Anonymous ID: ad59aa July 5, 2023, 12:56 p.m. No.19128760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8769 >>8777

The recent news about "deepfake videos on the darkweb" made me think about the "seemingly faked" videos released by DJT in the final weeks of his administration. Anyone else remember those videos? They just felt like something wasn't right about them, had weird digital anomalies, like something that shouldn't move, suddenly would, and the people seemed kind of "plastic"…


Makes me wonder if we weren't seeing the absolute state of the art deepfake technology becoming a matter of record, so that when the "deepfake defense" is used in court for video produced prior to that time, prosecution can show "…the absolute state of the art in 2020, by the best of the best, with the best equipment available


-so who made your seemingly perfect video that has been in our posession since 2014?"

Anonymous ID: ad59aa July 5, 2023, 1:21 p.m. No.19128905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9056 >>9194 >>9334 >>9367

Lin Wood is giving up his license to practice law.


"On Tuesday, Wood asked officials in his home state of Georgia to “retire” his law license in light of “disciplinary proceedings pending against me.” In the request, made in a letter and posted on his Telegram account, Wood acknowledges that he is “prohibited from practicing law in this State and in any other state or jurisdiction and that I may not reapply for admission.”