big tech’s role in the election, pointing out that social media giants like Twitter and Facebook were involved in controlling information dissemination.


“It was not true, and it’s proven to be not true. And then there’s the Hunter Biden laptop thing, which they knew was true and they said wasn’t true. They stopped people from sharing it on social media. They stopped people from sharing on Twitter,” Rogan said.


He recalled how Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the FBI informed them about “Russian disinformation” related to the Hunter Biden laptop story, leading Facebook to limit the spread of that information.


“Zuckerberg sat in that very chair and said that the FBI contacted Facebook and told them that it was Russian disinformation. They were getting a bunch of Russian disinformation. So they limited the people’s spread of that. I don’t know how they did it. I don’t know exactly what they did to limit the distribution of that article,” Rogan added.


Throughout the conversation, Rogan expressed concern over what he saw as a lack of oversight and punishment for these actions.


“It’s wild shit. And no one cares. No one’s up in arms. No one’s freaking out, because that is a way that you’re going to rig an election without rigging an election.


“And the fact that they were willing to do that and that there’s no oversight, no one can stop them from doing that, and then there’s no punishment for them doing that. That’s scary.


“Whether you like that guy or not. We have to follow the rules. We have to. And if we don’t follow the rules because we don’t like somebody and we break the law because we don’t like somebody, we don’t want them to win.


“Now, this is Banana Republic. That’s scary. And the fact that they were willing to do that and that there’s no oversight, no one can stop them from doing that, and then there’s no punishment for them doing that,” Rogan concluded.

Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 10:49 a.m. No.19128091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8194 >>8245 >>8338 >>8602

US Tech Giant Hired Apparent Chinese Spy and Gave Him Vast Access to Databases – Now He’s Disappeared


Spying is not always James Bond or cloak-and-dagger kinds of stuff.


Sometimes secrets can fall into the wrong hands through industrial espionage.


For instance, U.S. federal authorities say former Apple employee Weibao Wang took with him confidential Apple material regarding self-driving cars when he resigned from Apple and joined a startup owned by Baidu, a major Chinese technology company.


Wang, 35, indicted by a federal grand jury in May, joined Apple as a software engineer in March 2016, and worked with an Apple team “that designed and developed hardware and software for autonomous systems, which can have a variety of applications, such as self-driving cars,” according to a news release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Northern District of California.


Wang left Apple after about a month and in November 2017, took a full-time job as a staff engineer “with the U.S. subsidiary of a company headquartered in the People’s Republic of China…and was allegedly working to develop self-driving cars,” the news release said.


Although his current LinkedIn site still has Wang employed by Apple, the U.S. attorney’s office did not name the Chinese company for whom Wang allegedly stole secrets.


Reuters last year identified Wang as an executive of Jidu, the electric vehicle subsidiary of Baidu. Wang’s mention by Reuters was in a June 2022, story of Jidu developing a self-driving concept car.


When he left Apple on April 16, 2018, “Apple identified Wang as having accessed large amounts of sensitive proprietary and confidential information in the days leading up to his departure from Apple,” according to the U.S. attorney’s office news release.

Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 10:54 a.m. No.19128122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8129 >>8139 >>8176 >>8334

Now we have information from our intelligence that the Russian military has placed objects resembling explosives on the roof of several power units of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Perhaps to simulate an attack on the plant. Perhaps they have some other scenario. But in any case, the world sees – can't but see – that the only source of danger to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is Russia and no one else. Unfortunately, there was no timely and large-scale response to the terrorist attack on the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant. And this may incite the Kremlin to commit new evil. It is the responsibility of everyone in the world to stop it, no one can stand aside, as radiation affects everyone.

Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 10:58 a.m. No.19128141   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8157

Actress Allison Mack, who pled guilty in connection with sex-trafficking organization, released early from prison


The actress who pled guilty to charges in connection to the sex-trafficking operation NXIVM has been released early from prison.


According to Federal Bureau of Prisons records, Allison Mack was released from a federal prison in Dublin, California, near San Francisco on Monday, a full year before her sentence was scheduled to conclude. In June 2021, Mack was sentenced to serve three years in prison after she pled guilty to racketeering and racketeering conspiracy for her role in NXIVM, which she joined in 2006.


Though billed as a company offering seminars for personal development and self-improvement, NXIVM, based in Albany, was soon considered a cult. By 2015, founder Keith Raniere had formed an otherwise all-female subgroup within NXIVM called DOS. Mack and other female leaders of DOS, known as "first-line masters," recruited women to become sex "slaves" for Raniere, whom they referred to as "Vanguard" or "the grandmaster." The women, described as "brainwashed," were often branded with Raniere's initials and blackmailed with nude photographs of themselves, which they were also forced to provide.


