Anonymous ID: 7787fe July 5, 2023, 2:08 p.m. No.19129125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9194 >>9197 >>9334 >>9367

Vancouver theater hosting Drag Summer Camp for kids as young as seven years old


"Parents, ask yourself, what’s the difference between what you wear at home versus what you wear at work? You’re doing drag honey, you just don’t know it!"


A children's youth theater in Vancouver is hosting a drag summer camp for kids as young as seven years old, which provides children with drag makeup kits while they learn how to access their "inner confidence."


The four-day drag summer camp for youth aged seven to seventeen is taking place at Carousel Theatre on Granville Island beginning July 4, which has sparked heavy criticism in the community and drew in dueling protests on Tuesday.


The description of the drag summer camp listed on the theater's website states, "Drag Queens, Drag Kings, Drag Things and anything in between are all welcome at Drag Camp!"


"Do you enjoy expressing yourself through clothing, makeup and performance? Do you have an alter ego that is just waiting to hit the stage? Our new two week senior Drag Camp might be just your cup of tea, honey! Led by some of Vancouver’s established and emerging drag artists, you’ll learn how to access your inner confidence, show your true colours, and maybe even let out that inner diva! Join some of Vancouver’s most amazing drag artists and learn how drag can brighten up your life!"


"You might be wondering, is drag for kids? Drag is for everyone! Parents, ask yourself, what’s the difference between what you wear at home versus what you wear at work? You’re doing drag honey, you just don’t know it!" the theater wrote.


The camp, which costs $460 for kids ages 7 to 11 and $900 for ages 12 to 17, will reportedly provide its students with a drag makeup starter kit, according to the website.


While concerned community members arrived to protest the summer camp on Tuesday, they were met by counterprotesters that came to defend the theater from protesters that organizers referred to as so-called "bigots."


According to CTV News, Vancouver city council members and over two dozen community members showed up to the theater on Tuesday to support the kids attending the drag summer camp. Members of a local union handed out LGBTQ Pride-themed buttons and donuts, along with stickers that read, "I support Carousel Theatre for Young People."


The outlet reported that less than ten protesters showed up to the theater.


A photo shared by Community over Convoys on Twitter shows two protesters standing with signs that read "LGB says no to 7 year old drag queens" and another that called for the removal of the "trans" and "queer" from the "LGB" community, which added, "Say no to groomers."


Following the protest, the Twitter account, which is a progressive group that called on the community to defend the theater, wrote: "Even with far-right fake media in attendance, anti-2SLGBTQ+ protesters couldn't bring more than 10 bigots out to Granville Island this morning. "LGB drop the TQ" is just "transphobia." "Old school trans" is just "transphobia." And "grooming" is a far-right conspiracy."

Anonymous ID: 7787fe July 5, 2023, 2:12 p.m. No.19129143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9194 >>9334 >>9367

RCMP allegedly grills Saskatchewan high school students over 'straight and proud' poster


"The principal allegedly had an RCMP officer brought in to question some of these kids without parents there."


An RCMP officer reportedly came to Swift Current Comprehensive High School and grilled students about a poster they had signed affirming that they were “straight and proud.”


The incident gathered extensive traffic on the internet after independent journalist and videographer Nadine Ness posted details on her Twitter account.


“Discrimination based on sexual orientation is very much alive and well in this Sask school, especially if that sexual orientation is straight. High school students in Swift Current were pulled into the principles office for signing their name on a poster that said ‘I’m straight and proud,’” Ness posted.


“I’ve attached a copy and covered the student’s names in order to protect their identity. The principal allegedly had an RCMP officer brought in to question some of these kids without parents there and the kids have disclosed to their parents feeling being intimidated by this RCMP officer who was saying things like this borderlines a hate crime and they could get in legal trouble,” she continued.


“What makes this worst is the school never even notified the parents of those kids! If you are a parent of one of those kids I’m sorry you’re hearing it from me first and not the school.”


Ness claims that the RCMP member tried to intimidate the students by describing their poster as a “borderline” hate crime that could entail legal consequences.


“The kids have disclosed to their parents feeling being intimidated by this RCMP officer who was saying things like this borderlines a hate crime and they could get in legal trouble,” Ness wrote.


Joanne Booth, communications coordinator for the Chinook School Division, the agency responsible for the high school, told The Post Millennial Wednesday that “your information is incorrect” when asked about the incident but would not say what information she was referring to and refused to answer yes or no as to whether the RCMP visited the school. She said she would have “no further comment” on the matter.


The receptionist did not even want to provide Booth’s last name to TPM and suggested it could be gleaned by “research.”


As the school and the board are public entities, it did not take long to discover that information.


In conversation with Ness Wednesday, the former RCMP officer noted that “about 10” students were grilled by the RCMP after a teacher called the local constabulary and complained about “hate speech” occuring at the school. She told TPM that the school has still not provided any apology, explanation or acknowledgment of the police interrogation to the parents of the students affected.


Ness said she is working on a video that will expose other gender transition exercises that are going on in the school.


