Anonymous ID: 9ff24c July 6, 2023, 6:42 a.m. No.19132528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2618 >>2669 >>2807 >>3034 >>3169 >>3235

‘Nudge Unit’ Chief Says UK Will Obey Future Lockdowns: Citizens Have ‘Learnt the Behaviour’

Simon Kent6 Jul 2023


A UK government adviser is confident any future pandemic lockdown and compulsory mask edicts will be met with compliance because people have learnt a new behaviour and, “in principle, you can switch it back on.”


Professor David Halpern told The Daily Telegraph the country had “practised the drill” of wearing face masks and working from home and “could redo it” in a future crisis because people are now conditioned to do what they are told.


Enforced loss of personal freedoms was one of the hallmarks of the Conservative government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.


Speaking on the outlet’s Lockdown Files podcast, the government adviser set out his claim of obedience through behavioural interventions, even suggesting thenation’s prior experience made it “much easier to now imagine” the population would accept future local restrictions.


Prof Halpern said that while fear-based messaging in general is not effective, he defended its use in extreme circumstances, choosing not to reference the mass protests that built across the country after the restrictions began in March, 2020.


Kurt Zindulka / Breitbart News


“There are times when you do need to cut through… particularly if you think people are wrongly calibrated,” he said.


He said messages on posters used throughout pandemic restrictions acted as visual prompts so that “when you go into a shop or somewhere else, it re-reminds you, it cues, it acts as a trigger for the behaviour.”


The professor said that this messaging encouraged mask-wearing, meaning people felt “naked” when they forgot to put one on.


“Put it this way,” he said. “You would feel like, ‘Oh my God, I haven’t got my mask’. You feel naked, right?”


Once the public has learnt a new behaviour, Prof Halpern said: “In principle, you can switch it back on” even though plenty of UK citizens refused to comply and give up their freedoms in the first place.


Kurt Zindulka / Breitbart News


“You’ve got the beginning, particularly, of what is called a habit loop: if this has happened, then you should do that,” he said.


Major disasters “leav[e] this enduring trace on society”, he explained. As well as knowing the drill, this “quasi-evolutionary” impact is a strong indicator of future behaviour, he claimed.

Anonymous ID: 9ff24c July 6, 2023, 6:46 a.m. No.19132537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2539 >>2618 >>2669 >>2807 >>2847 >>3034 >>3169 >>3235

Laura Loomer Wins – Harmeet Dhillon Retreats from California GOP “Proportional” Rule Position, Now Backs “Winner-Take-All” Option

July 6, 2023 | Sundance1/2

It is difficult to overstate just how impactful Mrs. Laura Loomer was/is in blocking a California scheme that appears to be part of a wider GOPe plan to dilute the primary election delegate distribution against the interests of President Trump and his supporters.


Mrs. Loomer exposed a three-week old plan by state RNC leadership Jessica Patterson, Shawn Steel and Harmeet Dhillon to change the California Republican primary outcome to a proportional distribution of candidates.


Loomer published the contents of a leaked email from the three organizers Patterson, Steel and Dhillon.


As people realized what was happening, all behind closed doors and hidden from public review, outrage began to surface.


Today, after initially trying to justify her position,Mrs. Dhillon reverses course and now supports the ‘winner-take-all’ option. An option that was always available, but purposefully ignored in the plan to deliver the delegates via proportional distribution. As you will see below,Dhillon an RNC rules committee member, claims she was unaware of the ruleand led astray by the statements of Mrs. Patterson and Mr. Steel.


First, here’s Mrs. Loomers statement upon hearing of the Dhillon reversal:


RNC CA Committeewoman Harmeet Dhillon is now backtracking. She just sent an email out saying that she supports California’s “winner take all” threshold for delegates, that this is her “personal opinion” and doesn’t speak for Jessica Patterson and Shawn Steel? and that she “regrets” that the CA GOP’s back door plan to have a bylaw amendment to remove the “winner takes all” threshold wasn’t communicated to the public and the delegates.


That’s nice and all, but if that’s the case, why was she signed onto the Amendment proposal that was sent out on her behalf on June 17 by CAGOP Chair Jessica Patterson?


In other words, they got caught and now they have to save face.


If this is how Harmeet feels, then I strongly suggest she say so publicly and not support the bylaw change at the CAGOP executive meeting on July 29.


I hope everyone sees they had no plans of ever telling the delegates this information until I blew the whistle.


