Anonymous ID: cf6a25 July 6, 2023, 1:01 a.m. No.19131805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1810 >>1830 >>1835 >>2049

Anon in last bread writing about the drops making it sound like "the military would be deployed to end all of this in a hurry" made me think about those days, and I think everybody thought that -and that was the point of that era of the drops. So many people constantly talking about probablu caused a lot of sleepless nights for the right people.


They could have legally done it that way, and all the talk about "Trump's military coup" during his term should be evidence of that. I think further though, that if nothing else had worked, that is what would have happened, and everyone in the game knew it, but that would be so destructive, it would have to be last resort to save the country. I tend to believe the military was used to covertly

take the top players, because they were engaged in warfare against The United States. I believe we were shown evidence of this at the GHW Bush funeral, when top US conspirators were put on notice that they were under new management. We saw several drops directed at Roth family members, apparently personally, probably messaging "Let it go, or else." We saw Saudi Arabia liberated from whoever had the King's balls in their pocket, and the King straightened out his realm in a hurry, like only a king can.


First battles won, stage set, clean up begins in all affected countries.


The drops go on to tell us what they were actually doing next in the USA: Utilizing United States Code to disassemble the conspiracy and prosecute the conspirators. The Committee Hearings and the seemingly low level public prosecutions are evidence enough this is happening. Same players testifying under oath in both places. Had to testify one way in 2018 to fit their narrative to Congress …had to testify a different story to suit the court cases later on …and this doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of what has gone on, and the incredible things we have even gotten to witness.


It's been one hell of a show so far, but I am looking forward to end of mission. I'm ready to live in a liberated America.