Mack cooperated with federal authorities in the investigation into Raniere and NXIVM. She even recorded a ceremony during which women were branded with Raniere's initials, evidence that prosecutors called "crucial." However, Mack was also referred to in court as Raniere's "essential accomplice," and others have compared Mack's role in NXIVM to Ghislaine Maxwell's role in Jeffrey Epstein's alleged sex-trafficking operation.


During her sentencing hearing in 2021, Mack called her participation in NXIVM "the biggest mistake and regret of [her] life." "I believed, wholeheartedly, that his mentorship was leading me to a better, more enlightened version of myself," Mack said of Raniere. "I devoted my loyalty, my resources, and ultimately my life to him."


She expressed similar regrets in a letter she composed to the women she victimized, admitting, "I lied to you, again and again, in order to protect the delusion I was so deeply committed to believing."


While U.S. District Judge Nicholas Garaufis viewed Mack as Raniere's "willing and proactive ally," he also acknowledged that Mack had likely been "manipulated and also felt captive."


About a month after Mack was sentenced to three years in prison, a federal jury convicted Raniere, 62, of sex trafficking, forced labor conspiracy, wire fraud conspiracy, and racketeering charges that included underlying crimes of extortion, identity theft, and possession of child pornography. He was sentenced to 120 years in prison.


After her prison sentence was complete, Mack was originally sentenced to serve an additional three years of supervised release. Whether that portion of her sentence has now begun is unclear.


Before she became involved with Raniere and NXIVM, Mack, who will turn 41 later this month, spent more than a decade in Hollywood, landing modeling and small acting roles on "7th Heaven" and the film "Camp Nowhere," starring Christopher Lloyd. She is best known for playing Chloe Sullivan, Clark Kent's friend, on the Superman TV series "Smallville." After "Smallville" ended, Mack made appearances on Fox's "The Following" and on the Elijah Wood series "Wilfred."

Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 10:59 a.m. No.19128145   🗄️.is 🔗kun

More than 3,000 Chinese devices embedded in the Australian govt a "moral" and "cyber security" risk

Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 11:03 a.m. No.19128160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8164 >>8204 >>8245 >>8338 >>8602

America’s 2024 Voting Machines Won’t Be Federally Certified.


Voting machines will not meet new federal standards in time for the 2024 election, and election officials are “freaking out”. Voting system guidelines will be updated on November 15th 2023, but few if any state election officials are updating their systems to meet them, with machines certified under the current “deprecated” standard remaining in use.


“The [federal government] must be unambiguous: voting systems certified to the [old standard] will remain federally certified after November 15th, 2023, and jurisdictions can continue using and purchasing those systems consistent with state or territorial laws and regulations,” the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) have demanded in a letter to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC). They fear skeptics of the machines will question the 2024 election due to machines only being certified to the old standard.


Ph.D. scientists recently exposed a host of “critical vulnerabilities” in voting machines, but officials such as Brad Raffensperger, Georgia’s Secretary of State, are refusing to address them in time for 2024, telling experts with concerns “tough noogies”.


Some officials, like Washington elections director Stuart Holmes, seem more worried than Raffensperger: “I’m expecting there will be a lot of conversations about the voting systems that were used in 2024 in 2025,” he said.


Nobody in the U.S. government seems willing to consider dropping machines in favor of traditional paper ballots to increase trust in elections, whether in the U.S. or overseas. Judges in Brazil recently banned former president Jair Bolsonaro from running for office for eight years, citing his questioning of the country’s electronic voting machines – which were endorsed by the Biden regime – after he tried unsuccessfully to secure a return to paper ballots.

Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 11:09 a.m. No.19128191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8334

Surprise!: Mark Zuckerberg’s ‘Sanely Run’ Twitter Clone ‘Threads’ Collects All Your Data


Threads, the soon-to-be-launched app touted by Facebook (now known as Meta) as the “sane” alternative to Elon Musk’s Twitter, will — much like other Facebook apps — collect a dizzying array of details about its users.


Screenshots of the app, which is available for pre-download on the App Store, shows it will collect data on users’ health & fitness, financial information, contact information, user content, browsing history, usage data, diagnostics, purchases, location, contacts, search history, identifiers, sensitive info, and more.


Many other apps, including Twitter, collect data on their users, but Facebook (along with Google) is particularly notorious for it. The tech giant recently settled a class-action data privacy lawsuit in the U.S. for $725 million, and has been condemned by both Democrat and Republican lawmakers for the way it has handled user data in the past.


News of Threads’ data collection policies drew a quip from Twitter owner Elon Musk: “Thank goodness they’re so sanely run.”


The phrase “sanely run” comes from a Facebook executive’s comment to employees that the company has “been hearing from creators and public figures who are interested in having a platform that is sanely run.”


