I want proof Q isn't a honeypot. I can't in good conscience vote Republican if I think they're just two sides of the same coin. Surely if Trump can convince some Reps to be pro-USA, he can convince some Dems? Do those exist yet? I want legal abortion and free healthcare. I also want the swamp drained. WHERE DO I FIT INTO THIS WORLD UUGHHHHHHHHHh 2018 STILL NOT GLORIOUS
Wow Bill is realllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy good at being sneaky
Dont be reductionist. That's not at all what I'm saying. (s)he's clearly not in it for America
I believe. I trust the plan. I'm hoping that prior to Nov there will be some glorious happenings.
There's gotta be right? Surely Q et al realizes that the odds are too close for comfort without some explosive happenings.
So i take it you're unfamiliar with the death penalty?
What is a child? What is life? Are you a murderer when you jerk it?