>>19133985 lb
Let me tell you something.
So I am tired, sober, I put myself to sleep in the morning, b/c all my life I was a night bird.
I do not know why, but always made night-day, playing cards w/ friends, or biliard, or just traveling in a taxi to some place and come back.
so, back to the story.
I go to sleep, I put some documentary on phone or tablet, and when I am about to sleep, like something do not let me, and make me jump from bed, in my ass, anger, frustrated……then again………. so imagine this, 4 nights in the row. I had to fucking go to buy some wine, then sleep 10 hours like a baby. but this was not the only time………. since I came here, only this I have. 2,3 nights, only once 4 nights w/p sleep, but 2,3 are regular now. I have a bit and become alcoholic……….