As Breitbart News previously reported, this is likely a euphemism for more censorship. The vast majority of complaints about Twitter in the corporate legacy media, and from politicians and regulators, stem from the fact that Elon Musk has vocally rejected the idea that social media platforms should censor their users on behalf of the political left.


In some cases, he has even indicated that he will hold the left to their own standards, such as his recent statement that the word “cisgender,” often used as a term of abuse against normal people by transgender activists, will be considered a slur on Twitter.


By opening up the Twitter Files to independent journalists, Musk has also shed light on the close collaboration between the U.S. federal government and Twitter, a relationship that is now facing scrutiny in the courts, on the grounds that the government is using social media companies to violate Americans’ First Amendment rights.


The potential for Musk to upend the carefully-constructed “censorship industrial complex” of the media, deep state, and Silicon Valley has drawn intense backlash from the institutional left. Even before Musk took over, a cabal of pro-censorship NGOs issued an open letter demanding that the platform’s top advertisers intervene to stop him from reversing its Jack Dorsey-era censorship policies.


Musk’s tenure at Twitter, which led to the restoration of a number of prominent conservative accounts (including Donald Trump’s) led many leftist journalists and celebrities to quit the platform for rivals like Mastodon. Facebook is now presenting another alternative platform, although it remains to be seen whether it will be successful.


The current picture bears some similarity to the Jack Dorsey era, in which rampant anti-conservative bias on the platform led conservatives to flock to a number of competing platforms, including Gab, Parler, GETTR, and Truth Social. The only difference is that unlike conservatives, leftist users aren’t fleeing censorship and political bias — they are fleeing the lack of it.

Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 11:11 a.m. No.19128209   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CDC Caught Covering Up Deaths from Covid Shots


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has been caught covering up deaths caused by Covid shots to hide the fact that the vaccines are now a common cause of soaring excess fatalities.


An undercover journalist obtained all the death certificates from Minnesota dating back to 2015 and took a closer look at the ICD codes (International Classification of Diseases) that were assigned by the CDC.


It turns out that the CDC has been manipulating the ICD codes to conceal the fact that covid vaccines are a cause of death on the original death certificates.


Death certificates list all the known and suspected causes of death (CoD) that played some role in the demise of the decedent. The person who fills out the death certificate writes a text description of the causes of death, but the final ICD codes are determined by the CDC bureaucracy.


States send all their death certificates to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for analysis. The CDC uses algorithms to match the causes of death to corresponding ICD codes.


The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is a medical classification list provided by the World Health Organization (WHO).


The ICD has been around since the 19th century and serves a broad range of uses globally, providing critical knowledge on the extent, causes, and consequences of human disease and death worldwide.


The ICD standardizes data collection and enables large-scale research.


It supports payment systems, service planning, administration of quality and safety, and health services research.


The ICD-10 (10th edition) was used during this time.


When the covid-19 vaccine was rolled out via Operation Warp Speed, the CDC maintained that the injection was safe.


The government agencies considered any potential side effects as rare or mild.


This led the entire medical establishment to turn a blind eye to any serious or lethal vaccine adverse events, in a medical environment that was financially incentivized to deceive, in a culture that bullied those who made honest observations and drew objective conclusions regarding vaccine side effects.


Still, there were plenty of cases where medical professionals could not deny that the covid-19 vaccines played a role in a person’s demise.

Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 11:19 a.m. No.19128252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8338 >>8602

Taiwan’s Tsai Hosts Another US Congressional Delegation in Taipei


The delegation was led by Rep. Kevin Hern (R-OK), who expressed support for Taiwanese independence


On Tuesday, Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen hosted a US congressional delegation led by Rep. Kevin Hern (R-OK), the second time within a week that a group of US lawmakers visited the island.


Hern is the head of the Republican Study Committee (RSC) and expressed support for Taiwanese independence during a meeting with Tsai. While it operates as a de facto independent state, Taiwan has never formally declared independence from the mainland, as the issue is a major red line for Beijing.


Tsai has previously said there’s no need to declare independence because Taiwan is already independent. But it’s long been believed a formal declaration would trigger Chinese military action. In recent years, Chinese officials have been warning the US that any attempt to make Taiwan independent from China would mean war.


“Support for Taiwan as an independent and sovereign nation has been one of the founding principles of the RSC and has remained a top priority for 50 years,” Hern said in Taipei. “What an honor it would be to one day soon see Taiwan experience the same independence that our original 13 colonies enjoyed in the early days.”


Tsai thanked the delegation for congressional support for Taiwan’s military capabilities. “For many years, the US Congress has promoted numerous bills that support Taiwan’s efforts to upgrade its self-defense capabilities. On behalf of the people of Taiwan, I express sincere gratitude to the US Congress and government for their backing,” she said.


