Anonymous ID: 07a20c July 5, 2023, 6:14 p.m. No.19130402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0568 >>0802 >>0897

Woman who was allegedly sexually and physically abused in foster care sues Queensland government for almost $2 million


A Brisbane mum is suing the Queensland government after she allegedly suffered extreme physical and sexual abuse as a child in the state's foster care system.


Penelope Jane McMah claims in court documents she was raped by another boy while in a foster home when she was just 10 years old and was allegedly later forced to live with the same child at another placement – despite pleading not to be left at the home.


Lawyers for the 24-year-old have filed an almost $2 million civil claim in the Queensland Supreme Court against the State of Queensland over the alleged abuse and neglect she suffered while in the care of the Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs and the Department of Education.


Ms McMah said the Queensland foster care model needed drastic reform.


"The system needs to change and it's not just small little details in the system," she said.


"It's the whole system – there's so many broken gaps in it where kids are just suffering."

'Mattress on the floor with 10 other foster kids'


Court documents reveal allegations that the foster parents Ms McMah was placed with when she was just 9 years old allegedly had a history of complaints regarding their conduct and sexual activity between children at the home in the years prior to Ms McMah's arrival in 2008.


According to the claim, the Darling Downs family had 10 other foster children in their care and four of their own children at the time.


Ms McMah allegedly slept on a mattress on the floor of a bedroom where a curtain was used to divide the male and female foster children, according to her statement of claim.


The documents state another foster child allegedly raped and sexually abused Ms McMah for one month before he moved to another placement.


One year later, Ms McMah was allegedly moved to the same home in Queensland where her alleged abuser was living, according to her claim.


"… the Plaintiff saw [him] from the driveway … when she first arrived," the court documents state.


"The Plaintiff reported to the Child Safety Officer (CSO) that she did not want to be left at the … placement since [the child] had previously done bad things to her.

Anonymous ID: 07a20c July 5, 2023, 6:15 p.m. No.19130407   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Muzzling of political views’ must stop: Donald Trump Jr Australia trip receives backlash


Headline Advisory Director Andrew Carswell calls for an end to the “muzzling of political views” after an article suggested Donald Trump Jr should have his visa to enter Australia revoked.


“Feel free to disagree, but don’t ban,” Mr Carswell told Sky News host Sharri Markson.

Anonymous ID: 07a20c July 5, 2023, 6:28 p.m. No.19130466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0490

Thousands take to the streets, block roads after Tel Aviv police chief steps down


Ayalon highway blocked for hours; 25 held nationwide; 1 injured as driver rams through protest; Eshed says he lost his job for refusing to use disproportionate force to curb demos


Thousands of Israelis took to the streets and blocked several major highways across the country Wednesday night after Tel Aviv police chief Amichai Eshed announced his resignation from the force. He was about to be removed from his post, and transferred to a more marginal role, due to what he claimed were “political considerations” and for refusing to use “disproportionate force,” following what critics said was his soft handling of judicial overhaul protesters.


The largest demonstration — in solidarity with Eshed and against the hardline coalition — took place at Tel Aviv’s Ayalon Highway, where police clashed with protesters blocking traffic and lighting bonfires. The thoroughfare was blocked for several hours, before police used force to disperse protesters after midnight.


One driver stuck in traffic decided to plow through the demonstration, injuring at least one protester before being pulled over and arrested by police.










Thousands of Israelis took to the streets and blocked several major highways across the country Wednesday night after Tel Aviv police chief Amichai Eshed announced his resignation from the force. He was about to be removed from his post, and transferred to a more marginal role, due to what he claimed were “political considerations” and for refusing to use “disproportionate force,” following what critics said was his soft handling of judicial overhaul protesters.


The largest demonstration — in solidarity with Eshed and against the hardline coalition — took place at Tel Aviv’s Ayalon Highway, where police clashed with protesters blocking traffic and lighting bonfires. The thoroughfare was blocked for several hours, before police used force to disperse protesters after midnight.


One driver stuck in traffic decided to plow through the demonstration, injuring at least one protester before being pulled over and arrested by police.

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During the protest, fireworks were launched from nearby buildings in apparent solidarity with the demonstrators, leading to cheers from the crowd and further contributing to the sense of chaos sweeping the streets all through the evening. In several scenes posted to social media, officers at the Ayalon Highway were filmed beating protesters who refused to vacate the area.


Police deployed mounted officers and water cannons to clear the highway but struggled to restore order for several hours. After midnight on Wednesday, police said they had cleared most of the Tel Aviv protesters from the Ayalon and arrested 15 people. At least 10 others were arrested in protests elsewhere, including several in Jerusalem.


With demonstrators lighting bonfires on the Ayalon highway, the protests appeared to mimic larger ones that took place across the country in late March after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced his decision to fire Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who raised the alarm regarding the judicial overhaul’s impact on security. Netanyahu went on to pause the overhaul the following day and later walked back his decision to axe Gallant.