Anonymous ID: 5cc752 June 26, 2018, 2:31 p.m. No.1913524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3725 >>3971



That was the big psyche bomb that Snowden dropped. That they know everything about you and you know little or nothing about them.


Than enraged me back then.


They use to use religion to instill the fear of God in you to direct behavior and manufacture moral consensus now they use technology to instill the fear in you of those that control it.


So if they got everything, it is a matter of who is controlling it at any given time and what they want to use it to manipulate and master.


Wait till AI is in complete control and looses a screw and randomly redistributes the bell curve for fun. You'll never even know you where a nail when the hammer hits your head.


I suppose what we are involved in now and perhaps have in one way or another always been subject to is a WAR over who controls IT and the message.


I think about it now more than i have every have in my life. I speak with God directly now as a kind of psychological defense against this feeling of the loss of control of privacy and intimate data that makes me a unique individual.


So I will not equate a machine or those that control it to being God.


Perhaps its like have an imaginary friend when your a kid to help you work though shit and help you keep you sanity when everything around you is seriously fucked up.