Christians and Muslims have joined forces across Canada to oppose the celebration of LBGTQ ideology and “pride month” being enforced at schools.

Anonymous ID: 7787fe July 5, 2023, 2:17 p.m. No.19129168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9194 >>9334 >>9367

Newsweek reveals CIA role in Ukraine


The spy agency is leading US efforts to aid Kiev, but claims it can’t predict Zelensky’s actions


The Central Intelligence Agency has boots on the ground in Ukraine and operates a clandestine supply network to help the government in Kiev to fight Russia, Newsweek reported on Wednesday, citing anonymous sources within the US government.


“The CIA was central to the war even before it started,” claimed the article, written by William Arkin. Its director, William Burns, famously visited Moscow in January 2022 and, though he failed to persuade Russia not to “invade,” he got the Kremlin to accept US “rules” – at least according to Arkin and his sources.


Supposedly articulated by US President Joe Biden, the “rules” state that Washington and Kiev “will not undertake any actions that might threaten Russia itself or the survival of the Russian state.” In return, Moscow “won’t escalate the war beyond Ukraine or resort to the use of nuclear weapons.”


It “falls to the US to enforce those pledges,” a senior defense intelligence official told Newsweek on condition of anonymity. Arkin said he spoke with “over a dozen” officials and intelligence experts over the course of a three-month investigation. No named sources appear in the article.


Arkin’s sources admitted that the CIA is running a campaign of support for Ukraine based out of Poland, including a “gray fleet” of commercial aircraft shuttling weapons and other material through central and eastern Europe. CIA agents also “went into and out of Ukraine on secret missions, to assist with the operations of new weapons and systems,” but always tried to “avoid direct confrontation with Russian troops.”


“Is the CIA on the ground inside Ukraine? Yes, but it’s also not nefarious,” said another senior intelligence officer, who framed it as part of a Biden administration effort to “keep Americans out of harm’s way and reassure Russia that it doesn’t need to escalate.”


The problem appears to be that Ukraine is not following Biden’s “rules,” however. Newsweek blames Kiev for the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines, the Kerch Bridge bombing, and the drone attacks on Russian air bases and the Kremlin. These attacks have “raised questions” as to whether the CIA knows enough about Ukrainian plans “to both influence them and to adhere to their secret agreement with Moscow.”


The agency is now “as uncertain about Vladimir Zelensky’s thinking and intentions as it is about [Russian President] Vladimir Putin’s,” the article claims.


“The CIA learned with the attack on the Crimean Bridge that Zelensky either didn’t have complete control over his own military or didn’t want to know of certain actions,” according to the anonymous military intelligence official.


Meanwhile, Zelensky himself directly contradicted Arkin’s article two days before it was published. “We don’t have any secrets from the CIA,” he told CNN on Monday, commenting on a recent visit to Kiev by the agency’s director.

Anonymous ID: 7787fe July 5, 2023, 2:37 p.m. No.19129258   🗄️.is 🔗kun

IRS whistleblower turns tables on Hunter Biden lawyers over leak allegation as Congress seeks probe


Agent Gary Shapley directly denies he leaked tax information to Washington Post or anyone else, suggests allegations are part of retaliation campaign.



The IRS whistleblower at the center of the Hunter Biden scandal on Wednesday turned the tables on the presidential son’s defense lawyers, filing an official statement to Congress denying claims he leaked protected tax information and suggesting the defense team’s allegations were “another attack in retaliation” for his decision to blow the whistle.


IRS Supervisory Criminal Investigative Agent Gary Shapley sent the statement to House and Senate committees, saying he was so confident he hadn’t leaked that he would release the Washington Post and reporters Devlin Barrett and Perry Stein to make public any evidence it has to back up Democrat and defense team claims he may have been the source of an October 2022 story about agents’ concerns about conduct in the case.


“I was not the source for the October 6, 2022 Washington Post article, nor have I ever had any contact with Barrett or Stein,” Shapley’s statement said. “Because I am so confident of this fact, I hereby authorize the Washington Post and/or journalists Devlin Barrett, Perry Stein, or any other Washington Post reporter to release any communications directly or indirectly to or from me.


“In this regard , I am willing to waive any purported journalistic privilege and/confidentiality that would have arisen had I been a source for the Washington Post. I have never leaked confidential taxpayer information,” his statement added.


You can read that letter here.




The unsolicited letter came just days after Hunter Biden lawyer Abbe Lowell accused Shapley and another whistleblower of being “disgruntled” and making “false allegations” in their interviews with Congress and insinuated the whistleblowers could be behind the October 2022 Washington Post article.


“It is a tried-and-true tactic of aggrieved agents, who believe they know better than experienced prosecutors and disagree with those prosecutors timing or conclusions, to seek to influence an outcome of an investigation and pressure prosecutors to charge by leaking to the media. Happens all the time,” Lowell wrote.


You can read that letter here:




The back and forth came as prominent GOP senators and House committee chairmen joined forces Wednesday to demand an investigation by the Office of Special Counsel, the government’s main whistleblower protection office, into what they said was clear reprisals against Shapley.


