Anonymous ID: 5c562d July 6, 2023, 1:32 a.m. No.19131861   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1904



Pay attention to DJT!


The Serpent System is the practical application of the Luciferian

Doctrine. It is entirely Oriental and occult. It is sponsored and

directed by Satan as the uncrowned senior King of the Jews and his

12-membered cabinet whose capital for centuries was the forbidden

city of Lhasa, Tibet. Yet, since 1950 Tel Aviv, Palestine has been

the cipital, and Moscow, London and New York City are the lesser

capitals screening Tel Aviv from public view. Under the King

of the Jews is one roving ambassador and two princes who direct

the international government of the Devil consisting of 1,922,627 Jews

equally divided between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.

The religion of the Serpent race is anti-God, anti-Christ and