Last week, Tsai met with a congressional delegation led by Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL), chair of the House Armed Services Committee. The congressional visits anger China as Beijing opposes official contact between US and Taiwanese government officials. In August 2022, then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan sparked the largest-ever Chinese military exercises around the island.

Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 11:21 a.m. No.19128265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8338 >>8602

Congress Calls for Accountability Over Taxpayer Funding of Pro-LGBT ‘Pride’ Projects


After the end of what some consider to be “pride month” in June, Republicans in Congress are now calling for accountability over how much the American taxpayers are paying for pro-LGBT initiatives across the country.


As Just The News reports, Congressman Chip Roy (R-Texas) sent a letter to the Department of Defense (DOD) demanding that the department provide a report on every instance of taxpayer funding for “pride month activities,” with a deadline of July 15th.


“It has come to our attention that the Department of Defense (DoD) will once again divert American families’ tax dollars away from advancing its mission to ‘deter war and ensure our nation’s security’ to the promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) events during the month of June 2023,” said Roy wrote in his letter. “Expending vital resources on this type of political maneuvering, most apparent during the month of June, is inconsistent with the national security interests of the United States and is an inexcusable use of taxpayer dollars.”


Concerns about the military’s over-emphasis on pro-LGBT initiatives have been raised long before “pride month,” with Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) expressing his opposition to such spending back in March. Rubio cited a report revealing that several training materials in the DOD had been altered to include promotion of homosexuality, transgenderism, and other deviant sexual behavior.


“The United States military is the greatest fighting force in the world,” Rubio said at the time. “But woke activists in the Biden Administration are undermining military readiness, cohesion, and purpose.”


The DOD Comptroller recently issued a report revealing that at least $86.5 million had been spent on “dedicated diversity and inclusion activities.”


“The Department will lead with our values – building diversity, equity, and inclusion into everything we do,” the report declared.


Over the last two years, the Biden Administration’s budget requests for gender and sexuality initiatives around the world has more than doubled.


“The Administration remains steadfast in its commitment to invest in opportunities for women and girls and support the needs of marginalized communities, including the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex community,” the most recent budget said. “Reflective of that commitment, the Budget requests more than $3 billion to advance gender equity and equality across a broad range of sectors.”

Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 11:24 a.m. No.19128291   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russian Justice Ministry lists WWF as undesirable organization


The Russian Prosecutor General’s Office designated WWF as an undesirable organization on June 20, 2023


The Russian Justice Ministry on Wednesday entered the World Wildlife Fund, an international non-governmental organization that had been designated as a foreign agent in Russia, into the list of organizations that have been deemed undesirable in Russia, according to data on the ministry’s website.


"The Russian Justice Ministry included the foreign non-governmental organization World Wide Fund for Nature (the World Wildlife Fund, WWF) (Switzerland), in the list of foreign and international non-governmental organizations whose activities have been designated as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation," said a statement on the website.


The Russian Prosecutor General’s Office designated WWF as an undesirable organization on June 20, 2023.

Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 11:28 a.m. No.19128312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8338 >>8602

Like Halliburton in Iraq, BlackRock to Rake in a Trillion, “Rebuilding the Destruction” which They Financed in Ukraine


War is indeed a racket, and it is one that BlackRock, JPMorgan, and the like play with chilling efficiency


In the midst of a brutal conflict in Ukraine, two of the world’s financial titans, BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase, are seemingly leading the charge in an ostensible humanitarian effort. They are helping to establish the Ukraine Development Fund, a reconstruction bank designed to steer public seed capital into projects that can attract hundreds of billions of dollars in private investment. However, as those who are familiar with the words of Gen. Smedley Butler might ask, is this really an altruistic endeavor, or just another face of the long-standing war racket?


The echoes of Halliburton’s billion-dollar contracts during the Iraq war are deafening. These corporations, the backbone of the military-industrial complex, have found a golden opportunity in mass murder. The strategy is as lucrative as it is grotesque: profiteering from death, destruction, and then the subsequent taxpayer-funded reconstruction of the rubble they helped to create — all while maintaining a veneer of benevolence.


When we delve into the intricacies of the Ukraine Development Fund, the disturbing reality begins to surface. The World Bank estimates that Ukraine would need a whopping $411 billion to rebuild after the war. Here, BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase see a bountiful harvest. The roles they will play in leveraging taxpayer funds provide them with the potential for astronomical profits that would easily dwarf any of their alleged “donated” services.


The chilling parallels between Ukraine and the Iraq war are impossible to ignore. Halliburton reaped billions from no-bid contracts to rebuild what had been shattered by war. Tens of thousands of lives were lost, and a nation grappled with the fallout of a foreign intervention, while Halliburton and others cashed in on the chaos.


The more the dust of devastation settles over Ukraine, the clearer the profit margins become for BlackRock and their ilk. War and its aftermath create an ideal breeding ground for opportunistic corporate parasites. The brutal dance of destruction and reconstruction is a double-edged sword, inflicting deep wounds on humanity while filling the coffers of these corporations.


