Anonymous ID: af729f July 5, 2023, 1:09 p.m. No.19128827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8837 >>8855 >>8870 >>9056 >>9194 >>9334 >>9367


Ukraine may attack ZNPP with bombs stuffed with radioactive waste on July 5

Advisor to the CEO of the concern Renat Karchaa said that the attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine could occur at night


MOSCOW, July 4. /TASS/. Ukraine will try to attack the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) in the coming night by dropping bombs loaded with radioactive waste removed from the South Ukraine NPP on July 3, Renat Karchaa, an adviser to the director general of Russia’s Rosenergoatom nuclear power engineering company, said on Tuesday.


"In the nighttime on July 5, Ukrainian troops will try to attack the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant with the use of high-precision long-range weapons and kamikaze drones," he said in an interview with the Rossiya-24 television channel. "They plan to airdrop bombs stuffed with radioactive waste that were removed from the South Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant to a military airfield in Ukraine. The standby bombing plan provides for the use of a Tochka-U high-precision rocket with a warhead stuffed with radioactive waste."


"If this madness doesn’t stop, there will be a big catastrophe," he stressed.


He said earlier that on Tuesday night, Ukraine disrupted power supplies to the Zaporozhye NPP via the Dnepropetrovskay electricity transmission line. ZNPP director Yury Chernichuk said later that power was restored by 2:00 p.m. and the facility is operating routinely.

Anonymous ID: af729f July 5, 2023, 1:19 p.m. No.19128888   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8896 >>8907 >>8916


so that just make DJT the faggot, faggot.

crimea, lugansk, and donetsk ALL held public referrenda and the people voted, overwhelmingly, to cecede from ukraine and rejoin russia.

go to a rally if you want to suck trump's cock, faggot.

Anonymous ID: af729f July 5, 2023, 1:24 p.m. No.19128921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8926 >>8937


and while were correcting the king faggot trump…

russia did not invade georgia, it put down a CIA instigated coup attempt.

russia did not invade ukraine, the territories of the donbass had already sought to rejoin russia and this was approved by the russian parliament.

how does russia invade it's own territory?

you're an ass-kissing trumptard faggot, if you believe or perpetuate his BULLSHIT.

Anonymous ID: af729f July 5, 2023, 1:35 p.m. No.19128981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9056 >>9194 >>9334 >>9367


IAEA issues results of probe into Kiev’s claim mines were laid at nuclear plant

The UN agency’s experts have found no mines at Zaporozhye power plant as situation there remains ‘tense’


Specialists from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have found no signs of any mines at Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP), the UN agency said in a statement on Wednesday, following an inspection carried out by its staff at the site.


The experts checked some parts of the facility, including “sections of the perimeter of the large cooling pond,” over the past days and weeks, the statement said, adding that they also “conducted regular walkdowns across the site.”


So far, no “visible indications of mines or explosives” have been observed, IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said in the statement. The agency’s team requested additional access to certain parts of the facility, including the rooftops of reactor units 3 and 4, as well as turbine halls and cooling system facilities, he added.


“Their independent and objective reporting would help clarify the current situation at the site,” he said, pointing to some “unconfirmed allegations” indicating some potential security risks at the site. The director general also confirmed that the team stationed at ZNPP had not reported any recent shelling or explosions near the site.


The facility, which is Europe’s largest, returned to the spotlight in recent weeks after senior officials in Kiev claimed that Russia was planning a nuclear incident at the facility. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky alleged that Moscow wanted to cause a “radiation leak” at the plant. A key aide to Vladimir Zelensky, Mikhail Podoliak, also accused the Russian military of laying mines at the plant’s cooling pond.


Moscow has rejected these claims as “yet another lie.” The UN nuclear watchdog previously denied the claims about mines in the cooling pond as well.


On Wednesday, the Kremlin warned about a “high threat of sabotage” at the plant in Kiev. Such an action could lead to “catastrophic” results, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, adding that the situation around ZNPP remains “tense.”


On Tuesday, Renat Karchaa, a senior official at Russia’s nuclear power plant operator Rosenergoatom, warned that the Ukrainian military might strike the facility with long-range, high-precision weapons or kamikaze drones. He also claimed that Kiev might target the plant with a Soviet-made ballistic missile loaded with radioactive waste.


Moscow and Kiev have repeatedly accused each other of shelling the Zaporozhye plant throughout their conflict. The facility has been under Russian control since March 2022.