Clean the url like so, Anon:
>China and Russia so what evil was prevented from entering?
>What is coded in your DNA?
Mad skillz encoded in our DNA:
Genetic Memory: How We Know Things We Never Learned
Genetic memory, simply put, is complex abilities and actual sophisticated knowledge inherited along with other more typical and commonly accepted physical and behavioral characteristics. Whether called genetic, ancestral or racial memory, or intuitions or congenital gifts, the concept of a genetic transmission of sophisticated knowledge well beyond instincts, is necessary to explain how prodigious savants can know things they never learned. … the animal kingdom provides ample examples of complex inherited capacities beyond physical characteristics. Monarch butterflies each year make a 2,500-mile journey from Canada to a small plot of land in Mexico where they winter. In spring they begin the long journey back north, but it takes three generations to do so. So no butterfly making the return journey has flown that entire route before. How do they “know” a route they never learned?
… I agree with Dr. William Carpenter that savants demonstrate a “congenital aptitude for certain mental activity, which showed itself at so early a period as to exclude the notion that it could have been acquired by the experience of the individual”. I call that genetic memory, and I propose that it exists in all of us. The challenge is how to tap that dormant capacity non-intrusively and without a brain injury or similar incident.
“In each of the foregoing cases, then, we have a peculiar example of the possession of an extraordinary congenital aptitude for certain mental activity, which showed itself at so early a period as to exclude the notion that it could have been acquired by the experience of the individual. To such congenital gifts we give the name of intuitions: it can scarcely be questioned that like the instincts of the lower animals, they are the expressions of constitutional tendencies embodied in the organism of the individuals who manifest them.” A.A. Brill Some peculiar manifestations of memory with special reference to lightening calculators. January 1940
Tapping Your Inner Rain Man
A blow to the head can sometimes unmask hidden artistic or intellectual gifts
One plausible explanation for the hidden talents that emerge in savant syndrome—whether early in life or induced by injury—is that these reservoirs of skill and knowledge must be inherited in some way. We do not start life with a blank slate that subsequently gets inscribed through education and other life experiences. The brain may come loaded with a set of innate predispositions for processing what it sees or for understanding the “rules” of music, art or mathematics. … Acquired savantism provides strong evidence that a deep well of brain potential resides within us all.
>What is coded in your DNA?
>repetitive DNA sequences at the end of a chromosome.
About 80 years ago, scientists first identified the elements at the ends of chromosomes that we now know as telomeres. In mammals and many other organisms, these telomeres contain a unique DNA sequence consisting of multiple repeats of TTAGGG bases— (TTAGGG)n repeats—that somehow inhibit chromosomes from sticking to each other.
University of North Carolina (UNC) researchers Taghreed Al-Turki, PhD, and Jack Griffith, PhD, have made the discovery that the telomeres on the ends of chromosomes contain genetic information that codes for two small proteins, one of which they found to be elevated in some human cancer cells, as well as in cells from patients suffering from telomere-related defects. The finding suggests that telomeres, which were once thought incapable of encoding proteins due to their simple repetitions of DNA, may have a key biological function that’s potentially relevant to our understanding of cancer and aging.
>Anon believes drop #4966 concerns the initial Timer built into mankinds DNA
Anon is mistaken:
University of North Carolina (UNC) researchers Taghreed Al-Turki, PhD, and Jack Griffith, PhD, have made the discovery that the telomeres on the ends of chromosomes contain genetic information that codes for two small proteins, one of which they found to be elevated in some human cancer cells, as well as in cells from patients suffering from telomere-related defects. The finding suggests that telomeres, which were once thought incapable of encoding proteins due to their simple repetitions of DNA, may have a key biological function that’s potentially relevant to our understanding of cancer and aging.
>PDJT consoles family of slain policewoman.
What NYPD detectives were [187] mid 2017?
Officer Familia [1]
Godspeed, Patriot.
We will never forget.
>Q: why not release actual info on the blockchain than this message board so it actually spreads beyond the alphabet platforms that are instantly censored? hmmmm?
"It is rare that a deceptive message is sent directly to the deception target itself. Most often, deception messages are sent to intelligence collectors (conduits) with the expectation that the deceptive message will systematically make its way to the deception target."
"Camouflage and concealment provide protection for MILDEC, particularly at the tactical level, by manipulating the appearance or obscuring the deceiver’s actual activities."
>Where are the Rock Stars Saying Save the Children?
>Where are the Hollywood Actors saying we have to stop the Human Trafficking?
They are on the other team, Anon. In many cases they were 'the Children'.
>>Most often, deception messages are sent to intelligence collectors
Most often, deception messages are sent to intelligence collectors (conduits) …
Within MILDEC, conduits are information or intelligence gateways to the deception target. Conduits may be used to control flows of information to a deception target.
/qresearch is a conduit. Anons are amplifiers.
>still believe in Q?
It's not a matter of faith, Anon. The writings of Q are real. What people have derived or extrapolated from those writings is another matter. The writings serve several purposes, one of which is to mislead opposition decision makers. Another is to create chaff or the 'fog of war' in order to obscure objectives. Remember 'Not all posts are meant for Anons.'? Faith or belief in 'Q' is not required. And anthropomorphism towards an intelligence operation is not advisable.
>There is NO power greater than Jesus Christ.
>Being written under the NEW WORLD ORDER, it is a lie!
Then how do you know about the Christ? Were the Gospels not written under the 'NWO' as well?
>I trust it more than I trust anything published after 1990!
Excellent. What is written at 1 John 5:19 in your trusted 1975 Bible, Anon?