The financial giants’ noble facade of assisting Ukraine overlooks the brutal truth: the longer the war rages, the more they stand to gain. This harsh reality epitomizes Butler’s assertion that “war is a racket,” with the likes of BlackRock, JPMorgan, and the broader military-industrial complex reaping significant profits from the suffering and despair of millions.

Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 11:32 a.m. No.19128329   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Huawei’s new patent for brain-computer interface announced


Huawei, a Chinese multinational tech company, has recently announced a new patent for a brain-computer interface (BCI) network application. The patent, with application number CN116350174A, was filed in China and is titled “brain-computer network application”. This new patent is a huge step forward in the field of BCI. This area has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with tech. In this article, we will explore the details of Huawei’s new patent and its implications for the future of BCI.


What is a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)?


A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a system that allows direct communication between the brain and an external device, such as a computer or a prosthetic limb. The tech works by detecting and interpreting brain signals. The signals are then translated into commands that can be used to control the device. BCIs have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with tech. This is particularly for people with disabilities who may not be able to use regular input devices such as a keyboard or mouse.

Huawei’s New Patent for Brain-Computer Interface


Huawei’s new patent for a brain-computer network app is a huge step forward in the field of BCI. The patent describes a system that uses a network of sensors to detect brain signals. These signals are then transmitted to an external device. The system is designed to be non-invasive, meaning that it does not require any surgical procedures to be performed on the brain.


The patent also describes a method for analyzing brain signals to determine the user’s intent. This is a crucial step in the development of BCIs, as it allows the user to control the external device with their thoughts. The system is also designed to be adaptable, meaning that it can be customized to suit the needs of many users.


The patent abstract shows that this new patent involves the field of the Internet of Things. The brain-computer interface includes a light source, a time domain delay module, and a wavelength-dependent optical splitting module. It also includes a sensor network as well as a sensor front end. The patent also gives the users of these parts as follows

Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 11:34 a.m. No.19128336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8344 >>8353 >>8358

Corporate America’s embrace of Pride month now involves heavy marketing of LGBTQ products to kids


Toy companies such as Build-A-Bear Workshop and Mattel have pride collections for children.


Many companies during Pride month marketed LGBTQ-themed products to children, while also donating money to advocacy organizations in the movement.


Target, Kohl’s, and North Face were all targeted for boycotts over marketing LGBTQ-themed children’s products. The backlash resulted in Target removing some transgender merchandise, Kohl’s marking down its pride products by at least 50%, and North Face removing the pride-themed clothing items for kids.


Amid the boycott, by mid-June, Target’s market cap had fallen by more than $15.7 billion.


The Target boycott began shortly after Bud Light faced its own protests after entering into a paid partnership with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney.


Target was a platinum sponsor of NYC Pride 2023, a status that requires a donation of $175,000 while Bud Light’s parent company, Anheuser-Busch, sponsored pride events in various U.S. cities.


“Woke corporations can play ball with radical leftists all they want – it’s their right,” Doug Truax, Founder and President of Restoration of America, said in a statement. “But they need to understand that vast numbers of Americans disagree with the fringe agendas and will take their spending elsewhere. The woke backlash already has begun, and I expect it to continue.”


There were also several other companies that marketed pride-themed products to children while donating to pro-LGBTQ organizations.


Build-A-Bear Workshop has a pride collection that includes rainbow-colored stuffed animals and LGBT-themed accessories for them.


Through December, “for every Pride collection item purchased, Build-A-Bear will donate a portion of proceeds ($1 for furry friends, $0.50 for other items) to Build-A-Bear Foundation to support organizations committed to the work of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Maximum donation of $50,000,” the company’s website reads.


Disney also has a pride collection for children, including Star Wars, Marvel, and The Little Mermaid rainbow-colored t-shirts.


Also, Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla., will host an LGBT+ conference this fall that organizers are calling the world's largest, amid the company’s legal battle with Gov. Ron DeSantis.


Last year, Disney denounced Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act – which critics called the "Don't Say Gay" bill – that restricts discussion of certain sexual topics in schools from kindergarten through third grade. As a result, Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill into law in February revoking Disney's special control over the district where its amusement park is located.

Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 11:35 a.m. No.19128342   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FDA blasted for 'misleading' mRNA COVID vaccine labels as 'sudden death' research mounts


Even FDA-funded research acknowledges "safety signal" for serious heart inflammation in 12-17 year-olds. Agency ignores federal law by demanding proven "causality," medical researchers claim.


Researchers around the world continue documenting potentially severe side effects from COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in certain demographics, but the Food and Drug Administration refuses to label them or even tell recipients the shots can't stop transmission of an increasingly immune-evasive virus.