This is very easy. The RNC’s own rule book says that individual states can keep their “majority takes all”threshold for delegates.


There is no need to change the rules, even if the CA Primary is now earlier. If this is how Harmeet now feels all of sudden, then she needs to oppose the bylaw amendment and keep the language as is so that all of the delegates are awarded to the winner and there’s no way to have a brokered convention.


This is just a very long way of her saying “we got caught doing something we shouldn’t be doing behind closed doors. Now the cat is out of the bag and I know this isn’t going away, so let me try to distance myself from Jessica Patterson and Shawn Steel so that I can try to save face.”


The only way this is going away in any capacity is if all 3 RNC reps from California rip up the bylaw amendment and keep the winner takes all language.


There could very well be protests outside of the CAGOP Executive meeting on July 29 unless this is changed. (read more)


If you carefully read the statement made by Dhillon, you will notice a great deal of disingenuous language used in an effort to cover her tracks. She seems to portray herself as being hoodwinked by the other participants, which, when combined with the attempted defenses by her DeSantis supporting allies, seems to be the way Dhillon plans to remove herself from the sunlight.


The RNC National Committeewoman, who ran to become the RNC Chairwoman and sits on the RNC Rules Committee, now claims she was not aware of the rules and further disagrees with the content of the letter that was decided three weeks ago. Something apparently happened between the agreement with the other executives and today. That something was likely Laura Loomer. Read the Dhillon letter carefully.


For comparison, this was Mrs. Dhillon’s position 18 hours ago….

Anonymous ID: 9ff24c July 6, 2023, 6:47 a.m. No.19132539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2669 >>2807 >>3034 >>3169 >>3235




Again, keep in mind Mrs. Dhillon, who ran for RNC chair 5 months ago, is the California RNC Committeewoman, and she sits on the National RNC rules committee.


Suddenly, all of the stuff in Mrs. Dhillon’s prior position is claimed to be untrue in Mrs. Dhillon’s current position.


Yesterday, the RNC rules were “legally necessary” and the deadlines were “looming”. Today, the RNC rules do not make the proportional requirements mandatory, and there is plenty of time for debate and discussion. Go figure.


In the bigger picture, Mrs. Loomer’s supernova of sunlight has now put the RNC/RGA and DeSantis team into a position of vulnerability. There is a possibility that people will begin to understand that all of the GOP candidates are not trying to win the 2024 nomination; rather they are in the race as part of the Big Club plan to gain collections of individual delegates that can be reassembled into one larger delegate bloc at the RNC convention.


California was only one state that was organizing their rules to participate in the block Trump effort.


Keep watching…


(It’s all about sabotaging Trump and his voters. They are trying to make it impossible for Trump to win, its pretty obvious! Dhillon is transparent in her dishonesty and disloyalty to Trump!)

Anonymous ID: 9ff24c July 6, 2023, 6:50 a.m. No.19132546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2553 >>2669 >>2807 >>2972 >>2986 >>3034 >>3169 >>3235

Social Credit: Bank Blocks Account for Parents’ Organisation Opposed to Child Transgenderism

Kurt Zindulka6 Jul 2023

A parents’ organisation was reportedly prevented from opening an account with Metro Bank over opposition to allowing children to undergo life-altering transgender medical procedures, in the latest revelation of British banks banning customers for their political views.


Following Brexit leader Nigel Farage revealing nine banks have refused him accounts, a slew of people, mostly holding right-wing or conservative-leaning beliefs have revealed they have faced similar Chinese communist-style debanking in Britain.


According to a report from The Telegraph, the transgenderism-critical parents group Our Duty — which represents over 2,000 parents who are concerned about children being encouraged into medically transitioning their gender — has been refused a new account at the Metro Bank.


Our Duty’s founder Keith Jordan told the broadsheet they were notified by the bank they were not eligible for a business account because “the content of your website conflicts with the culture and ideas we are pushing”.


Metro Bank, which is the UK’s seventh-largest bank with some 2.5 million customers, reportedly joined the far-left LGBTQ+ Stonewall charity’s ‘Diversity Champion’ scheme, which the government’s Information Commissioner has previously claimed holds a “significant degree of influence” over the firms that sign up. Stonewall denies that it exerts any pressure over the operational decisions of the companies.


I bet very few Coutts customers have £1m sitting in their current accounts.


I wonder what made the bank think that giving out my personal financial details to the FT and BBC was ethical or legal?


Something else is at play here.


— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) July 4, 2023


The claims from the parent’s group came after Brexit leader Nigel Farage has revealed that nine banks have refused to have him as a customer, with the GB News presenter suggesting that it has been a result of him being considered a Politically Exposed Person (PEP).


In a stunning move, Farage’s previous bank, Coutts, leaked to the BBC that the decision to drop him as a customer was a result of him falling below the financial threshold of having one million deposited in the bank. Mr Farage criticised the bank for leaking his private financial details after the political firestorm broke out after the debanking went public.


‘Mr Brexit’ also said that he had been below the threshold for some time before the decision to drop him was made by the bank. The BBC’s Simon Jack also acknowledged many other customers at the once prestigious bank had come forward saying that their accounts were unaffected by falling below the threshold.


Meanwhile, in another example of debanking in Britain, Anglo-Russian aristocrat Alexandra Tolstoy alleged the NatWest bank, which owns Coutts, had closed her account without providing a justification.


Tolstoy, a distant relative of author Leo Tolstoy, and the daughter of former UKIP politician Count Nikolai Tolstoy, said she believed the decision to drop her as a customer was a result of her name, as she does not air her political beliefs in public.


“The irony is it’s like the Soviet Union. Only they would at least tell you what you are accused of. Even in the kangaroo courts of Stalin, you knew what you were being accused of,” she told The Telegraph.


“It is absolutely extraordinary that this is happening in this country. I have no idea what I’m being accused of, maybe it’s a mistake, maybe it’s my name.”


Debanking Has Arrived: Farage Pursues Legal Action as He’s Left Without Bank Account


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) June 30, 2023

Anonymous ID: 9ff24c July 6, 2023, 6:54 a.m. No.19132553   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Our Duty’s founder Keith Jordan told the broadsheet they were notified by the bank they were not eligible for a business account because “the content of your website conflicts with the culture and ideas we are pushing


So they are admitting they are not a bank per se, but a political arm of left wing cause and will continue to push transgenderism!Time to boycott this bank UK

Anonymous ID: 9ff24c July 6, 2023, 6:57 a.m. No.19132561   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2571 >>2602 >>2669 >>2807 >>3034 >>3169 >>3235

Jill Biden Claims Husband Is ‘The Education President,’ But Nation’s Test Scores Are At Historic Low


Frances FlorescaJuly 05, 2023 9:22 PM ET


First lady Jill Biden claimed President Joe Biden is “the education president” in her address to the largest teachers union in the United States July 4, but the nation’s test scores are reportedly at a historic low.


“I knew that Joe would always be the education president, because he knows that our nation’s — you know, the success of our nation starts with you, the educators who shape our students’ lives,” the first lady said, according to the speech posted by the White House.


After Jill Biden spoke and introduced President Biden, he said “educators have champions in the White House.”


“You know, I’ve often say — and you’re tired of hearing me saying it, probably, but — children are the kite strings — they’re not somebody else’s chi- — they’re all our children,” he said, according to the speech.


However, 13-year-olds have shown drops in mathematics and reading test scores, according to the Nation’s Report Card.

Anonymous ID: 9ff24c July 6, 2023, 7:04 a.m. No.19132579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2591 >>2669 >>2807 >>3034 >>3169 >>3235

A Kanekoa Special: Investigative Journalist DESTROYS Creepy Deranged Mark Zuckerberg on Launch of His New Facebook Threads Platform

By Jim Hoft Jul. 6, 2023 8:45 am


Facebook founder and deranged liar Mark Zuckerberg is set to launch his new Twitter knock-off today “Threads.”The new platform promises to continue in the tradition of Facebook in silencing and censoring any conservative who dares to speak truth on the platform.

It may not happen right away, but if you are a conservative you will see your shares and likes plummet as you stray into off-limit topics like Hunter Biden’s laptop or vaccine deaths.


Our advice is to stay far away from anything this frothing dishonest psychopath puts his name on.


Kanekoa the Great celebrated the launch of threads with this brutal takedown of Mark Zuckerberg and his history of deceit and throttling of life-saving information.


#1 – Mark Zuckerberg privately told Facebook execs to be cautious about mRNA vaccines because “we just don’t know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people’s DNA and RNA.” He then censored scientists, doctors, and mRNA vaccine-injured individuals.


#2 – On March 15, 2020, Mark Zuckerberg emailed Tony Fauci and said, “I also wanted to share a few ideas of ways we could help you get your message out.” Zuckerberg proceeded to censor scientists, doctors, and citizens who opposed Fauci’s school closures, lockdowns, and mandates.


