Anonymous ID: e720fe June 26, 2018, 2:37 p.m. No.1913560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3609 >>3614 >>3659 >>3682 >>3696 >>3746 >>3771 >>3784 >>3847 >>3857 >>3907 >>3961 >>3970 >>4188 >>4203

Trump hints at abolition of FED, Income Tax at today's press conference after victory at the Supreme Court.


Reposting from 2409 post 1912167 because I think more people should hear this. Start around the 33 minute mark. Trump brings up how wealthy our country was during President McKinley's administration. McKinley one of many great leaders killed by (((them))) How we had no Tariffs, Income Tax, no Debt and Great Wealth!!


Seeds Planted! Destroy the FED!