Anonymous ID: 3e958b June 26, 2018, 2:59 p.m. No.1913818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3853 >>3883 >>3887 >>3890 >>3907 >>3943 >>3945 >>4000 >>4073 >>4203 >>4204 >>4237

Hey anons, longtime lurker first time poster here.


As someone who was taught from birth that any view expressed by the right wing was inherently dangerous to human rights, I've been giving a lot of thought to the most effective red pills for those with ingrained left-leaning/progressive politics. I’ve been very encouraged to see posts by others here on this issue, and agree with the anons who are recommending harnessing the power of curiousity because it’s a great antidote to the fear-based fixed thinking that the cabal has been engineering.


Through my process of redpilling, the ONLY thing that ever penetrated the conditioning was facts. Cold, hard, indisputable facts. Any time my redpiller strayed into rhetoric or value judgements, the emotions that were triggered in me were an intense fear that said redpiller was on the road to fascism, and righteous anger hooked into the idea of protecting the weak and vulnerable. This is why they're pushing the child separation angle so hard. They've based their conditioning on the primal drive to protect, and it’s all tangled up with some of the best qualities humans have: compassion and love.


My point is that once those emotions have been triggered, it’s game over for any kind of constructive conversation, and certainly game over for any expansion of thinking (till another day…).


The first piece of information that really sunk in for me was the stats on child trafficking/pedophile arrests since Trump came into office. It was the first incontrovertible evidence I saw that gave validity to this “conspiracy theory”. It was also so at odds with the mainstream/public narrative that it helped to jar me out of the way I’d been taught to see the world. And it made me suspicious that such big news had not been reported.


For any of you who are in the trenches of redpilling liberals, or for meme-makers who are inspired to make ammo for this mission, here are some thoughts:


- Focus on stats and facts from sources that are difficult to discredit. (The mindset the cabal has engineered demands that you discredit both opinions and “manipulation” of facts and stats of those committing thought crimes).


- Follow the money – stats on public officials and politicians who’ve made millions during their time in office


- are very difficult to justify. I’d love to see more memes with barcharts or graphics showing net worth vs salary for key members of TeamEvil, perhaps compared with the same stats for /ourguys/ who can presumably show a baseline for what corruption doesn’t look like. (I can’t meme for shit so I’ll leave it to the experts ;P)


- Stats on global child trafficking rates and arrests over the years (ie changes before and after Trump came in). The stats I saw on here yesterday about how many kids disappeared from foster care during BHO administration could be really useful for those who are currently being told that Trump is “kidnapping” kids. Meme the fuck outa that lads.


- Once the seeds of doubt have been sown, maps of connections/payoffs between key players can be very useful (starting simpler, progressively getting more complicated once it begins to sink in).


- Exposing the corruption of Red Cross and other charities, and their links to CF etc, is some of the most damning (and disgusting) evidence there is. Once you realize you’ve been manipulated into giving money to charities to protect children, and that it was used to abuse and traffic them instead, the entire fucking narrative collapses.


- Autists, you probably figured this out already, but just in case: obscure cryptographical proofs based on time deltas etc are ABSOLUTELY UNCONVINCING to those still living in the matrix. They are absolutely essential once you’re redpilled, because they prove the reliability of our intel, but tbh I’m not even sure Q is a good place to start. Seems to me there’s more than enough info on Clinton corruption, Haiti etc in the public sphere, and that’s a lot easier to swallow that spy shenanigans in the dark corner of the interwebs. Save the fun stuff for later!


Thanks for all your work lads. Meme hard and win bigly.

Anonymous ID: 3e958b June 26, 2018, 3:39 p.m. No.1914241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4281


Yes, that graph is exactly the kind of thing I mean, thanks anon!



I was also referring to an article posted yesterday about there being at least 60000 kids "lost" from foster care during BHO administration. I tried to find the post but couldn't. Anyone remember that one?

Anonymous ID: 3e958b June 26, 2018, 3:46 p.m. No.1914320   🗄️.is 🔗kun


At this point in time it seems to me to be less about voting and more about helping everyone stay calm so (((they))) can't start riots. Helping people have an open mind so we can all think clearly.


I think everything is going to look a lot different once the dust has settled.