Anonymous ID: 4f40b5 July 6, 2023, 7:05 p.m. No.19136139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6165


Pg 38


This is why there even exists a cult who want the people divided. In order to even see other human beings as 'sheep' and 'cattle', one must first have brought forth a psychologically divided self.

The cult who see themselves as Gods are expressing a megalomaniacal self-estrangement so acute that they cannot help but 'see' humanity as divided, and why they foment and immediately react with accusatory hysteria to isolated instances of antagonism and conflict between people: These events are perceived validations of their own internally divided egos.

Anonymous ID: 4f40b5 July 6, 2023, 7:29 p.m. No.19136257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6357


imho, by shining a light on the 'loudest' (by information density) sources of inconsistencies, of projected self-estrangement accusations masquerading as empirical insight of all other consciousnesses.


This will minimize any self-division 'mind virus' from spreading.


Once the people then SEE that who they formerly trusted as conveying an honest and sincere set of 'observations of problems' in the world, are in fact the sources of the very division narrative they claim to be 'reporting' on, then the 'mind virus' is stopped dead in its tracks.


The terrible truth is that centuries of misplaced trust has allowed 'evil' (defined as the psychological self-division manifesting in destruction/division in praxis) to spread and infiltrate virtually every institution.


The only way to heal is for the deceived to realize the division they accepted and trusted is and never was a reflection of their true selves, but an inconsistency in thought, which can be undone and fixed.


This is why the Q project, the first attempt in history to fix this 'bug' in the logos of the narrative, needed something that not even the largest inconsistency can overrun:


Anonymous ID: 4f40b5 July 6, 2023, 7:45 p.m. No.19136357   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Hegel's apotheosis of the 'Self as Mind of God', religion later influenced Karl Marx who 'stood Hegel on its head' and, contrary to 'negating' Hegel, ended up logically structuring his entire life's work on the Hegelian schema, and placed God as the human species evolving itself towards the end state of communism.