Shapley told Just the News in an interview last week that he was passed over for a promotion, kicked off the Hunter Biden case and had a major tax-recovery project canceled since he blew the whistle.


“The importance of protecting whistleblowers from unlawful retaliation and informing whistleblowers about their rights under the law cannot be understated. After all, it is the law,” House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith, House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan and Sens. Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley wrote the Office of Special Counsel.


“Accordingly, we request that you immediately investigate all allegations of retaliation against these IRS whistleblowers and all violations related to the IRS’s failure to include the anti-gag provision as required by law,” they added. “ In addition, we request that you immediately seek the appropriate disciplinary actions against all who engaged in unlawful conduct against these whistleblowers. “


You can read that letter here:


2023-07-05 CEG Johnson Comer Jordan Smith to OSC (Whistleblower Retaliation) (003).pdf

Anonymous ID: 7787fe July 5, 2023, 2:41 p.m. No.19129268   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Scandinavians Set to Burn Koran, Torah and the Holy Bible in the Name of ‘Freedom of Speech’


Sweden may be confusing freedom of speech with pyromania.


After destroying their own chances of ascension to NATO this month by sanctioning a Koran desecrating and burning demonstration about a week ago, now the Scandinavian country wants to double down, and let their misguided sense of ‘freedom’ set alight books from all three major Abrahamic religions.


Times of Israel reported:


“Three requests to burn religious texts, including a Torah book, have been submitted to police in Sweden by self-described free-speech advocates in what would likely spark further international uproar a week after a Quran was burned outside a mosque in Stockholm in a similar demonstration.


Local police confirmed to Sweden’s national public broadcaster on Wednesday that it had received an application from an individual in his 30s to burn a Jewish and a Christian Bible outside Israel’s Embassy in Stockholm on July 15 as ‘a symbolic gathering for the sake of freedom of speech’.


Another request to burn a Quran ‘as soon as possible’ in Stockholm was submitted by a woman in her 50s.”


As expected, Police did not immediately rule out none of the requests, stating that ‘every application is reviewed on an individual basis’.


“Israel’s Ambassador to Sweden Ziv Nevo Kulman expressed his dismay over the request, tweeting: ‘I am shocked and horrified by the prospect of the burning of more books in Sweden, be it the Koran, the Torah or any other holy book. This is clearly an act of hatred that must be stopped’.”


All the trouble started when 37 year-old Salwan Momika, an Iraqi migrant living in Sweden, staged a police-approved protest in which stomped on the Islamic holy book, filled some of its pages with bacon and set several others alight.

Anonymous ID: 7787fe July 5, 2023, 2:44 p.m. No.19129286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9334 >>9367

AFP intelligence has led to 16 children in the Philippines being removed from harm by the Philippine National Police (PNP), believed to be the most child abuse victims rescued at one time.


The children, the youngest aged 10, were found during warrants in the Northern Philippines late last month (22 and 23 June, 2023) as a result of an international child protection investigation.


The investigation started in January 2023 after Australian Border Force (ABF) officers at Sydney Airport examined a man’s baggage upon his return from the Philippines.


ABF officers inspected the man’s phone and allegedly found child abuse material and messages detailing his intent to pay a facilitator who would enable him to sexually abuse children in the Philippines.


The AFP was alerted and began investigating the activities of the Queensland man, 56.


He was later charged with three offences and the AFP shared intelligence gathered during the investigation to the Philippine Internet Crimes Against Children Centre (PICACC). This resulted in further investigations by the PNP, with the support of the AFP and other PICACC members.


Last week PNP executed multiple warrants at four locations in Taguig and Nueva Vizcaya, where the 16 children were found. They have been placed into the care of the Philippine Department of Social Welfare and Development.


Investigations by PNP remain ongoing to find other children allegedly identified during the investigation.


AFP Senior Officer in Manila, Detective Superintendent Andrew Perkins, said the AFP worked tirelessly with partners in Australia and internationally, to detect and disrupt anyone involved in the sexual abuse and exploitation of children.


“This case highlights how vital it is for law enforcement agencies to share intelligence and resources globally, because predators are not confined by borders,” D/Supt Perkins said.


“This is a record number of children rescued in a single operation and we are grateful to be able to support the efforts of the Philippine National Police and the Philippine Internet Crimes Against Children Centre to remove these children from harm.


“However, these children’s lives have been irrecoverably damaged and we know there are too many other children still at risk.


"That is why we will never give up our fight to keep children safe and stop those who try to exploit or abuse them.”


ABF Superintendent Phillip Anderson said the border is the first line of defence for the Australian community against a wide range of very real threats.


“For ABF officers at the border, community protection is their number one priority and they will stop at nothing to protect children from this truly abhorrent crime type,” Supt Anderson said.


“Results like we see today highlight the importance of the work our officers conduct at the border alongside our partners, and also sends a very strong message to those who try to engage in this atrocious behaviour.


“Our message is very simple – anyone committing this illegal activity can expect to be detected by the ABF and its partners, and to face the full legal consequences for their vile actions.”