Autopsies and reviews of medical records revealed a much higher incidence of Pfizer and Moderna vaccine-associated heart deaths than officially categorized in South Korean, Japanese and Qatari government registries, particularly in younger people at lower risk from COVID. That echoes a German autopsy study of healthy people who died within 20 days of jabs.


An FDA-funded study in the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics on May 22 also found a "safety signal" for myocarditis and pericarditis — forms of serious heart inflammation — following vaccination in 12-17 year-olds. It was based on "near-real-time monitoring using commercial claims databases" for more than 3 million children ages 5-17 who took Pfizer's vaccine.


Three weeks earlier, the Nature journal NPJ Vaccines published a Taiwanese study that found a much higher risk of "all forms of retinal vascular occlusion" — visual impairment — among vaccinated populations both 12 weeks and two years later, with "no disparity … between brand and dose" among mRNA vaccines.

Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 11:37 a.m. No.19128352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8375 >>8401

'Israeli forces are happy to kill children,' BBC anchor tells ex-PM Bennett


In an interview with BBC host Anjana Gadgil, former Israeli prime minister Naftali Bennett tackles questions criticizing Israeli actions in Jenin.


A BBC anchor told former Israeli prime minister Naftali Bennett that "Israeli forces are happy to kill children" in an interview where Bennett responded to criticism of the Israeli operation in Jenin. The BBC interview was conducted by host Anjana Gadgil and was posted to Bennett's YouTube channel on Wednesday.


"The Israeli military are calling this a 'military operation,' but we now know that young people are being killed, four of them under eighteen. Is that really what the military set out to do? To kill people between the ages of 16 and 18?”


“Quite to the contrary," Bennet replied. "Actually, all 11 people dead there are militants. The fact that there are young terrorists who decide to hold arms is their responsibility." The former Israeli prime minister went on to explain that, of many of the terror attacks over the past year, events that have collectively ended several dozens of Israeli civilian lives, the perpetrators have come from, and we trained in, Jenin. "Jenin has become an epicenter of terror," he says. "All the Palestinians that were killed were terrorists in this case."

Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 11:42 a.m. No.19128381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8395 >>8462 >>8479 >>8602

Electric vehicles are financing slave labour operations and destruction of the environment


If UK Councils have independently researched the environmental and social impact of making the batteries for the proposed electric bikes, scooters and buses then they are knowingly supporting slave labour and destruction of the environment.


If they haven’t conducted their own research then “I was just following orders” will not save them from being accused of encouraging atrocities to be committed in their quest for unjustifiable “net zero.”


Electric cars and renewable energy are not as “green” as they appear. Production of raw materials like lithium, cobalt and nickel that are essential to these technologies are often ruinous to land, water, wildlife and people.


To extract lithium, a single mine can use over 5 thousand tons of sulphuric acid per day, Rachel Mathews told the Colchester City Council on 6 June.


To remove the acid, over 3,000 gallons of water are used per minute. Every year, that single mine produces over 350 million cubic yards of permanent waste laced with sulphuric acid and radioactive uranium. And they anticipate what’s left of the water supply, in the area indigenous people rely on, could be contaminated for an estimated 300 years.


Mathews pointed out that Cobalt is also required for rechargeable batteries. There’s an enormous invasion of the human rights of the people in the Democratic Republic of Congo (“DRC”) as well as massive environmental destruction and toxic contamination relating to the mining of cobalt. Slavery and child labour are alive and thriving in the DRC in the cobalt mines. Anyone with a rechargeable gadget is an unwilling participant in this horror but we don’t have to be.

Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 11:50 a.m. No.19128434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8602

TikTok allows Mexican cartels to post 'help wanted' ads for human smugglers


“99.9% of smugglers they encounter and arrest are American citizens.”


This week, I had the opportunity to ride along with the Kinney County Sheriff’s Department. Kinney County, Texas is a hotspot for human smuggling, facilitated by the cartels. High-speed chases, rollovers, and witnessing graphic deaths are a regular occurrence for deputies in Kinney County. While riding with Deputy Molinar, a veteran deputy from Kinney County, he informed me how cartels are advertising smuggling jobs to Americans.


He showed me one example of an ad on TikTok, and within minutes of looking for myself, I found more than a dozen ads that were blatantly advertising smuggling jobs for the cartel. As I was engaging with these ads, I realized one had an information label from TikTok that read: “Participating in this activity could result in you or others getting hurt.”


Translation: “I need drivers based in Texas. Only serious enquires. Good pay: $10-20K USD in 3 hours. Houston, TX, Dallas, TX, San Marcos, TX, San Marcos, San Antonio, Austin, TX, Waco, TX, Temple, TX. Follow me and DM me if interested and if you have car or truck. We will pay more if you have a trailer.”


