Plants need water
Wigs need powder
Plants need water
Wigs need powder
The Bidens are white niggers
If there is graffiti all over my private business,
and so I get rid of some, but leave some up… is that illegal censorship?
Does the graffiti artist that got his shit erased get to demand that I leave his up because he has free speech?
Hell no.
But, if the government comes in and orders me to erase some of it… that us illegal.
Get your minds right.
Erasing shit posts is ok as long as the cops aren't making you do it.
Weird how nobody gets the joke haha.
It was a fucking 4th of July party full of wigs and wiggers.
Wigs need powder.
But, if they don't have the option to homeschool, or if the kid doesn't want to, or can't do homeschool…
then at least the parents need to get involved however they can with the PTA or whatever they call it these days.
Cool, I wonder how much taxpayer dollars it will cost just to figure out nothing.
Who fucking cares!?
They are addicted to tax dollars and will come up with the lamest ideas to bill us harder.
Like how much of your paycheck goes to Uncle Sam?
Keep supporting his bad habits.
take another 3 cents from my paycheck to figure out who dropped a bag of white powder.
Then tomorrow take another 3 cents when the clowns drop another bag of white powder.
Then the nect day take another 3 cents when the they need to fix the cameras again.
Then take another 3 cents when the maintainence guy needs a raise to learn about new cameras.
Then maybe they can start some wars and take anothr 3 cents each day for supplies.
And then prolong the war while they figure out how to start another war.
We need to stop supporting their habit.
Fucking ridiculous that on a day we are supposed to celebrate our independence everyone thinks of ways to be more dependent.
My kid was homeschooled.
We were fortunate enough to be able to see that the public system was not worth it and fortunate enough to have a kid that theived at homeschool.
I get ut, but I also have friends who have no way of being able to homeschool. Some parents are literally to dumb to do 6jt themselves so they continue supporting the tax funded option.
Who cares?
I'm so done paying taxes so Big Government clowns can continue dropping drugs and bombs just so they have something to do. How about Big Government keep their bombs and drugs and I'll keep my money. Then Big Government shrinks, they lose their job of dropping drugs and bombs… and maybe if they aren't as retarded as they act they can find a real job that helps America.
If me and my gang was pressuring UPS or FedEx etc… to hide my neighbors stuff because I didn't like it and said it was for my security,
if they find Cocaine in my house and I say some random visitor dropped it…
what would happen to me?
I wouldn't be free for long.
Somehow Joe the wigger gets away with it though.
Either arrest his lame ass or lets ALL BE FREE FOR REAL.