Anonymous ID: 4925f5 July 6, 2023, 6:40 a.m. No.19132519   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>Who walks with him?


>Never walks alone


In about two more months, it will be the 22nd Anniversary of 911. I heard the phrase "The Irish (White Conservative Christians) have to know their place in finance" at 3 different times and places, by 3 different people, in NYC in the following years. The Jewish and Saudi controlled financial institutions by then had already displaced most of these types of workers in lieu of foreign workers, particularly from India. F2000 companies had to follow pursuit or hedge fund managers would tank your stock and there would no longer be any Wall st financing. From there control of human resources and most job sites went to India's control who stifled US workers, deprived hiring managers of US candidates, only to have large contracts fulfilled by their Big Tech consultancy counterparts. Trillions were now siphoned out of the US economy in favor of BRICS.


To this day, no government official, cop, judge, etc… has ever called out Building 7 as the smoking gun of an inside job to 911. As of today, we still haven't fixed the human resource and job sites scam that is costing America Trillions a year to foreign influence.