#3 – Mark Zuckerberg banned numerous vaccine injury support groups with hundreds of thousands of members because Facebook classified vaccine injuries as “malinformation,” or potentially factual information that still should be censorsed because it might foster vaccine hessitancy.


#4 – Mark Zuckerberg banned George Hu’s vaccine injury support group after Hu, a software engineer who created Washington’s Covid Vaccine website, developed tinnitus from the vaccine. “Some people think this is misinformation, but this is the truth. It is actually happening.”


#5 – Mark Zuckerberg told Joe Rogan that he censored the Hunter Biden laptop story leading up to the 2020 election based on a general request from the FBI. This is tantamount to rigging a US presidential election that was determined by only 44,000 votes in three swing states.


#6 – Mark Zuckerberg $400 million funding to CTCL, a non-profit, that then gave the money to government election offices with strings attached, which amounted to Democrat get-out-the-vote efforts, widespread mail-in voting, ballot curing, and influence over election policies.


#7 – Numerous books, documentaries, and investigations have shed light on how Mark Zuckerberg provided $400 million in funding for drop-box ballot operations nationwide, covered the salaries of election officials, and fundamentally influenced the outcome of the 2020 election.


#8 – In Texas, Ohio, Nevada, Minnesota, Georgia, Florida, Arizona, and Pennsylvania, 90% of Mark Zuckerberg’s CTCL funds went to Democrat counties, funding get-out-the-vote operations, ballot drop boxes, and granting access to state voter files for left-leaning organizations.


#9 – Mark Zuckerberg then spied on the private messages of Americans who questioned the integrity of the 2020 election and reported them to the FBI. Facebook reported Americans who expressed anti-government sentiments to the FBI’s domestic terrorism unit.


#10 – Last month, Mark Zuckerberg admitted that a lot of the information he censored during COVID turned out to be true. However, Facebook has not made any commitment to altering its policy and will persist in censoring content on behalf of the US government and Zuckerberg’s wims.


# 11 – In fact, Mark Zuckerberg hired one of the CIA’s most senior agents until 2019, and placed him in charge of deciding what Americans see and don’t see on Facebook. Facebook’s entire trust and safety department is filled with former FBI and CIA agents.


#12 – In summary, Mark Zuckerberg launches a Twitter rip-off with mass censorship after he has already lost the public’s trust. He stifled scientific criticism that he himself expressed, reported American’s private messages to the FBI, and aggressively censored factual information.

Anonymous ID: 9ff24c July 6, 2023, 7:34 a.m. No.19132685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2807 >>3034 >>3169 >>3235

Declassified JFK Documents Reveal Swedish Man Predicted JFK’s Assassination, 10 Days Beforehand Said ‘Within Two Weeks President Kennedy Would Be Assassinated on a Trip Among His Own People

By Anthony Scott Jul. 6, 2023 8:15 am

On June 27th, the Biden administration released 1,103 documents pertaining to JFK’s assassination in accordance to the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act.


Despite releasing some documents the Biden admin ultimately decided to postpone releasing all of the classified documents.


In the latest JFK file dump, a documentthat originated from the CIA revealed an American from New Jersey named Jay Albrecht who was residing in Stockholm, Sweden entered the US embassy in Stockholm on November 29th 1963 and asked to speak to an embassy officer.


After being arranged a meeting with an embassy officer, Albrecht told an officer that his former girlfriend Charlotte Aberg (Swedish citizen) told him that her boyfriend Karl-Erik Ridderstrale (Swedish citizen) said ‘Within two weeks President Kennedy would be assassinated while on a trip among his own people’.


Albrecht claimed Ridderstrale made these statements while drunk on November 15, 1963 just seven days before Kennedy’s assassination.


Albrecht later shared Ridderstrale was a “left winger and strong supporter of Fidel Castro.”


Charlotte Aberg later came to the Swedish embassy and shared the same story as Albrecht but did have some minor differences in details.


Aberg stated Ridderstrale made the comments about JFK’s murder about 10 days beforehand and not seven as Albrecht stated.


After sharing her testimony with an officer at the US embassy she was advised to give the information to Swedish authorities.


Swedish authorities eventually investigated Ridderstrale and told Aberg that Ridderstrale never remembers saying anything about JFK’s assassination nor did he know anything beforehand about the US president’s death.


Read the entire document here.