As you’ll see, the video with this label is a very obvious example of human smuggling and even shows the process of smuggling migrants past border patrol, chats between the smuggler and the organizer, and then the reward that comes after.

Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 11:55 a.m. No.19128459   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Suspected key figure of notorious cybercrime group arrested in joint operation


Operation Nervone has dealt a significant blow to the OPERA1ER group.


ABIDJAN, Côte d’Ivoire – Over the last four years, a highly-organized criminal organization has targeted financial institutions and mobile banking services with malware, phishing campaigns and large-scale Business Email Compromise (BEC) scams.


Known as OPERA1ER, with aliases such as NX$M$, DESKTOP Group and Common Raven, the group is believed to have stolen an estimated USD 11 million - potentially as much as 30 million - in more than 30 attacks across 15 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.


A detailed overview of OPERA1ER’s methods was published by Group-IB and Orange S.A. in November 2022. Following extensive cooperation, INTERPOL, AFRIPOL, Group-IB and Côte d’Ivoire’s Direction de l'Information et des Traces Technologiques (DITT) are announcing the arrest of a suspected senior member of the group, dealing a significant blow to their criminal activities.

How it happened


The group’s illicit e-mail campaigns were first detected by Group-IB in 2018, when they recognized spear phishing operations responsible for spreading malware such as remote access tools.


Under the auspices of Operation Nervone, INTERPOL’s Cybercrime Directorate, Group-IB, and third-party stakeholder Orange exchanged intelligence which helped track the group’s behaviours and identify a probable location for their activities.


Additional information was provided by the United States Secret Service’s Criminal Investigative Division and Booz Allen Hamilton DarkLabs cybersecurity researchers, confirming a number of leads.


In early June, authorities in Côte d’Ivoire were able to arrest a key suspect linked to attacks against financial institutions across Africa.

"Operation Nervone is a testament to what we can achieve through international collaboration and intelligence sharing. This successful operation marks a significant step in our ongoing mission to dismantle organized cybercrime networks, showcasing the power of collective action in stemming the tide against cybercrime.” Bernardo Pillot, INTERPOL’s Assistant Director of Cybercrime Operations


According to the INTERPOL’s 2022 African Cyberthreat Assessment Report, cybercrime is a growing threat in the West Africa region, with victims located worldwide. Operation NERVONE underscores INTERPOL's commitment to proactively combat the threat of cybercrime in the region.


Operation Nervone was backed by two key INTERPOL initiatives: the African Joint Operation against Cybercrime and the INTERPOL Support Programme for the African Union in relation to AFRIPOL, funded by the United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office and Germany’s Federal Foreign Office, respectively.

Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 11:56 a.m. No.19128469   🗄️.is 🔗kun

21 arrested for labour exploitation and 261 victims identified


Authorities target food and delivery services, beauty salons, and transport and construction sectors during EU-wide Joint Action Days


Between 10 and 17 June 2023 Europol coordinated EMPACT Joint Action Days (JADs) targeting human trafficking for labour exploitation purposes. The JADs were led by the Netherlands, and carried out by law enforcement and labour authorities from 31 countries with support from Eurojust, the European Labour Authority and Frontex.


Over 27 000 officers carried out inspections in a total of 11 360 locations in a range of sectors, including gastronomy, agriculture and the beauty industry, focusing in particular on the exploitation of non-EU nationals and refugees. Over the span of the action week, 65 839 individuals and 22 958 vehicles were checked. As a result of these checks, 57 suspects were identified and 21 were arrested for labour exploitation, with a total of 261 victims identified. Data gathered during the operation has led to the launch of 86 new investigations in order to identify further potential suspects and victims linked to human trafficking cases across the EU and abroad. This interlinked approach, which involved both law enforcement and labour authorities, facilitated the exchange of information and knowledge about human trafficking indicators.

Food and delivery services targeted


Each participating authority screened for the most prominent forms of labour exploitation in their respective jurisdiction. National and regional police bodies, border guards, labour authorities and labour inspectorates worked hand-in-glove to identify, safeguard and protect victims of labour exploitation. Inspections were mostly carried out in labour-intensive sectors which require low-skilled workers. Employees in industries such as transport, logistics and construction are more vulnerable to exploitation due to factors such as the informal, unstable and underpaid nature of their work and a lack of agency to seek justice if their rights are violated.


The operational activities targeted a range of sectors, including food and meat processing, restaurants, delivery and food delivery services, beauty salons, construction, mining, transportation and agriculture. Checks took place at key border crossing points in countries of origin, transit and destination. Officials also targeted the labour exploitation of housekeepers and caregivers at home. In total, 70 661 documents were checked during the action week, as human traffickers often rely on the use of fraudulent and false documents.

Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 12:05 p.m. No.19128533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8574 >>8595 >>8638

REPORTER: "Can you give any more details on where the Secret Service found the cocaine in the West Wing and how it got there?"


KJP: "The President and the First Lady and their family were not here this weekend."

Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 12:08 p.m. No.19128543   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8602

Leaked documents reveal Reuters helped overthrow Egyptian democracy


Reuters served as a channel for the UK Foreign Office to covertly fund an Egyptian outlet that clamored for the overthrow of the country’s first democratically elected leader, leaked documents show.


This July 3 marks the 10th anniversary of Egyptian army chief General Abdel Fattah Sisi’s violent seizure of power in Cairo. The first democratically elected leader in 5000 years of Egyptian history, Mohamed Morsi, was swept from office, his supporters were massacred by the hundreds, and he ultimately died in prison. With US and UK support, Sisi quickly reversed any tentative democratic gains made during the country’s brief, difficult transition from the rule of longtime Western-backed autocrat Hosni Mubarak.


In the decade since Sisi’s coup, his government has systematically crushed opposition to his rule. Political parties and critical media have been banned en masse, activists, journalists, and civil society actors harassed, disappeared, tortured and jailed, and prisons transformed into hotbeds of systemic sexual violence, and other horrific abuse. It is estimated that half of Egypt’s 120,00 inmate population are currently incarcerated for political reasons, one of the highest rates in the world.


The circumstances of Morsi’s forced ejection from office, and of Egypt’s regression to one of the most repressive countries on Earth under Sisi’s rule, have been well-documented, despite many NGOs and news outlets fleeing the country over the years. Yet, there is a crucial component of the historical record that has not been revealed until now.


Leaked documents reviewed by The Grayzone reveal that the media giant Reuters worked closely with the British Foreign Office to drive the fateful events of July 3 2013. What follows is the story of how Cairo’s first democratically elected government in history was undermined, Sisi’s blood-spattered coup whitewashed, and the military entrenched in power, through covert propaganda funded in secret by London.

British spies strike secret deal with Reuters


In the wake of Egypt’s revolution in February 2011, chaos reigned untrammeled. What path the country should take, whether and when free elections would be at last held, and if so who would be entrusted by the public with governing Cairo moving forward, was far from clear.


Large-scale protests against the interim military administration following Mubarak’s departure were an almost daily occurrence, as were violent and sometimes fatal clashes between demonstrators and security forces. Along the way, protesters ransacked and occasionally occupied the offices of local police forces and intelligence services, attacked foreign embassies, and torched government buildings.


Against this tumultuous backdrop, Egypt prepared for its first free parliamentary vote in October 2011. Though many citizens welcomed the elections, officials across the West openly angsted about the popular Muslim Brotherhood emerging victorious and pursuing an independent path. Such fears were particularly pronounced in Britain, Cairo’s former imperial master, and its largest investor today.


As if on cue, Thomson Reuters Foundation (TRF), the “charitable” arm of the Thomson Reuters global news conglomerate, established Aswat Masriya, an ostensibly independent media outlet, to cover Egyptian affairs. Unbeknownst to the Egyptian public, the effort was wholly funded by the British Foreign Office. By the time Aswat Masriya closed, a staggering £2 million had been pumped into the initiative by London.

Anonymous ID: 8e47fe July 5, 2023, 12:13 p.m. No.19128566   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Donald Trump Jr postpones speaking tour of Australia after Albanese government allegedly failed to approve visa on time


Donald Trump Jr has postponed his speaking tour of Australia, claiming the Albanese government failed to approve his visa on time, despite it being submitted in May.


Prominent Republican Donald Trump Jr has postponed his upcoming speaking tour of Australia after his visa allegedly failed to be approved in time.


In a chaotic turn of events, promoter Damien Costas told Sky News Australia the tour had been postponed due to Trump Jr’s visa still being in limbo just 24 hours out from the event before it was allegedly quickly issued by the government on Wednesday evening.


With only four days until his speaking tour was due to kick off, event organiser Turning Point and the promotion team felt it was cutting it too fine to wait any longer, Costas said.


The visa application was reportedly submitted by Trump’s team in May.


The Department of Home Affairs told it couldn’t comment on individual cases due to privacy reasons but said Trump Jr had been issued a visa.


“It’s his choice whether he comes or not but there is no immigration impediment to him coming,” a spokesman for Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil said.


Trump Jr’s team released a statement on Wednesday evening confirming the tour was still postponed despite the last-minute visa.


“Turning Point Australia have today announced they have been forced to postpone the “Trump Live!” speaking tour which was set for 9th – 11th July due to the delay in the arrival of a visa for Donald Trump Jr to enter Australia,” it read.


“The visa which has now been issued, was only received late afternoon of Wednesday 5th July; only 24 hours before Donald Trump Jr. was set to board a flight to Sydney.”