The reason 'toxic masculinuty' was attacked during the MAGA saga is because that is what actually gets a man laid and keep their woman.
Nah I got by with just being funny and knowing how to keep a conversation going. But I realize now the times when I kept the female was when I was the correct dosage of asshole.
The moment you start giving into women, in their head they will say to themselves "this pathetic idiot lost to a 100lb girl".
Doesn't matter how much the most liberal Lesbian preaches about toxic masculinity, when the right guy comes along they'll let you do whatever you want to her.
Doesn't matter how enlightened humans are, we are still Beasts in the end - chop wood, carry water.
The most important thing we can do as Humans is get married and only have children under that circumstances to keep the family unit intact. Probably the most important rule from God.
If you don't get married then yeah, helping protect other families and the family unit in general is honorable.
I concur.
Q is an alcoholic confirmed.