you should label satire as satire, anon.
that way people don't confuse you as being bat-shit crazy
you should label satire as satire, anon.
that way people don't confuse you as being bat-shit crazy
why do people run psyops and do their congratulatory confirmation shilling?
the only reason is they must be paid to do information poisoning.
YOU choose to be a manipulator who is
constantly suggesting people aren't good enough
and you choose to run psyops
to mess with people's minds
to keep them feeling uneasy
and doubting everything they do.
it's obvious which master you serve.
the one that pays you and sustains you and rules you through your need to be a know it all and a manipulative 'better-than'you' jerk who
never gives anyone a moments rest
or cares at all about their well being.
You choose that.
you have no idea what anyone else chooses, you're too lost in your own self-important narcissism.
no, you are currently in a psyop, your agency against the sanity of the public and the users of this board.